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55830410 No.55830410 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55830416

How is than lunatic a multi millionaire. What is wrong with this world

>> No.55830423

Femoid deserved it.

Pampered all of her life, now experiencing something a man has had to deal with their entire lives

>> No.55830424
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>> No.55830428
File: 3.10 MB, 1080x1920, mady.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55830567

Because she's a marketing genius and the whole thing was staged.

>> No.55830581

>woman talking
nobody cares

>> No.55830667
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shes relunched and is currently undergoing the de-aging process. Not sure if Tiffany 2.0 has made it to 24 (again) by the end of the article, it's all a bit PR shit tbqfh. Her usp gimmick was being deranged + tits - should have ran with it imo

>> No.55830671

What's with white women and niggers?

>> No.55830737

You know how we all brag about our crypto stacks here?

Women brag to each other about how much niggers theyve been good to

>> No.55830744

>w*man breaks silence
oh no

>> No.55830791

why does she never say wtf she she was referring to on the plane in any of these interviews

>> No.55830799

She was probably tweaking out on drugs and doesnt remember it actually happening

>> No.55830813

Less than 5% of white women give birth to a mulatto baby.

>> No.55830869

It's not about that, we all know white women don't like to date outside of their race (even cuck fetishists and actual blackanons know this). It's about this obsession white women have with African children. It's uncanny.

At least in Europe, a great deal of Tinder profiles have girls proudly display photos of them with hordes of African children during one of those "volunteering" trips they do. I am astounded by the fact they don't have the self awareness to see how obviously vain and condescending it looks like to others. Peak white savior complex and moral masturbation.

>> No.55830932

Thank G-d for abortions, plan b and condoms.

>> No.55830936

It's probably just they get more opportunity, large numbers of black kids being randomly left by roadside and all. Weisswymmins would have a fit when some thot runs up and starts grabbing piles of their offspring for instawhoring purposes

>> No.55830982

correct, and it continues to work on everyone discussing it

>> No.55831032

not really seeing the upside in being demonstrably drug-addled batshit tbqh. Starting shit on planes is also srs bzness, wouldn't recommend. She's just lucky she's passable looking.

>> No.55831046

> No wone should judge
Running away from the lunatic saying this is the better option.

>> No.55831106

>No one should judge
Classic woman

>> No.55831243

nice, mental illness is now profitable. lets goo mentally ill chads!!

>> No.55831318

I can't wait for her onlyfans.

>> No.55832408 [DELETED] 

Takes a different kind of mind to make it in business.

Financially speaking, there are far more economical ways for this particular individual to feed large numbers of starving children than to buy and distribute brand-name candy.

>> No.55832553

you're fucking retarded