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55852001 No.55852001 [Reply] [Original]

I am on work travel in Hamburg and thinking of doing that today

Maybe even hit up some good looking zoomer ladies

>> No.55852018

>still caring about what others think
your life is almost half way over. time to grow up, lil nigger.

>> No.55852040

You are wondering if it's OK to go to a bar alone, but chatting up zoomer girls in said bar is A-OK? How does your confidence system works anon?

>> No.55852048

I turn 35 in 3 months. Plz delet this post.

>> No.55852050

I am an autistic programmer working with kubernetes but I got a "out of office stipend" for like 60 euros per night here I can spend tax free

and I am here for 2 weeks setting up a cluster for a client

>> No.55852054

Everything a middle aged man does is cringe, embrace the cringe

>> No.55852058

>your life is almost half way over
>ALMOST half way

>> No.55852060

Seriously? Work travelers do this all the time.

>> No.55852084

When it comes to doing things alone, it all comes down to if you’re doing it out of choice, or out of necessity.

If you're a normal person with a normal social life going alone to a bar is nothing special, but if you're a lonely loser going alone to a bar because you are a lonely loser then it will definitely be cringe for you and the people around you in the bar as well. Same goes for any other activity, be it travelling or going to movies etc.
It is what it is, neurotypicals always win in the real world.

>> No.55852087

Iam in Hamburg aswell, wanna groom together?

>> No.55852105

What I mean is, you are affraid to go to a bar, but not of chatting
zoomers (especially if autistic)?
In my head, chatting zoomers>going to a bar in terms of anxiety, but you don't seem to be wired the same.

>> No.55852130

Be careful...a lot of whores in Hamburg, they'll go back to your hotel room, drug you and steal your crypto.

>> No.55852134

It’s cringe that you care

>> No.55852151
File: 74 KB, 680x850, a70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not afaraid, just wondering what the $CURRENT_THING is about pic related

I can't judge body language or social norms

>> No.55852184

kubernetes is hell (actually a great tool)

>> No.55852363

Don't waste your money at a bar where you're not gonna get laid. Just get a hooker

>> No.55852533

It doesn't fucking matter, I'm 24 and I have been cringe from birth. You are just fine.

>> No.55852561

Just do it.
The last time I was in Germany (before COVID) I went to a nightclub with some coworkers and ended up going back to a hotel room with this super hot German slut.
I found out she was 16, half my age, but then I remembered that's perfectly legal in Deutschland.

>> No.55852602

since you're working with le germans my i ask you if you're company is also full of streetshit turkish pajeet muhammed code monkeys who doesn't have a single clue what they're actually doing most of the time?

today i was watching turkish guy writing two lines of code for a fucking HOUR until i started to guide him on each fucking letter. Jeez

> working in the Germany biggest ex-startups

>> No.55852614

*t. Working in one of the Germany biggest ex-startup

>> No.55852634

Why don't you try enjoying yourself faggot. This is all a larp anyway...

>> No.55852718

Euro women despite obviously not being as good as Saudi women are a thousand times less judgmental and cunty than fat burger whores and they are much better looking. They all smoke though. Just buy a pack of cigs and ask if she wants to go for a smoke after you talk to her at the bar then you can probably fuck her.

>> No.55853051

no not at all, the most foreigners are either ukrainian/russian or based polaks

the pajeets don't know german