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55847221 No.55847221 [Reply] [Original]

No degree, 4 months learning data science.

What are you doing with your life anon? Even girls are more disciplined than you.

>> No.55847226

Data analysts don't make $185k/yr though, gotta be at least a software engineer or a data scientist

>> No.55847241

Cope and seethe

>> No.55847309

I'm a data analyst and I started out at $75k. I also have a degree and certs.

This chick is either lying or sucked off a manager so dry he tripled her pay

>> No.55847314

Thanks for the pointer

>> No.55847383

I have qualms about sucking dick to land a job though.

>> No.55847397


>> No.55847424


Our data scientists start at $150s with 5 years of analyst experience.

>> No.55847450

Not an argument.

>> No.55847460

>4 months learning data science.

Knowing a few excel commands doesn't make you a data analyst but a glorified secretary lmao

>> No.55847523

>4 months learning data science
Incels will come up with some reason why it's impossible for them to do this.

>> No.55847536
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>4 months learning data science.

How did you become a "data scientist" with no formal degree?
I'm assuming this is self-study?
How do you even convince someone to hire you?

>> No.55847562

Roastied her way to employment.

>> No.55847578

Oh, I thought OP was relaying his own experience.

>> No.55847598

Nobody hires a data scientist or analyst without a degree.

>> No.55847619

>data analyst
fucking lul
I’d quit my job rn if I could actually make 6 figgies as an excel jockey
too bad OP’s a fucking nigger though KEK

>> No.55847636

a data analyst? maybe
a data scientist? absolutely fucking not, that usually takes a PhD unless you lucked the absolute fuck out by finding a hiring manager with literal autism or managed to suck him off

>> No.55847638

Firm handshake

>> No.55847658

>a data scientist? absolutely fucking not
Not trolling like I was here >>55847523 but I know multiple data scientists with just math bachelors who did not suck anyone off.

>> No.55847660

>a data analyst? maybe

Most companies want a degree. Any degree + certs or a certificate program degree related to data science/analytics

>> No.55847827
File: 704 KB, 1054x1612, anna nylund data scientist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55847842
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>> No.55847882

No wonder men are chopping off they're dicks and asking to be called ma'ams.

>> No.55847900

I know a guy who went to one of these camps. He said that the only people who got hired upon graduation were the women and non-whites. The camps have some sort of deal with the employers. They profit from the clueless white men who attend. The code camps have turned into a welfare system. Few realize this.

>> No.55847914

More like a firm mouthshake

>> No.55847932

One of my old managers told me how he refused to hire anyone who only had bootcamp credentials because they don't learn how to become proper employees at those places, so your story about people only getting hired to fill minority quotas or to fill kneepads checks out desu

>> No.55847943

Sounds like a milkshake

>> No.55847944

It's in the name. She's an ANALyst.

>> No.55847950

>the only people who got hired upon graduation were the women and non-whites
Not surprised.
A lot of tech companies are pushing diversity hiring.
The thing is, there's still a lot of straight white males in the system and they're the only reason everything hasn't collapsed already.
Sorry zoomer bros, but you should've been born earlier and you probably would've been hired right out of college just like I was.

>> No.55847951


>> No.55848040

Data analysts are nothing more than people whose job is 80% excel. Definitely aren't making 185k because theyre not manipulating the data in any meaningful way. It'll still pay well, just not 150k+ well.

>> No.55848044


You just sound like shitty interviewers

>> No.55848049

>Data analysts are nothing more than people whose job is 80% excel.
SQL+Tableau or Power BI. It's not 2000 anymore

>> No.55848060

>It's not 2000 anymore
And? the vast majority of data analysts help create and work with dashboards once or twice a year and don't know much of any SQL. I worked at multiple top insurers and work at a data firm now, the grunts here are clueless.

>> No.55848087

More like firm gorilla grip on the shaft

>> No.55848279


she is lying, women can't do math or code

>> No.55848331

Janitors make 140k in NYC. It's entirely plausible she landed an excel jockie job with a little sucky sucky on the side with no experience or degree in NYC.

>> No.55848929

I can't believe how hard inflation has it. just a few years ago I had never heard of anyone who wasn't an executive anywhere near 200k. now 160k is like average office wagie

>> No.55848945

another day another suifuel thread realizing half our economy is propped up by pretend workers

>> No.55849314

185k/yr isn’t a lot of money. I’m guessing we are on third world hours due to how stupid the posts are on this board

>> No.55849378


Reading this makes me hate being a data scientist at $115k. I need to find a new company to work for. I live in a medium cost of living city though

>> No.55849402

>Janitors make 140k in NYC
Is this a meme?

>> No.55849412

how old is this video?
is she shilling a specific bootcamp in it?

bootcamps grads are totally fucked in current job market. programming ones fucked, data analyst ones totally fucked

>> No.55849431

Go ahead and try it and then report back. It's only 4 months, shouldn't be too hard right?

>> No.55849539

>185k/yr isn’t a lot of money
Found the gold digging roastie.

>> No.55849791

That's really low, even for one with no experience

>> No.55849803
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>> No.55849819

What's the difference between a data analyst and a data scientist anyway?
Learning machine learning, is that it?

>> No.55849835

Ours use Python more as well. Analysts use SQL more to pick out needed data that the company wants to see and use Tableau or Power BI

>> No.55849875

I have a PhD and use Python.
So I am a data scientist?

>> No.55849878

PhD in what?

>> No.55849883

He picked up the collectible in the binding of isaac, he'll stop hallucinating soon.

