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55847377 No.55847377 [Reply] [Original]

4.4 million DOT / over $21M locked in staking by an unknown wallet? And you're not feeling bullish? Come on, anon. Numbers don't fib.

>> No.55847711

DOT is a scam

>> No.55847729
File: 391 KB, 790x2257, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science

>> No.55848225

Give me a valid reason moron

>> No.55848473

Source: trust me bro

>> No.55848688

Then why dot is not pumping? Jesus christ

>> No.55848939

I hope you're okay?

>> No.55849313

This is funny. That means you're an idiot

>> No.55849324

Can you physically hold this "Dot" stuff you speak of like gold and silver? No?
Sound uninteresting to me.
You don't hold it, you don't own it.

>> No.55849629

I think you know the answer

>> No.55849640

How old are you in the crypto realm ???

>> No.55849648

Does anyone need a valid reason to confirm that DOT is a scam

>> No.55849676

Ok: it has only 7000 active addresses in its ecosystem

>> No.55849682

This is fake news fuck.

>> No.55849706

Dot is bullshit

>> No.55849711

Polkadot is nothing but a _____.

>> No.55849740

Who's using Polkadot?

>> No.55849780

I don't know this coin.

>> No.55849823

How did you come up with this?

>> No.55849844
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You're supposed to wait a couple posts before FUDposting again, Supreet!

>> No.55850157
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You're in darkness anon, Polkadot allows arbitrary data not just tokens to be transferred across blockchains. dyor

>> No.55850218

They need spoonfeeding?

>> No.55850256

just deutsche telekom, but the parachains are another thing. dyor

>> No.55850421

Parachains bring beefed-up security, interoperability, and scalability to the game. Winning a parachain slot means a project is worth adopting.

>> No.55850471

If I had put 1000 into Kaspa I'd have had about 8000 extra today to spend on PMs
I didn't. Not because of FUD either, but because I got lazy.
Just like buying PMs at a good time (watching for dips, deals, scrap you can get melted/refined) you make the right moves and you'll get more.
I literally watching KAS being adopted and used to pay in real places and didn't make the right move.
Not saying a KAS 8X comes along every day, but it's a big pay off for a little research and action (a few clicks).

>> No.55850483

Parachains are worthless parasites

>> No.55850493

It is not. I saw this, but I'm puzzled as to why the token fails to pump despite the fact that this amount was staked.

>> No.55850524
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You're not entirely off base, but you're not completely on the money either. Yeah, some of those Polkadot parachains might not be knocking it out of the park, and a few are still in the works. But don't go painting them all with the same brush, anon. It's a case-by-case deal.

>> No.55850609

pedochain not needed

>> No.55850619

You owe me an explanation

>> No.55850655

I'm just putting it out there – you can't slap a blanket judgment on parachains, dude. Scope out the ones packing real-world uses that benefits everyone. Time to open those eyes, come on.

>> No.55850727

And nothing serves like that

>> No.55850756

What does that mean

>> No.55850804

Seems like you're not really venturing out, huh? Instead of moaning around here, why not give the DePIN narrative a shot? That's where the eyes are at, people are watching.

>> No.55850893

So polkadot is scam?
What are you talking on Depin

>> No.55850949


>> No.55850971
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It means idiot like you is not aware of Polkadot capabilities. it enables the transfer of various types of data across different blockchains, offering a more versatile and interconnected ecosystem

>> No.55850991

Hey anon, I get where you're coming from, but there's some truth to the DePIN buzz. It's shaking things up and catching attention for a reason

>> No.55851002

Come on anon, it's about throwing out tokens as a sweet incentive to get communities fired up about building physical infrastructure networks – stuff like mobility, EV charging, telecoms, you name it. All because big corps are too darn greedy.

>> No.55851083

Nothing is working already

>> No.55851135

But I ain't gonna set my hopes sky-high. Show me some serious moves, not just talk. That's the kind of pride devs should be flaunting.
Time to sit tight and watch, anon. Let's see how iotex, peaq, helium, and render network dish out some good news for the community.

>> No.55851160

Seems like you've got a bag of shitcoin, that's why you're looking to swap. Better to go for utility and avoid getting rekt.

