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File: 18 KB, 256x256, verge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5582193 No.5582193 [Reply] [Original]

If you aren't all in on Verge right now you're literally retarded.

>> No.5582615
File: 1.09 MB, 245x180, 7DAD5545-8D62-4508-AC5A-CE4832AE526C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAR CRY!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5582658

I never thought I would see a coin group more delusional than link. Enjoy your bags in a week when you get dumped on hard

>> No.5582706
File: 573 KB, 1175x1513, 7574E163-7730-4121-9644-523301752641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off, Moneroqueer

>> No.5583186
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>> No.5583324
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>Me hold XMR
HUUUUUUUU burj id no pribasy coin
wayf poop
nev hapn
wie paypuw

>> No.5583444
File: 89 KB, 1264x781, mcafee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this much of a tool
how much is this guy paying you to spread FUD m8?

>> No.5583501
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> wallet coded in C

plz kys

>> No.5583753
File: 145 KB, 645x729, 1513989198537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhu uhh kys

>> No.5583793

What would you like it written in? Java, you fucking enterprise faggot?

>> No.5583814


This bullshit is so massively overvalued as is. IF "Wraith" were a real thing, it wouldn't be worth what it is today.

It should be somewhere on the second page.

>> No.5584041

Except that once it comes out it will dominate the privacy cryptocoins.
Have fun with your bags

>> No.5584294


You think so? You think some bullshit doge coin fork made by retards will "dominate" the huge XMR community?

Doge coin dark is going to do that real soon? With "Wraith?"

The Wraith hype is priced into the shit now. It's overvalued, not waiting on some massive boom.

Look at TRX, which pumped 100x on vapor, and now that source is out is stagnant.

Expect the same or worse from XVG. Worse, because "Wraith" isn't a thing that's going to happen.

Can you even imagine when real crypto devs tear into whatever dog shit they end up pushing out? It's going to be a bloodbath. Right now, they can't face much scrutiny, because they don't have a working product to scrutinize. Pretty smart.

>> No.5584355

I hope you got in faggots

>> No.5584513

Wraith wont be released in 2017 and will be massively dumped.

>> No.5584575


>> No.5584697

It's confirmed for this year you fucking retard

>> No.5584729

yea just like how it was confirmed for september right

>> No.5584740

>bullshit doge coin fork
I mean, there seems to be a lot of hate about a "nothing coin"
I can see your precious bags are getting heavy.
Fuck off back to plebbit

>> No.5584744

It's not confirmed until it's out.

>> No.5584763

Thank God I sold my bags at 1150 sats

Saged in all fields

>> No.5584767

This, honestly. I'm excited about the technology but I'm super weary about them *actually releasing it*

>> No.5584774

Haha maybe an other "part" will be released.

>> No.5584806

>doge fork
>3bil market cap
Yeah, I'm staying the fuck away from this. Good luck.

>> No.5584820

>muh commits to github
You faggots don't even realize that the commits mean absolutely jack shit until there is a working product.

All Wraith does is use Tor for privacy, which wouldn't work if most people don't use it.

It's hilarious seeing the most technologically illiterate fucktards dick riding Verge.

>> No.5584821

It's funny cause guy is rich but can't move his coins because wallets don't work lol

>> No.5584853

it's normies first alt

>> No.5584870

For some reason marketing from Verge completely dominates any substantive discussion about the tech behind it. The idea of having a Tor integrated wallet and optional stealth addresses is ancient but the newfag money doesn't care, they just think it sounds cool.

Side note: Why is Spectrecoin (XSPEC) pumping? It's because its dev has been working on the same exact tech Verge has been claiming to implement with Wraith but with even more features (like being PoS with stealth staking).

In fact a bunch of privacy coins (not as private as Monero but sure as shit better than Verge) are all pumping right now because of the insane spillover effect that normies attracted to Verge's "privacy" marketing have created in the market.

>supporting Verge and calling someone here plebbit
Bizzaro /biz/

>> No.5584871

This is the only reason it hasn't completely tanked. The Devs are scrambling to unlock those funds while there is still a buy wall before the end of the year.

Screenshot this.

>> No.5584882

Prove it's actually a dogecoin fork. I'll wait. Oh you can't because it's not. Nice fud.

>> No.5584894


OP bought the top LOL

>> No.5584920
File: 226 KB, 943x707, DOGEisVERGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're so fucking stupid it's astounding.

>> No.5584923

It's at 1129 right now good job idiot. Dropped before the pump.