>> No.55849914


>> No.55850473

I checked her stuff out and she's a decent amount of SQL which isn't hard but it's so tedious that they'll pay someone a decent salary so the other colleagues don't get headaches working with it. Even software engineer with degrees hate it so much they'd rather use something like Prisma and hide behind layers of abstraction instead of typing SELECT (*) ever again.
There's a lot of brainlets entering the industry which makes things fun for the actual pros.
You're a data scientist if you have a degree in data science or a job as a data scientist. Btw basically everyone knows either Javascript or Python. These are practically general purpose languages so using it doesn't really let anyone know what you're doing.

>> No.55850495
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>You're a data scientist if you have a degree in data science

>> No.55850533

>No degree, 4 months learning data science.

she forgot the part where she was born with a bagina; then got hired under a diversity quotum; then got her pay levelled by some HR decree with some dudes that studied for 10 years and worked in the field for another 10, because the big org didnt want to be in a position where they could be accused of having a 'pay gap'

been there, seen it over and over again

>> No.55850563

>You're a data scientist if you have a degree in data science or a job as a data scientist.
> You are a doctor is you have a degree in medicine or a job as a doctor.
Thanks for the deep insight anon, but I am afraid we are nowhere closer to a current definition of the job.

>> No.55851235

yes this is completely true, especially women will be given so much more opportunities even if they are considerably worse. Unlike what I originally naively thought, the determining factor in tech at least these days is not how good you are, not even close. Its your gender, race, and connections, with skills being secondary although you still need to know a little bit what you're doing of course. Very weird situation, where ability has become largely detached from who gets what, but shit still needs to get done and maintained. Guess that's why so much software sucks these days.

>> No.55851281

i'd suck a penis to be able to land that kind of salary but i'm kinda uggo
also have cs+math degree

>> No.55851308

I'm a Data Analyst and earn £12/hr

>> No.55852394

I’m a data scientist at $115k but also have just a bachelors (CS) and less than two years experience so I think that’s normal

>> No.55852457

If they made money at any job they wouldn't need to influence about it.
Rope and sneed fields.

>> No.55852481

No. Cost of living is extremely high in NYC. Everyone makes more than 100k

>> No.55852506

There's no definition of the job. Originally it meant someone who could statistics better than a programmer and program better than a statistician and employ next gen models (boosted trees and deep learners). Then all the tech illiterate roasties got assmad and decided "I CAN BE A DATA SCIENTIST TOO!" so now it's just data analysts who barely know python larping as modeling experts.

>> No.55852880

what kind of data scientist in 2023 uses SQL?
Why not one of the literal thousands of noSQL dbs? why use a db at all? it's probably just locally stored data, and if it isn't it's going to be much slower to process.
it should never be the data scientists' (let alone analysts') responsibility to access data like this, both for security reasons and because they just shouldn't have access to programmatic data like that, it makes no sense.
they should have consumer data formatted and handed to them, and if she is expected to write continuous analysis functions, that should be an engineer's job.

>tldr this bitch is lying

>> No.55852912

>off topic /pol/ tier tardtok screenshot shitpost
>still not deleted after 24 hours
>make one "niggerpost" 135 replies deep in an on-topic thread
>instant 3 day ban
really makes you think.

>> No.55853220

>why use a db at all?

You're asking why data Scientists use Databases?

>> No.55853361
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these videos are scams to get people interested in the field because no one wants to work there

>> No.55853372

Nobody wants WFH jobs?

>> No.55853514
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>sucked off a manager
ding ding ding!!!

>> No.55853516

great satire, thanks for sharing.
underrated posts.

>> No.55853638

i can tell you how she became an ANALyst, op

>> No.55853659

yes, more specifically I'm asking why they have access to a database (specifically these programmatic databases like SQL or noSQL). surely there's no reason to give them access? I'm aware it might sound a little strange but put some thought to it, is there really a reason they should be able to touch this data? databases are delicate, and I know my company wouldn't give analysts or scientists direct access. they would have to request batch data from some tool written and maintained by engineers.

also, yes I'm a software engineer.

>> No.55853729

Such is the life working in tech on this shithole little island

>> No.55853742

If you are a data scientist working in AWS, you are probably making Athena SQL queries with at least read only database access.

>> No.55853755

I’m a fin analysis making $100k and senpai of 4 we are literally poverty

>> No.55853764

On a side note, I would like to have sexual relations with the woman in the picture.

>> No.55853775

Not sure what you mean but I would certainly enjoy putting my erected phallus into her vaginal cavity if you know what mean

>> No.55854924

Yes. This website has a lot of teenagers.

>> No.55854989

/thread tpbp

>> No.55855148

Normalfags are so fucking stupid lol
Not only that, they’re so dramatic about how stupid they are.

>> No.55855183

>spotted the retarded bootcamper

>> No.55855595
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This is the only correct description of this job.

I work as a data scientist at a ""good"" lab. The common way to get in is Stats BSc, Data Science MSc + a few publications in some good journals. The second way is grabbing a CS bsc and pivoting to data science, but depending on the uni the CS degree may be much harder and/or more ""valuable"" to get over a stats bsc

>> No.55855693

>t. dev III with bachelors

sounds retarded to me to give access like this, even if it's readonly. surely they don't need all columns, and surely the engineers are already building software to interact with the db - likely already building applications to extract specific columns with stored procedures. I'm willing to accept this happens at smaller companies, but seems even less likely a small company would pay 150k+ for a data scraper.
just sounds like disorganized nonsense to me