>> No.55851180

Do some digging on Peaqnetwork, RNDR, or IoTEX, and you'll see what I mean, anon

>> No.55851219

Another day another shit

>> No.55851350
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I ain't shilling any coins. Just read what I'm saying, stay on track anon and be wise.
If you don't understand these networks, you'll end up clueless and might buy trash coins. Don't do dumb stuff. Learn to read and understand few narratives in crypto and blockchain.

>> No.55851353

You are fucked anon shit works when a billionaire mentions it and it matter since they have good stuff not hose that are purely on social media hype.

>> No.55851383
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Got it, but sometimes a little excitement about potential opportunities doesn't hurt either. Stay open-minded and stay on your toes.

>> No.55851465
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>DePIN buzz

I'm seeing a lot of sh*t about this, and many of these retards believe this would disrupt established conventional physical infrastructure networks. None of the Web3 sectors have actually done the unspeakable, and this won't be the first to do that. Keep believing shit, idiot.

>> No.55851518

Sounds so pathetic rn. Pundit can speculate about it, but that does not mean it will trend. I'm yet to see the true picture that this aspect highlights. Which established institution or organization wants to leverage this? I bet none. Many can show high interest in blockchain tech just for a purpose, and that's to harness the edge it has to their advantage, not to democratize rewards.

>> No.55851575

Maybe true maybe not

>> No.55851656

So it's just a pure hype

>> No.55851689

pajeets working overtime in this thread right now

>> No.55851844

I don't care if this is or not. This is the same narrative sol and the icpeeeeeee are pushing that's void of price action despite little enterprise interest in using them as a settlement layout.

>> No.55851933

It could be, but for CG to recognize this sector, it could be the next spotlight that will trend gray like every other sector. Personally,. I don't give a fuck about utility with real-world applications again. I've been a baggie on Algo, Fil, and Link. When I was supposed to sell, I didn't, and I felt it'd do much better if big institutions started showing interest. But it all failed.

>> No.55851944
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The fact that I hate DOT doesn't mean I won't leverage their platform to own a fraction of Tesla on Eloop, Faggot.

>> No.55852094

Based Anon. Not only will Multi-Chain Machine IDs be interoperable between the Cosmos & Polka, but they will also be brought to KSM.

>> No.55852147

You didn't mention EOT, Anon. Both are offering the most real-world implementations for blockchain tech to date. Move your lazy a$$ and DYOR

>> No.55852212

Decentralized physical infrastructure will transform the power grids, transport, agric and much, much more. Get this in to your d*ck head, Anon.

>> No.55852416
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Blockchain outcomes depend on how it's set up, who's in charge, token sharing, and what folks want. If it's made to be fair and open, blockchain can democratize rewards and chances for everyone. That's the essence of being inclusive and decentralized.

>> No.55852452
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I'm scooping more KREST to be eligible for another token airdrop, Fag.

>> No.55852473

I just would like to know who they want liquidated so bad...

>> No.55852489

You're a retarded Fag. Web3 will allow me to own and monetize my health data on wearables via Brainstem Health. Don't talk sh*t on the biz.

>> No.55852538

Imagine a scenario where Pajeet will govern and earn as connected machines provide goods and services.

>> No.55852558

What's worse, dot or link?

>> No.55852572
File: 2 KB, 125x124, bhdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're delusional anon, Polkadot is based and you should read up on innovation in their parachain auction, the current winner Peaq would be utilizing its ecosystem to bring machine services to users in the space.

>> No.55852601

while you are arguing on the biz, Jeets are anticipating to give a shot at blockchain-based Tesla/Jaguar charging and parking, with MoveID gaiax.

>> No.55852612

That's what makes decentralization cool. Some blockchain projects talk about it, but not all can pull it off. It could be due to lack of backing or their own interests.

>> No.55852670

Are you saying that if it's structured to be equitable and transparent, this has the potential to level the playing field by offering equal opportunities in DePINs?

>> No.55852709
File: 11 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the dumbest comments I've seen here. This place ain't for you, bot. Stay off. Keep blabbing shit-shit posters.

