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55827448 No.55827448 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel like this housing crisis shit is blown out of proportion? Sure, the days of 50k starter homes are long gone, but it’s not too difficult to find shit that matches my price point in my market. I’m early 20s, making 65k a year and I’m starting out the home buying process and have a fair number of options.

>upstate NY
>most of Texas
>most of the sunshine belt
>a lot of Michigan
>a lot of Illinois outside Chicago
>a lot of Florida
At a glance, all these areas have fairly affordable housing, so where does all the cope come from?

>> No.55827462

yeah if you wana spend an hour sitting in traffic at 7am every morning sure

>> No.55827497

Its super dependant on where you live and what you do for work. Most people don't have the option of moving states as there is no guarantee of finding a job (for most). That house you posted would be at least 400k (probably more) in the outer edge of my metropolitan area, meaning a 30-45min commute each day. Which wouldn't be worth it for me given the cost of the mortgage+gas.

>> No.55827503

This is another thing, people are mad they can’t find find a trad-colonial with scenic views on 50 acres for under 200k. You shouldn’t be looking for your forever home with your first purchase, you should be looking for something you can get above water with equity in 5-10 years and use that to purchase your dream home. Also, traffic specifically isn’t even an issue in at least half the areas I mentioned

>> No.55827505

except those homes were going for sub-$100k not that long ago. look,

if you can live and work and thrive in somewhere like Duluth MN, Grand Rapids MI or West Pittson PA its great. You have tons of money left over. And these places need skilled professionals who get paid pretty well like everywhere else does.

but the thing is you need those certifications and skills, and if you just want to show up in the upper midwest with just your college degree and some work ethic you're not going to advance. these places are dead-ends unless you can actually do something. there are no ladders to climb or "make it" points for people who can't actually perform a real skill like you'd find in a larger metro or high COL area. its also harder to succeed in enterprise in these sorts of places.

but if you're like a doctor, pilot, skilled tradesman or even collectively bargained CDL driver you can do extremely well for yourself. most americans don't want that though, they want a cushy office job where they can play on the computer all day.

>> No.55827519

don't bother with michigan our batshit crazy feminist government is going to make it a felony to hurt niggers feelings

>> No.55827522

the foundation of that old shitbox is literally failing.

>> No.55827543

Anon these places are cheap because they suck
And as soon as you get close to any of the metros it's right back to being inflated
Look at Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, the wealthy areas there are wildly wealthy. It gets California CoL, but without the opportunities or pay of California. PA is basically the vault of old money in this country, a lot of the wealthiest areas and they are multi-generation. But look at the average pay there, terrible.
Upstate NY are the same thing, get close to any of the cities, Buffalo, Columbus, back to the same problem. Columbus also is sprawling like Phoenix is so none of those houses are cheap and you're a 30 minute commute to anything lol

Texas is probably the only place you mentioned that is cheap and has plenty of opportunities around at the same time. Florida is extremely crowded.

>> No.55827572

Cheap houses are only worth the land theyre on. If you dont have at least 2 acres, you might as well be a slave.

>> No.55827610

You’re straight up wrong about upstate NY, The big 3 cities up there are all cheap as fuck to stay in the metro, although the suburbs surrounding buffalo may get a bit pricey. As far as Pittsburgh and Philly, of course there’s going to be “rich areas”, they’re major US cities. However that’s narrowing it down to specific neighborhoods/zip codes. There’s plenty of houses for sale in all those cities for 300k and under.

>> No.55827627

>Just spend 2 hours a day driving back and front to work for a decade bro
>Just tack on a workdays worth of driving to every week bro
>When gas is almost 4 dollars a galloon
Kill yourself NOW

>> No.55827653

>get above water with equity in 5-10 years and use that to purchase your dream home
Who is going to buy your overpriced bags at that point? How are *you* going to afford loading up on more overpriced bags?

>> No.55827684


Do you see the housing market crashing anon?? Do you? It keeps mooning.

>> No.55827721

Nigger town.

