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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55839561 No.55839561 [Reply] [Original]

They shut down the economy over a boomer flu to ensure zoomers would never own a home

>> No.55839575

Time to escalate to evacuation

>> No.55839584

>This is your brain on /pol/

>> No.55839587

And then they printed money to cause inflation so that boomers could usurp the zoomers savings.

>> No.55839599

And whats funny is they forced vaccines on the zoomers as well, and whats funnier is that the younger people seem to have all the vaccine side effects, where as the boomers have hardly any

Oh and the boomers are loving the rate hikes, their savings are finally printing money for them, and their properties they bought for $40k - $80k are all still holding their value despite people who want to buy not being able to access anywhere near as much leveage

actually legit lol'ing rn

>> No.55839644

Fuck this gay earth

>> No.55840105

Right wing "work to eat" and inheritance taxes coming soon to make sure zoomies never own property they didnt earn themselves

>> No.55840107

It worked

>> No.55840190

Boomers will never stop winning because as greedy and evil and pozzed as they are they just take what they want while zoomers would lay down in traffic if you told them to. It's over.

>> No.55840347

Nah, boomers are still the biggest voting block by demographic.

Its why everything is so pro boomer

>> No.55840402

It was already not going to happen for zoomers. You know that thing where you buy a 300k house and by the time you're done paying it off you've paid 750k? That's been going on for a while and it was because of faggot cunt boomer policies. It's mortgaging the next generation's future so they can have another vacation home in the Hamptons. That's child abuse and in an ideal world their entire generation would be indicted for child abuse, or better yet left to die to the kungflu.

>> No.55841604

does the means matter if it ends the same

>> No.55841642

>hate boomers because of what you think they voted for
>don't hate yourself for voting in the same things
Immigration is at an ATH and you still vote for immigrants to come in.

>> No.55841673

Anon the majority of the country votes based on what the talking picture box tells them at night.
There is nothing rational people can do when 90% of the populace is a nigger hoard getting beamed instructions straight into their "brain"

>> No.55841691

It was a trap, now you realise how boomers voted too. Politicians and their banker media curly haired small hatted friends have always been to blame.
Stop hating your parents, start hating the correct targets.

>> No.55841701

They literally shut down the country over a mild flu. Of course anyone with a brain knows it was to steal the 2020 election.

>> No.55841712

>start hating the correct targets
If I controlled the media I would use it to benefit myself as well.
I am disappointed in the human race as a whole for being so easily misled

>> No.55841717
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Yeah, but the video games are good again.

>> No.55841738

>they didnt earn themselves
you mean slave for 60 years and on their deathbed as a crippled survivor then they get a double printed piece of paper that says u now own home goy enjoy :)

>> No.55842376

They shut down the world economy for 2 years because of a flu and people just went along with it

>> No.55842626

it's actually because the jews running shit are boomers

>> No.55842698

the boomers that died from the vax basically overlap with those that died from covid. That is to say, they would have died of it one way or another. So the young people aren't gonna die either way, but they're a better case study on the side effects.

>> No.55842714
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Daily reminder that ELON tried to warn us against this and he's been dropping hints since mid july

>> No.55842805

It's ok Americans supported it, they have guns like they keep reminding everyone so they love the system.
Their government knows they'll never do anything with them either.

>> No.55843628

Zoomer here. I WILL own property no matter how hard the globohomo flu scheme tries to go on to force everyone to live in ze pods with my Kava bags. I'll make sure to take revenge on boomers real soon, too.