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File: 26 KB, 437x702, 1691465760697295[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55832384 No.55832384 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this is the best woman you can get if you dedicate your life towards improving humanity (this is Terence Tao, one of the best mathematicians in history).
Dont forget to kill and steal and make it at any cost

>> No.55832410
File: 223 KB, 2048x1450, Jeremy-Meeks[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile this guy permanently disabled a kid in a fight over weed, married a billionaire and is now a millionaire himself after the divorce

>> No.55832453

Based. When you are ruled by scum, the only morality is your own well-being, in spite of the suffering of others.

>> No.55832483

Honestly they're probably both 50, but while she looks like a normal 50 year old woman, he looks like he's 20 for some reason.

>> No.55832500

he's a world famous genius who has a loving wife and children, a job where he gets to do what he wants to. He'd probably go mad and kill himself if he had to deal with a dumb broad or materialistic whores only interested in his looks. Jeremy meeks is basically an institutional sex slave. Their brains are like 4 standard deviations apart. This is like comparing a human with a cat

>> No.55832598

On the other hand, Meeks is richer and lives life more leisurely. And his kids will both cuck and kick the shit out of Terence Tao's. I think it's time to stop coping anon.

>> No.55832621

>And his kids will both cuck and kick the shit out of Terence Tao's

I doubt his kids will go to Stockton high

>> No.55832644

meeks will get fucked over by lawyers and people far more intelligent than him. He probably failed algebra and will die poor and ugly

>> No.55832694

Anon, he just performed the divorce rape technique against a woman and won. He could hire advisors for the rest of his life to manage his resources and financial wellbeing. Being dumb doesn't make you braindead. He will die rich and better looking than me in my 20s.
No but I doubt that will matter.

>> No.55832724

Maybe she makes him happy, imagine that

>> No.55832743

well actually he got bailed out of jail by that billionaire...

>> No.55832757

>implying anyone even cares what their wife looks like after 5 years and she isn't just a hole to fuck

>> No.55832814
File: 63 KB, 568x335, E7BFC378-20E8-4787-A2D7-998E388D23F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Terence, dying, surrounded by family and friends
>everyone respectfully quiet
>wife holding your hand right next to you
>yes, Terence-kun, I’m here…what can I get you?
>can…you…suck my dick one last time?
>yes, of course schlop schlop schlop
>blast a load as he enters Valhalla


>be retard
>dying alone
>pain flooding every molecule of his body
>have to do pure heroin/crack/fentanyl speedballs just so his hands shake a bit less
>loud banging at random moments
MFER AT??? NO CAP brrrrrrtttt!!!
>get shot in both nuts, the asshole, one lung so now gasping for breath, and a slow gut wound

We know which one is the best korea.

>> No.55832852

we're reaching cope levels that shouldnt be possible

>> No.55832883
File: 24 KB, 303x320, IMG_4344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my ex gf looks like that

Fucking hell, you brought back from bad memories anon

>> No.55833055

I can't get women anyway so I don't really care either way man

>> No.55833314

Is being attracted to women that ugly a good or a bad thing? This reminds me of the movie Shallow Hal. I would honestly hate to be attracted to women that ugly, mpost nut clarity would fucking destroy me and I'd kms.

>> No.55833339

They're both in their 50s. They met a 30 years ago

>> No.55833436

I hope you're not saying she looks ugly just because of her age, I don't think you know how looks work.

I'd much rather be a super genius and average looking than super attractive and average in intelligence. Your life would be so easy, you could get the best paid jobs in the world and finish tasks with such ease. I've seen plenty of guys that could be models but they're too retarded to make any serious money because of their stupidity. Intelligence will always be more important than looks, and I'm obviously excluding people who are disabled or can't run when it comes to looks. As long as I'm physically fits then I'd always choose super intelligent over super attractive.

>> No.55833484

You date ugly women because they are realistic about peoples worth and won’t fall victim to the life ruining feminism that 4/10-10/10’s do thinking they can cheat their way to success

>> No.55833501

She would look decent if she wasn't fat.
Fat women need to get ignored.

>> No.55834423

sexy son hypothesis has never been proven more correct

>> No.55834434

Jeremy Meeks will probably have10 children though, Idiocracy was a prophecy

>> No.55834479

Truth. Women are far more sapiosexual than men. Einstein, Oppenheimer, Stephen Hawking etc all fucked like crazy.