>> No.55852768

My DOT is staked but I'm still open minded for whatever the space brings. I'm now looking at loyalty rewards program available on CryptMI, Avalanche vista foundation and Zksync NFTs.

>> No.55853440

No doubt about that anon, I've had the sector on my radar with ecosystems like Polkadot and Cosmos which are bringing a new set of utilities to Defi.

>> No.55853795

It's not true

>> No.55853853

You're right anon, One of them is the multi-chain machine IDs from fetch ai agents.

>> No.55854360


Does this imply that PolkaDot and the Cosmos ecosystem are DePIN? Absolutely not. I'm quite knowledgeable about the Cosmos ecosystem. This achievement was made possible through one of the DePIN solutions that will run as parachains, collaborating with Fet for data exchange.

>> No.55854846

maybe it's a wallet address from deutsche telekom, because they say the polkadot network is their biggest experiment. but I was a little surprised too, because I knew the network consisted of many whales. I still believe in this project because parity is also thinking about tokenomics with plebs in mind, they created nomination pools (staking pools, fuck lido), lowered the inflation rate to 6% (polkadot.subscan.io) and both the DAO and parity itself support wallets for plebs such as nova wallet and subwallet. but what I like the most is that they let acala rot in hell because of liquid staking and let them when ausd depegging happened (it was the fault of bryan chen because of the misconfiguration of kBTC-aUSD pools). While the DAO although not as critical as Maker they are still active during the bear market, anyway they are still very much thinking about tokenomics but supporting conferences from clear regional communities while constantly rejecting beggars like youtubers, obscure people and the one that made me laugh the most was that they refused to donate to the earthquake in Turkey. Whale is also thinking about tokenomics, many of them sometimes unstake when the staking ratio is more than 50% because they take advantage of the token burn that occurs when the staking ratio is less than 50% of the remaining inflation rate amount - staking rewards will be accommodated by the treasury and some percentage of tokens in the treasury will be burned every epoch because in his vision this is for 'punishment' when the DAO does not consume the treasury, but almost everyone knows that it can be used as a tokenburn.

>> No.55854983

In short, you're bullish too

>> No.55854993
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Smart move chad, I read holders would earn daily revenue from the asset.

>> No.55855039

You seem to be very knowledgeable anon, I was really into polkadot over the last 2 years (participated to the last private sale) but kinda lost hope recently DESU... Sold 2/3 of my dot after unstaking it (the 28 days unlock period was also a pain in the ass to be honest) and thinking about selling the rest, which will be unlocked in October (crowdloaned to moonbeam), but your post is making me think twice now... I'm basically thinking that Eth and its l2s basically won the war and that alternative l1s will die a slow death, but it's true that there is a fair amount of institutional adoption with polkadot. When I see that the kusamarian and other dot shills on CT barely get any traction this also makes me a little worried to be honest...

>> No.55855414

Don't be retarded jeet. Its already taking effect in the space with based innovations like the tokenized Teslas from Eloop. Do some research before spewing BS.

>> No.55855586

I am, everyday dyor for 2 hour about this ecosystem
Almost everyone knows in the polkadot community that when you are shilling, it might be monitored by the SEC, because even though the token is morphing, we haven't gotten an official press release from them yet (my trust level is only 80% for this project). I don't agree when you complain 28 for unstaking, it's to avoid spam 51% attack and some whale dumping after unstaking. for moonbeam I believe because someone here is shilling honestly, the project fully followed with what the whitepaper already stated and when you see from dextools and defillama about TVL or volume don't be too concerned if theres no canary chain i'm sure they triple from that. I think this is the trade off of canary chains, and canary chains itself is already working well like when karura ausd depeg happened but stupid dev ignored depeg and the codebase upgraded into acala, and another thing when kBTC was misconfigured with BTC address but they quickly corrected it (just look at alaxey zamyatin's face and education, if only he went to the gym...). well layer 0 polkadot possibility can dominate people just confused which one they should invest in, and still many of them just know the wallet is ugly (it's dev wallet not for midwit moonbois). While cosmos in terms of staking and DAO alone makes turn you off

