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File: 10 KB, 200x200, payfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5582285 No.5582285 [Reply] [Original]

What's up guys, I'm here with your hourly Payfair (PFR) shill thread.

Did you know 3 days ago the 24hr volume was $15,000! NOw ts at a comfy $100,000

The Market Cap is still at a low 3 million. You know what that means right?? A mission past the moon to Uranus.

I told you about it when it was $.02, I told you about it at $.03, and now im telling you about it at $.04. don't be the guy who has to buy in at $.05+

With only 100 million tokens, Payfair should have no problem reaching at least $1 once the project is up and running, Pretty much all decent projects with this many tokens reach $1. That means an easy x20 if you get in with the early boys

>> No.5582307
File: 82 KB, 800x533, patfair devvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some of the basics on the project:

Payfair (PFR) is a decentralized escrow and P2P crypto-exchange on the ethereum blockchain. If you're too daft to understand what that is, it means you will be able to sell your crypto directly to buyers for FIAT.
Yes, this could literally get rid of the cant cash out meme.

But its not just crypto, potentialy Payfair could do FIAT to any crypto, any crypto to any other crypto, crypto payment for contract work, etc.
There's potential for this to become a huge market.

Everyone and their boomer parents will be using Payfair to buy crypto and to cash out when the time is right.(tip:never sell, always hold)

>> No.5582340
File: 286 KB, 722x830, pfr trust node.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another cool thing about Payfair (PFR) is the potential to make money just by holding the coins! That's right, It's like you will be getting paid to make money.

While the exact numbers will be up to a community vote, currently you need $200 worth of tokens to form a trust node, and $250 for an escrow node.

And even though you can only buy Payfair (PFR) on Etherdelta it has still managed to have a great healthy grow in its first month.
The developers are already working on getting it listed on other normie friendly exchanges and that alone should bring us a nice bump in profits.

>> No.5582343

Thanks for shilling me, wanted to buy in but Etherdelta won't do shit heh

>> No.5582378
File: 110 KB, 675x563, pfr roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now check it out, the exchange will be ready by February and an IOS app in Q2 will help get Payfair to the mass adoption level that will not only take us to the Moon, but potentially Pluto.

>> No.5582408

this shit did a 2x less then 24 hours after i bought it, and shitty etherdelta wouldnt even load so i couldnt dump my fucking bags

>> No.5582420

what do you mean? i didn't like ED at first, but now that i get it i think it's great.

>> No.5582445

this isnt some shit you dump. you need to hold for 2-6 months for the x100

>> No.5582476
File: 191 KB, 631x531, DIZB0sZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the concerns I've seen come up is "Why would I trust a random stranger (escrow) with making sure my money stays mine"

Okay, I get it, it could seem like your putting to much at risk on the hands of strangers, but you don't even need to use and escrow with Payfair (PFR). Its just an option. If you want it can just be the seller and the buyer making a transaction after both parties agree that their requirements were met.

Now let's say you do want to use the escrow for extra security, From my understanding you transaction will be handled by 3 different people. They are all anonymous to each other and to the people making the transaction. The transaction will be approved after three consecutive approvals from the escrow participants.

And what keeps the escrow participants from misbehaving? Their own tokens will be at risk for bad behavior, there will also be a rating system, and people who use the service will be incentivized to rate by the giving them lower fees for participating.

>> No.5582510
File: 48 KB, 1187x648, PFR demo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Telegram post from one of the devs:
"Hello, dear friends! Today we want to remind you that this week our website will be updated: https://payfair.io.. This week the main page will be the Payfair platform.

1) Soon, you will be able to sell and buy PFR and ETH after testing the platform.
2) At the moment, we are fixing bugs and evolving the functionality of the platform.
3) We ordered a promo-video for marketing in masses. It will be complete in January.
4) We will be listed on the WandX exchange
5) We listen to our community and we will hold a voting process and possibly we will peg the trust-node to the number of tokens and get rid of fiat peg

P.S. Guys, please vote and leave your comments ;)

>> No.5582627

The second nickname in the demo’s screenshot literally translates as “ass” from Russian lol

>> No.5582638

Bought 300k, nice shilling OP

>> No.5582684

Will this be on kucoin?

>> No.5582731

ha. makes sense. the devs are Russian, if you couldn't tell from their picture

>> No.5582765

cant tell if serious or getting'd "just bought 100k"

>> No.5582850

fuck of spam.
but rumor says maybe

>> No.5583141

negro you're also spamming BUY BAZINGACOIN

>> No.5583148

just hit $.045
bound to hit $.05 in the next couple of days,

>> No.5583163

Nope, I actually bought 300k

>> No.5583193

yea, but this is MY spam thread.
shill pajeetcoin in another thread

>> No.5583233

daaamn. you're gona be set.
im a starving artist so could only buy 50k.
the gains should set me up to make bigger investments in 2018.

>> No.5583398

if you recently bought in then come join the telegram.
the guys from payfair are pretty active

>> No.5583435


how is this any different than link related? except they don't have an alpha product yet, just a shitty interface and shitty website, 80mil coins in circulation, 1m higher market cap, and no plans to release a mobile app that does exactly this on JANUARY TENTH?

>> No.5584028

will there be other crypto being added to the site to buy like BTC and LTC?

>> No.5584036

not sure. just a quick look it doesnt seem like you can make money passively through nodes like payfair. but the crypto market can be funny in what they choose to adopt. you just have to back the projects you believe in.

also their volume seems pretty shit but they are pretty similar projects. not gona spend the time researching it too much more right now, but you should ask on the telegram.

>> No.5584093

yes, potentially you could trade any coin, even for other coins. By february they will be testing their system by allowing the trading eth and pfr on their platform.

>> No.5584178

another thing, payfair allows for the use of an escrow, which adds extra security to your trades.

the escrows will make sure both parties deliver on what they have agreed upon. you would use them for high value trades and such.

>> No.5584375
File: 130 KB, 640x640, 530A686D-2896-479F-A835-7B1A60315ACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 35k earlier, I need some serious gains. lets go boys

>> No.5584431


eh, pajeet coin

>> No.5585069

Russian coin

>> No.5585139

You wish.

>> No.5585573

bump and goodnight.
$.05 is just over the horizon, dont miss out.
see you fagits tomorrow.

>> No.5585646

drop my bags at 2x, its gonna go back down

>> No.5585752

Buy bitch, this will be $1 by end of January

>> No.5585804
File: 590 KB, 1500x1144, stock-photo-two-beautiful-girls-laughing-and-pointing-at-camera-53857132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. It might dip a bit but not by much. You fucked up anon. Have fun fomoing and telling people that you were in while it was cheap but sold early.