>> No.5584925
File: 377 KB, 1156x400, 1513958294353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are you serious? how fucking retarded are you

>> No.5584932


found the normie

literally biggest Pnd of 2017

>> No.5584939

Oh would you rather I support link and some other pajeet coin? No thanks.
I'm riding the hype wave you autist if it busts I've already 5x.
Please, post your portfolio.

>> No.5584951

I said in a thread yesterday how the orchestrated Verge pump was a perfect storm for capturing normie money.

>Had reached relatively low btc pairing value after Coinpouch fiasco and the previous Wraith countdown failure
>Has ridiculously unwarranted reddit and twitter shill support (side effect of doge fans?)
>Has low cost per coin which normies fucking love because they don't understand marketcap

It was the perfect pump and dump and you can find the archived thread from Dec 10th where some anon called it. If only I saw it I might have thrown some btc at it. Probably not though lmao.

>> No.5584958
File: 155 KB, 1174x632, xvg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still on track....

>> No.5584983

You're literally retarded.


>> No.5584989

yes all this technical talk is only good for long term hodling. it's going up now and that's all I care for

>> No.5585001
File: 78 KB, 540x960, FB_IMG_1514439054075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5585006

You don't even know what you 5x'd on and how lucky you are to have those gains. Be grateful and get the fuck out of this fucking scamcoin.

>> No.5585013

Fake news! Holding to the floor ! 15000 million per coin 2018.

>> No.5585054

This is good false flagging.

This is too obvious kek

>> No.5585077

Oh bigshot has a link look at you go. Regular internet badass. Whatcha gonna do about it !? I'll buy your house to park my lambo in when my deposit hits my lambo account.

>> No.5585101


You really are the perfect XVG bagholder. You literally don't know shit about what you're holding.

Don't forget to buy the "dips!"

>> No.5585147

The dips aren't the only thing I'll buy when I'm riding tge wraith battleship straight into your mums gabber cunt.

>> No.5585185

Go back to your heroin, Monerofag.
Pajeet please stop posting.

>> No.5585236

What did you said ? I fuck you mother bitch. XVG bitch buy buy fucking bitch.

>> No.5585278
File: 55 KB, 725x737, XVJUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Verge logo out with Wraith release.

>> No.5585397

Na, they aren't delusional, they're trying to scam people. Stinky linkies are true believers who got fucked. No one is in on XVG because they believe in it, they're either looking to ride the wave or create it.

>> No.5585447


SHhhh don't spoil it, wraith protocol will release soon.

>> No.5586204
File: 32 KB, 480x360, 5c3ca2815833_sf_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off cow worshipper.

>> No.5586276


what are your long term hold coins?

>> No.5586314

The only coins I'm locked in on holding are Monero, Ark and Ethereum. The Ark is slightly more of a long shot than the other two but I feel fairly safe wit hit.

>> No.5586426

lol..I sold and profited $700 then wiped my hands clean. If you're still up it's a good time to get out before it implodes

>> No.5586463


cool, i've been thinking about monero. got my final 1k to put in a new coin coming in january, i think i'll pick that one. thanks. never heard of ark.

>> No.5586561
File: 149 KB, 800x820, 1513391658077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dogedark wasn't forked from doge. it was forked from another coin. you are new and will lose everything if you can't separate the fud from history.

>> No.5586647

It's literally a clone of DogeCoin you fucking moron.

They changed the name from DogeCoinDark to Verge and that's literally it. Zero development. Using Tor for BTC has been around forever, but it's not useful for privacy since a majority of people don't use it.

Enjoy your bags faggot.

>> No.5586757
File: 142 KB, 400x400, dealwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already use the real dogecoin with TOR, not your memeclone that leaks IPs.

>> No.5586796

Totally, except that Verge has no more room to grow, while there are plenty of superior investments that are almost guaranteed to 10x. Virtually any privacy coin right now is a better short-medium term hold than Verge.

Verge is great, and got the growth it deserved, but contrary to OP's opinion, if you aren't all OUT of Verge right now you're literally retarded. Even BCH and ETH would be better holds at this stage.

>> No.5586848

Damn... some balls you got charting it that far off.. Hope you are right

>> No.5586893


>> No.5586944
File: 70 KB, 645x729, 1500093805784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5587026

It’s a fork of BTC you worthless fag.

>> No.5587243
File: 100 KB, 1024x681, 1513048721621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's peercoin code but not a fork. knowing this type of shit is what separates the successful(me) from the peasants(you)

>> No.5587278
File: 688 KB, 2800x1070, beautiful moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They doubted, wait until wraith baby

>> No.5587535

my guy in the back