>> No.55855740

I'm from avax, even though emin has entered some inbred worm muncher elites circle but I'm sure he's still a slave, some people from reddit know that the organization kyle roche used to work for has connections in legal entities (it gets glowier when you read cryptoleaks) but when he doesn't funnel funds to the circle I'm sure SEC will go after him if you go to reddit then you will see infodump why avax is shilling a lot on twitter and 4chan (it's like MLM) and the technology itself is actually more complicated than polkadot and the bridges are mostly centralized, the amount of inflation rate (just go to archive. org compare the number of tokens during the bullrun and now) and don't forget how many network outages that chain had. tech wise I am more confident that polkadot can win when the network itself is fully sharded, 3 years have never had a network outage when polkadot itself is layer 0, parachain with fully decentralized and overcolaterallized btc bridge. what makes me not fully bullish on it is only when they have EVM from parity but gavin woods and robert habermeier do not contribute instead they are held by some chink. We know how it turned out, pwning.eth trashed it and wormhole exploit happened. basically if the evm had an outage or hack large chunk of people would gladly gtfo from the ecosystem

>> No.55855797

Avalanche is regularly shilled here. I don't see Polkadot being discussed much here.

>> No.55855807

Appreciate the through answer - it's true that the default wallet is not that appealing to "regular people" but the state of the market with all the memecoins and shitty nfts like apes, etc, really made me doubt that the actually vision of crypto (in short, smart contracts, trust minimisation as discussed by serguey in his keynote 2 years ago) is still many year away if it will ever happen..
Last bullrun was really an eye opener, seeing shib and other shitcoins moon to the max where solid projects like link or dot barely performed was kind of disheartening , and when I look at twitter now crypto seems to be mostly about shitty influencers shilling lame defi Plays, stuff like rollbit or some weird self improvement crap. Hope this will change eventually but how long it's going to take is still up in the air (maybe 5 more years?) Another thing that bugs me is that ccip might actually be in direct concurrence to poladots xcmp model, I participated to polkadot decoded a few times, and last time I asked the Devs during the xcm talk if they looked at ccip and how xcmp compared to it, they didn't even know about it, which was a bit of a red flag desu... That's why I'm thinking about moving the rest of my dot stack to link basically, and just keep my moonbeam bag as exposure to the dot ecosystem - but the staking rewards are pretty sweet not gonna lie - although in my country they are a ballache taxwise as they are considered income, and every reward I get I need to pay half of it in cash to the tax office no matter the price...

>> No.55855841

Polkadot had an outage actually at the beginning iirc, but it lasted about a day - probably findable with a Google search

>> No.55855860

I was making a few generals in 2021 with a bit of discussions, but they fizzled out quite often, had to bump them quite often

>> No.55855922

Found it https://www.polkadot.network/blog/a-polkadot-postmortem-24-05-2021 didn't last long and went almost unnoticed at the time

>> No.55856040

thanks i guess i missinformed some people now...

>> No.55856148

>polkadot decoded
how was the event? was it good? how did the institutional investors react about the vision?
ieah, I hope you are one of the OG linkies. the bad thing about polkadot dev is that they are probably too focused on the project, not keeping up with information from other competitors (maybe they know about ccip but don't want to discuss it), then how did the other people react when they heard the answer to your question? Their biggest mistake was a bad wallet for retailers (personally I also turned off when they hired some indian guy to explain how to participate in staking, dumpster of fire). i find it funny when a project 'fail' because of their official wallet. other than the link I hope you've bought eth in the past.
u are eu faggots arn't you?

>> No.55856383

>polkadot decoded
>how was the event? was it good? how did the institutional investors react about the vision?
I attended remotely so that's a bit hard to say - there seemed to have been quite a bit of attendees however. I did attend one subzero event, that was ok, a mix of Devs and VC types plus a bunch of people working in crypto...
>ieah, I hope you are one of the OG linkies.
Since 2017 had a nice stack and sold during the 2020/2021 run with some Eth, made quite a bit of money (about 800k) and now rebuilding my position
> the bad thing about polkadot dev is that they are probably too focused on the project, not keeping up with information from other competitors (maybe they know about ccip but don't want to discuss it), then how did the other people react when they heard the answer to your question?
It was in the chat that I asked, the dude who answered me was a parity Dev called dan iirc...
> biggest mistake was a bad wallet for retailers (personally I also turned off when they hired some indian guy to explain how to participate in staking, dumpster of fire).
Yups pretty painful...
>i find it funny when a project 'fail' because of their official wallet. other than the link I hope you've bought eth in the past.
Bought my first BTC in 2010, even mined some on my work's computers at the time (you could mine with a webpage these days, crazy times, mined 0.4 BTC that way). Got into Eth in 2016 and traded shitcoins since then (started on bittrex, good times...) Been on biz since 2016 I think, I went through it all, back when crypto discussions were in one single thread on here called crypto general iirc... A lot of memories about shitcoins like bitbay, pivx and all that crap
>u are eu faggots arn't you?
Ahaha yups, busted!