>> No.55827755

I’ll concede that these same houses were going for even cheaper 5-10 years ago, but my point is a vast majority of them aren’t out of reach for someone making decent money. When I see people on here claiming to be SWE netting 130k a year and not able to find a house in their price range it truly boggles my mind.
> but if you're like a doctor, pilot, skilled tradesman or even collectively bargained CDL driver you can do extremely well for yourself
I guess that might be the disconnect for me then, as I am a cdl driver and can find work pretty much anywhere in the country. Still though, what type of job does the average American do if it’s not something you listed or some WFH computer shit? Most of my life I’ve been around low skill labor workers and while they’ve always been poor, they’ve also always struck me as the type of person who can pick up a job and get to work nearly anywhere in America. I guess I’m just not really familiar with such a work lifestyle that can tie someone down geographically like that.

Buy a Prius faggot, you’re making “muh traffic” out to be more of an issue than it really is

>> No.55827759
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These are two of the main issues I keep seeing pop up: Time & Expenses. Many are still waiting for wages to go up so they can justify the commutes, but they also want them to be short.

That said, I have to ask the following to everyone itt: WTF are you wanting to spend your time and money on when you're not working? If it's family-related, I understand that. Raising kids and maintaining a happy marriage is a 2nd job. But if you're choosing to fly solo, I need a detailed answer to the question in order to help you guys out.

>> No.55827766

He obviously is military private and bought a big ass truck

>> No.55827772
File: 235 KB, 1024x983, 1659829451269877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETs on 4chan have an "elbows too pointy" attitude for literally everything, not just women
houses, cars, media, anything
this should be no surprise to you

>> No.55828016

It's not us.
That's a quarter of a million dollars, secured with shit.
IE financial ruin when the market corrects.

Fucking innumerate retards should be publicly executed.

>> No.55828029

I mean, if it's sub $100k it's not so bad but yeah. Paying more than that for a rotting shack is retarded *especially* if you're getting a mortgage.

>> No.55828063

>WTF are you wanting to spend your time and money on when you're not working?
Literally anything else, you fucking dumb?
I exchange time for money, if I spend more time commuting for the same amount of cash its a bad profit prospect

>> No.55828079

>Anyone else feel like this housing crisis shit is blown out of proportion?
No you retard, literally no one. Well the Jews.

>> No.55828094
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This post was made by a fucking truck driver. Disregard.

>> No.55828097

There is no housing crisis. It’s entitled unmarried millennials who expect to live in the nice neighborhood and 5BR home they grew up in. Not realizing when their parents were their age they had a 2BR shit shack with wooden counterparts, ugly carpet, living and family room merged into one, and no basement. It’s also single people being confused as to why they can’t afford a single FAMILY home on their single income. That’d be like crying that you can’t afford to own separate cars by yourself, it’s dumb

Yes certain markets are hellscapes. Seattle, Denver, SF. But if you sack up and move to where you can afford to live like all our ancestors before us you’ll find Cincinnati, Tampa Bay, Indianapolis, Detroit, Oklahoma City, etc more than affordable and actually with plenty to do

>> No.55828104

Right now, the problem is not that you can't afford to make the down payment on a house, or even your monthly mortgage payments.

The problem is that the cost of insuring your house is skyrocketing. Your property taxes are skyrocketing. Building materials and labour costs are skyrocketing. These are all eating in to your ability to pay for your mortgage.

Even people who are trying to rent their house out to help pay their monthlies are finding that the insurance on renting their house is so high that they wouldn't be able to get tenants in to pay that much in rent.

>> No.55828106
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>I’ll concede that these same houses were going for even cheaper 5-10 years ago

3 years ago. 3. Years. Ago.

Absolute price means NOTHING to me, even if I can afford it, if the very same house you linked was only 140K in the year 2020. I know for a fact that Midwest Condos were only 50K, but have since TRIPLED in price.

Don't gaslight us. I am not buying your boomer bags.

>> No.55828111

You literally sold the country to foreigners. Complaining about that isn't being entitled anymore than boomers complaining about their retirement being inflated away is.

We were robbed.

