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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55832247 No.55832247 [Reply] [Original]

I thought you guys said he was getting special treatment?

>> No.55832311

It's over

>> No.55832375

He stole 10b basically and apparently that wasn''t considered a risk of him having the means to run away so they allowed him out on bail.
His entire scam was ran online and the investigation is still ongoing and they let him out on bail under the pinky promise that he wouldn't get internet access.
Sounds like special treatment.

>> No.55832392

He's in jail, doesn't sounds like special treatment to me

>> No.55832441

>He's in jail
After breaking one bail condition (that we know of) which precisely highlights that he shouldn't have been allowed on bail.

>> No.55832473

Yeah, the Jews finally threw him under the bus. He will get Epstein'd pretty soon

>> No.55832488

The fact that he is in jail right now disproves your assertion that he was a flight risk.

>> No.55832507

most people dont get to hang around in the bahamas after it was very obvious you just committed one of the largest frauds in history. and then hang around in in a $250 mil mansion for a few months.

>> No.55832516

He was in jail in the Bahamas, on of the worst jails around.

>> No.55832526

Witness tampering. He tried to intimidate witness(es) and he did it while he is on 'house arrest'. Lol fucking kikes can't help themselves.

>> No.55832556

He did but he shat on the hands that bailed him out

>> No.55832559

Anyone who isn't actually jailed is a flight risk. Even niggers with nothing to their name are flight risks and do in fact run away all the time.

>> No.55832572

if he stole the money then where is it

oh it all got paid out to the people on the other side of his company's losing trade?

>> No.55832586

Now do a comparison with the treatment Do Kwon got

>> No.55832591
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Anything below public hanging it's special treatment

>> No.55832592

>losing trade
The collapse of FTX wasn't caused by "a losing trade".

>> No.55832604

what caused it then

>> No.55832620
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i dont see him gasping for air in the gas chamber
so yes he is getting special treatment

>> No.55832625

High caliber kikery

>> No.55832634

yeah okay
it was a -8 billion losing trade thanks to the investing arm of FTX (alameda research)

hurr durr da joos durrrrr

>> No.55832653

>hurr durr da joos durrrrr
The 4 heads of FTX and Alameda were jew though.

>> No.55832695

No, it was caused by a chink instigating a bank run.

>> No.55832713

he was
but the retard was tempering with evidence, contacting witnesses and the media even after they told him several times to stop since it's part of his bond

>> No.55832722

It was caused by spending money that wasn't theirs. The business model of an exchange should be:

>You buy crypto.
>I (the exchange) take a percentage.

I don't care if they spend it on Biden's campaign or the Ukraine war, they stole money from all their clients.

>> No.55832726

A bank run isn't a problem unless there's a liquidity crisis that you cause yourself in your entity by being a filthy kike.
And the chink didn't cause the bank run it was a CoinDesk report that highlighted irregularities in the platform.
JIDF agents are fucking terrible at their job nowadays.

>> No.55832761

It was causer by the chink 100%. It wasn't until he started with his tweets that things went out of control, if he didn't instigate FTX would likely still be running today.

>> No.55832785

>It was caused by the chink 100%
It clearly wasn't since it was CoinDesk's report that started it and people were already withdrawing. It was the report that made the chink say what he said.
All he said was that a company should be liquid which is true.

>> No.55833052

Ok sam
Yes yes the evil Chinaman is responsible

>> No.55833165

Damn you're actually this clueless.
What happened Chud?
Were you shilling FTX referral links back then? Consider killing yourself for the greater good.

>> No.55833229


Why doe? people already forgot about him.

>> No.55833260

>Why doe?
Why what?

>> No.55833273

>Sam Bankman-Fried is in an 'inhumane' Brooklyn jail often criticized for its condition, and where Ghislaine Maxwell previously complained of rodents

>> No.55833313

How long is he going tho?
What are the conditions.
Just a headline; he's going to jail
For a day?
A month?
A year?
Is he going to get an unexpected timely release because he's a good boi?