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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55829626 No.55829626 [Reply] [Original]

pay up bitch. that's bidenomics

>> No.55829633

Wait really I thought that wasn't for another few months?

>> No.55829648

Starting September 1, 2023, interest will begin accruing on student loan balances, followed by the first debt repayments in October.2 Only 30% of borrowers know when their payments are slated to resume, and almost half said they aren't financially prepared to begin repaying their debt.

>> No.55829656
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>Wait really I thought that wasn't for another few months?

>> No.55829673

Anon, months ago? What are you talking about. That was all a dream. Come hunt cats and scrap aluminum with us.

>> No.55829687

It's horrible how time just slips through your fingers.
I used to be upset by it but these days I look forward to death.

>> No.55829701
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I can't wait to watch them squeal and beg for mercy...

>> No.55829716

Fake news. Repayment doesn't really begin until next fall. You can pause payments for a year without penalty.

>> No.55830069

>and almost half said they aren't financially prepared to begin repaying their debt.
How? I thought the common sense is to save the money when you no longer have to pay interest or better yet, pay off some of the debt so that interest is smaller when it resumes. What the fuck is going on? Did these people just quit their jobs or something the moment Biden announced student loan forgiveness? Not American so please educate me.

>> No.55830315

I want to see student loan payers suffer

>> No.55831663

Retards are counting on payments being postponed forever until they aren't under a gop president.

I look forward to the spike in suicides and family annihilators due to shitters not planning for the future.

>> No.55831673

Let's see how much good it did you when you're dead. The shareholders thank you.

>> No.55831679

4trannys are fucking mentally ill

>> No.55832466

You'll still accrue interest but yes you can just not pay until September 2024 and it will not be considered delinquent/cause credit impact.

>> No.55834437

if people followed common financial sense we wouldn't have social security

>> No.55834473

Right as the election season is in full swing. The question is, how bad could things get between now and then with half the country opposed to student loan forgiveness.

>> No.55834510

I make so much fucking money now, because I went to school. My debt payment is basically nothing compared to my monthly income. If you aren't taking advantage of student loans and getting a smart degree, you're retarded, full stop.

>> No.55834549

So, if student loans are so bad/exploitive, why the hell is the government continuing to issue them? (For those who do not know, the feds issue more than 90% of student loans, not banks).

Any sort of forgiveness plan that does not fix the underlying issue (the federal government loaning shit tons to people who have poor prospects of paying it off) is just plain retarded. If you forgive once, people will expect it to happen again, and none will want to pay in the future.

>> No.55834570
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>> No.55834589

My auto payments start in september. I get a slight interest reduction for it :)
It was nice having 3 years of no payments with high inflation to gamble on shitcoins and get enough experience to get a high paying career that I like.

>> No.55834610

Don't tell them. Someone needs to clean the toilets at my job. I left a big stinker there this morning and it left a streak that will be there until they come and clean it :)

>> No.55834661

Studies show that over the course of the last 3 years during the pause:
(1)Those who had their student loans paused took on 'replacement debt' to replace the payments they would have been making on their student loans.
(2)Those that did not have their student loans paused did not take on any more debt than normal
(3)The rate of student loan defaults for those without their student loans paused did not increase at all from what is normal (pre covid)
Basically, the government paused loans for government backed student loans, and they took on more debt, whereas the people with private student loans that weren't paused did just fine and had no more defaults than usual. The government created an entire population of debt slaves that now have to wageslave for the rest of their lives to dig their way out. Thanks for playing!

>> No.55834707

lads, I fucken love paying three or four times as much for everything than I did under trump

>> No.55834890
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/biz/ never seems to understand this. On average people with degrees (literally any degree even feminist studies) will earn more money, be unemployed less, be happier, and retire earlier than people without degrees. I make more money now sitting at home in my AC than I ever would without a degree.

>> No.55835188

>Give 200k loan to a 17 year old
>Pay it back pls, our banking sector is going to crash
Or what? They cant garnish my wages because I get paid in crypto. All of my assets are in my mothers name so they cant come after that either.
I just wont pay, simply as. Looks like you taxies will have to fork over the cash for me kek

>> No.55835210

>I just won't pay
You realize you're up against the entire system if you take this route? I mean, it's fine if you're okay with it. I just don't think there are as many ready to live that life as you.

>> No.55835231

>the entire system
Good luck finding me lmao

>> No.55835318

Americans have been reduced from being the wealthiest most prosperous people on earth, to being mere judaised paypigs sad

>> No.55835366
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Should we tell him?

>> No.55835368

If you have no wages (or at least wages reported to the government), you would qualify for the income based repayment, and not actually have to pay anything back. Low income individuals will generally not have to make payments, or only pay a pittance, depending on their income level & family size.

The big issue is that many of the loan holders do make decent money, so will have to make the full payments, but have spent the last few years being retarded with their money, taking on debt in place of those student loan payments, instead of putting those payments into savings or something.

>> No.55835428

What part of this didn't you understand?
>I just don't think there are as many ready to live that life as you.
Lots of people want to work a job 'over the table' at some point in the next 50 years. Lots of people want to claim social security in their old age. Lots of people want to live within the system. Just because you've fucked off to the forest and steal wifi from McDonald's to shitpost doesn't mean even a fraction of the rest of the people with student loans are prepared to do the same.

>> No.55835452

>social(ist) security
Enjoy being bankrupted by boomers. Imagine being forced to pay into a commie scheme. I could never. The founding fathers are praising me from the grave.

>> No.55835468

That's fine, I'm cool with the populace being full of retards. Meanwhile...still not paying.

>> No.55835503

yeah because its not like inflation was 11% last year and COL didn't continue to explode, right? people can barely afford to feed themselves anymore. having the minor relief of not needing to pay back loans only slightly helped cushion the financial chokehold most young people are experiencing

>> No.55835537

I guess I can't expect retards with unpaid student loans to think about the longterm consequences of their choices. Enjoy the favela.

>> No.55835607

>oy vey, you cant just not pay
I bet you tip the IRS

>> No.55835647

The people that have common sense are filtered in the
>do you want to take out a student loan?

>> No.55835733

common sense is to spend money as soon as you get it or else you'll get robbed.
Look at what happened to people who thought they were being 'smart' & saving money for the last 15 years

>> No.55835745
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>went to state school
>only took out around 20k
>could easily pay it back already, but inflation is on my side

>> No.55835797
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>Only 30% of borrowers know when their payments are slated to resume
Holy shit every day I learn more horrors.