>> No.55828112
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Yeah man compare to times that don't exist anymore, and live in Detroit. Genius

>> No.55828122

>just commute 10% of your life bruh

>> No.55828130

Am a landlord in one of the areas i mentioned

Duplex or multi family goal isn’t for tenet to pay entire mortgage just a chunk

Again you shouldn’t buy a FAMILY house if you’re a single man. That’s what dual income is for.

It’s easily affordable. Easily. Most people are idiots though and again refuse to live in a blue collar neighborhood despite making a similar wage because they have some low tier office job like HR but their college degree gives them entitlement to live in the nice areas

And thus they cry housing crisis

>> No.55828139

I’m a millennial you asshat , I’m just not bitchmade. Keep crying from your WFH email job about how tough life is in America lmao

>> No.55828141

This man speaks the truth. Houses are for dual income.

>> No.55828148
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 94DF6CD8-BFEE-484D-9D87-2B1F772B4906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post was made by a debt free zoomer who makes enough to take care of his mother & family
And I’m proud of it cocksucker

>> No.55828161
File: 41 KB, 798x644, EfXCE01UYAA8csO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/10, would not inhabit

>> No.55828219

> houses are for dual income
only since they changed mortgage lending calcs from primary income to "household" income.
at a stroke housing went from needing one income to two.
two people working for exactly the same house as one income.
retards don't realize this because they don't understand how prices are set

>> No.55828231

>It keeps mooning.
Unrealized gains don't count.

>> No.55828311

>Am a landlord
You're a fucking LARPer.

>> No.55828356

>"elbows too pointy" attitude
the fuck does this even mean

>> No.55828427

>>a lot of Illinois outside Chicago
Honestly even in Chicago. I bought a fixer upper condo in a middle class lakefront neighborhood for under $100K.

>> No.55828614

Not a counter argument.

>> No.55828633

>if I spend more time commuting for the same amount of cash its a bad profit prospect
I get that bit. Everyone here wants to spend less than what they bring in. That's why I don't bitch about people wanting a specific amount of money for their labor.
But IMO, you should live where you work or as close to your job as possible. If that's you're main concern ATM.

>> No.55828740

>At a glance, all these areas have fairly affordable housing, so where does all the cope come from?
because looking at the entire continental US and just picking the cheapest city isnt something nearly anyone does when looking for a primary residence to purchase. just move to mexico if youre throwing darts at maps.

>> No.55828757

you don't even WFH? LOOOOLLLLLL

FUcking boomer tradie just die. lrn2Code or just die.

>> No.55828914

>"You owe the Jews for 2 houses, goyim!"
>"Of course, people all throughout history bought one home as practice and then another!"
Fucking blow your brains out for running screen for evil people for absolutely no reason at all.
Yes you should be able to live in the home you buy, yes you should be able to find GOOD work next to it. No there should not be people that do not speak English around you. Yes, it should have a good grocery store and a beautiful church nearby.
If you require an industrial park 1 hour away from any decent place of living then your factory should be burned down by a single disgruntled employee.

>> No.55828984

it means you're a dumb summerfag and you need to go back to school

>> No.55829018

Ok, I think both cities are urban hellscapes. But you can immediately tell that the Asian city is more walkable and has denser housing options.

>> No.55829025

You owe me a whole world.


>> No.55829026

Anything related to housing is fake news, bear or bull.


>> No.55829050

400k isnt a lot either

>> No.55829059

usually its some loser who cant afford a nice area.

stop being a loser. go improve yourself.

nice areas arent going to be affordable for losers ever

>> No.55829070

thats inflation bro

exciting isnt it?

>> No.55829082

>You should be looking to buy something you'll sell in 5 years
>Price doesn't matter because you can just wait until the market goes back up to sell
Some time soon the pool of people you morons imported are going to become very desperate and they'll kill the retards like you.

>> No.55829086

OP, are you from any of those areas that you listed? If not, you're retarded. America is not supposed to be a migratory labor camp. It's supposed to be a place with families and people who can grow and develop over generations. Nothing wrong with moving somewhere else if you truly want to do so, but moving to another city and metro area. What I'm saying is, when you're thinking about buying a home, you shouldn't have to contemplate which part of the continent of North America that you have to move to in order to afford the kind of house that you desire.