>> No.55856449


>> No.55856651

You're a delusional retarded sub human. How is earning incentives from your health data through wearable devices not based?

>> No.55857603

Based anon, I slurped 500 tokens when it went live on Mexc a few days back and holding in a non custodial wallet.

>> No.55857611

Buy na haha

>> No.55858014

Looks like Tesla is partnered with a lot of platforms in the space. The one I'm focusing on is Eloop for providing tokenized Teslas where users can earn from driving.

>> No.55859243

I want to buy a peaq haha

>> No.55859565

seems you born to win anon, I know crypto from 2014 but taken seriously in 2022 after got blackpilled how bad my shitty SEA country is and now on quarter life crisis. i would suggest you to stick polkadot eco. just look at polkadot blog it's quite refreshing some institutions have balls to enter on kilt and astar eco.
other than polkadot what are your choices in this ecosystem?
I think EWT and KILT...

>> No.55859571

More than that

>> No.55860019

Wtf, Polkadot is still useful? No.

>> No.55860199

Actually I still have trac bags, moonbeam seems good to me as the normie gateway to the dot ecosystem (eventough this didn't really happen yet) - apart from that I got burnt with participating in the karura crowdloan, these bags basically turned to dust :/ got rid of my ksm bag recently to load up on link as much as possible... The astar team really looks like they have their shit together but didn't invest into it, as Mentioned I kinda lost faith about dot a little bit... But things can change quickly in this crazy market. Good luck to you mate you sound like you're going to make it

>> No.55860503

Moonbeam is doing well as a router for other cross chain evm projects. A lot of avalanche projects are committing blocks on moonbeam simply because it's the most efficient evm. Essentially moonbeam doesn't even need active users on it's own chain to be used. People transacting on avalanche dapps will have been using polkadot without even realising they were.

>> No.55860639

I have no clue what a parachain is, but I own a 1k stack of DOT

>> No.55860805

Good to know thanks for the useful info anon

>> No.55861113


>> No.55861224

How much dot was stuck in the parachains?

>> No.55861595

where did you get that info? i didn't know that...

>> No.55861920

The Australian-based vehicle sharing company allows Jeets to earn daily revenues from their fleet of Teslas.

>> No.55861934



>> No.55861939

Poorfag, you need at least 2000 tokens to participate in the 1M PEAQ airdrop. Get this into your dummy's head.

>> No.55861961

This introduces cutting-edge AI and automation to the Polkadot and KSM ecosystem, Anon.

>> No.55863063

I've been saying for three years that Parity will eat Ethereums lunch. I stand by that still.
Gavin Wood learned a whole lot more than the technical elements from his time on Ethereum. I know there is no official word from the SEC or elsewhere, but if I had to pick the winner of a fight held in Genslers backyard between Vitalik and Gavin, on paper I'd give the win to Gavin.
In practice? Well, we'll see.

>> No.55863380


>> No.55864022

BEEFY was announced to be heading to rococo and Kusama recently. Essential for light client bridging. Once it's fully merged on polkadot we'll be able to validate the entire state of ethereum and polkadot will essentially be able to more securely, quickly and efficiently bridge ethereums L2s than ethereum itself.

Ethereum and polkadot are going to merge and polkadot is going to consume everything of value on ethereum. It might take 10 years but it'll happen. It's just basic market forces.

>> No.55864723

Based. Fuck plebbitors.

>> No.55865551

intaradasting thread. thnx for breadcrumbs