You should be able to buy a home in the place you grew up in, and you should be able to move to a nicer city and still buy a home, but perhaps a more modest one if COL is higher.

I understand that your situation is somewhat common now, and it is actually a factor for many people. But I would advise against it. I actually moved to another city a couple years ago because housing costs were cheaper (I was renting) and I could get a job there that paid $2 per hour more than I was making back home.

So I made the move, I had a swanky downtown apartment for the price of my mediocre one back home. But it wasn't worth it. Yeah it's cool when things are cheaper, but if you don't have any friends there and work a bunch (thus making it more difficult to meet people), it can be kind of pointless.

Community is the most important thing to society, it's better to live where you have a strong IRL social network than be some atomized individual somewhere else, even if it's cheaper

>> No.55829124

>can you believe that...
>posts exact reason people can believe that

>> No.55829235

>the days of 50k starter homes are long gone
It' been less than a decade though sincel older homes could be bought for $50-$60k.

>> No.55829273

Also it's not full of blacks and at least in Japan is probably very cheap.

>> No.55829398

Dumbass, the property taxes are insane in NY. That’s why the houses are cheap.

>> No.55829434

Feminism, foreign investors, and unchecked immigration causes this. So basically, it’s the Jews. It’s that simple. Have them be the 110th country they get kicked out of and replace them with nationalist whites of Anglo, Nordic, and Germanic genetics. Kill any who take bribes from Israel. Problem solved.

>> No.55829489

>Also, traffic specifically isn’t even an issue in at least half the areas I mentioned
Lmao even
Roll I say.

>> No.55829517

>I am not buying your boomer bags.
Then you're not gonna own anything either. You can sit and cope about it all you like but it's not gonna get you into a house any cheaper or any faster.

>> No.55829529

pussy retard just doesnt get a motorcycle and skip all the traffic

>> No.55829603

True. I bought in 2014 for 370k, doubled my money and sold in 2021. Bought a new home for 800k with 200k down @2% interest. House is now worth 1.2m. If you’re waiting for 2008, it’s not going to happen. Blackrock and a steady stream of chinks, pajeets, and beaners will continue to price you out. The game is rigged.

>> No.55830663

I get what you’re saying, I do currently live in PA and I have that listed, but in 2016 I convinced my mom to move us from Jersey to PA because I knew we were priced out. Granted that’s only a 90 minute drive away but still, at a young age I understood what the circumstances called for. I get that it would be exponentially more difficult for someone born and raised in socal to up and move to Ohio and leave all their family behind, but I feel like that’s not the case for most people, at least on the east coast. I feel like most major metros over here have a cheaper metro area within a 3 hour drive. Nyc/NJ has PA & upstate NY, Miami has fort meyers, Richmond has raleigh-Durham etc. I may underestimate the family/community aspect of it because I have a large family and at least some of them would be willing to travel with me wherever I go for the most part, but I feel like 90% of the people who complain about this sort of thing use it as a cope to not even try. I suppose you do have a point though, there probably are a ton of people in middle America/west of the Rockies who’s only options for lower COL is so move a thousand miles away from all their friends and family, and that really is just a shitty hand to be dealt.

>> No.55830712

>>I am not buying your boomer bags.
>Then you're not gonna own anything either

good luck starting a war in Ukraine and Taiwan then. you can only draft people with houses. people without assets will just flee.
i can't wait to see boomers fighting in Ukraine.

>> No.55830770

I guess fags in here don't care that the closest non-shriveled pussy is three hours away lol
captcha hot hot

>> No.55831677

>just live in the middle of nowhere bro

>> No.55831684

paying the price to live in the middle of no where that people payed 3 years ago to live just outside of manhattan?

>> No.55831716

>west pittston
i lived in scranton for a year. houses are cheap there because the jobs pay absolute dogshit and the poverty rate of the scranton/wilkes-barre area is insane, like 20%.