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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 111 KB, 1040x815, pepe-coin-frog-plane-rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55821346 No.55821346 [Reply] [Original]

I work at a bank, AMA

>> No.55821353

nobody cares about your bank teller wagie job

>> No.55821373

Do you print your own cash? How much does the average branch keep on hand?

Do they make you do gay stuff during the Freemason rituals or is your homosexual behavior strictly voluntary?

What are some weaknesses of the security system and if you were going to pull a heist how would you do it?

>> No.55821382

do you wear a funny small hat? do you get most Fridays off? how many people at your company wear funny small hats and get Fridays off?

>> No.55821400
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what product do you use when cleaning the toilet at a bank ?

>> No.55821422

It's good money. You should try it instead of being a loser NEET.

Of course not friend, the House of Coin prints the money.

I'm honestly not sure how much we keep in the vault. It ain't much, because when people want to withdraw a hefty sum they have to warn us beforehand.

The only homossexual thing you gotta do to work there is pass on a gay ass test that has stuff like diversity and shit as a study subject.

I wouldn't try it. The only way to pull it off would be to storm the bank with a trained crew of thugs real fast before the cops surround the building.

Not really. One of my managers is kind of semitic looking but I don't think he actually is a kike.

idk probably bleach

I feel kind of bad for the ladies that clean the bathroom because I have poor aim and sometimes piss on the floor a little.

>> No.55821424

what does it smell like?

>> No.55821430

It reeks of poor people.

>> No.55821446

Are you satisfied with your job? Are your coworkers, including you, arrogant? Why do you value watches so much? Does it ever get tiring? How are the office politics?

>> No.55821459

Good shit anon. Us bankers have to stick together, the average citizen thinks we’re good for nothing leeches and god damnit if I’ve learned nothing else working at a bank they’re not wrong,

>> No.55821508

It's not my dream job by any chance, I'm well aware I work for the (((enemy))), but it sure as hell beats being a NEET (which I was, before landing this job). But I only work 6h/day, get payed handsomely (+bonus on sales, +a huge meal card, +profit participation), can finally live by myself and most important of all, I can save enough money to make my dreams true one day.

We aren't arrogant, I would say, no. They are very good people, in fact. What I will say is, to work there and actually do good, you gotta be at least a little callous. You can't just handout stuff, you gotta milk the client just a bit.

I don't wear watches, but time keeping is very important for the bank. We only have 6h to meet clients, fill paperwork and all that crap, so every second counts. Plus they show wealth and status.

It can get boring sometimes, and stressfull/demanding, but overall I'm not that bothered. I'm doing well and learning what I can. Some hits, some misses, but it's just fine.

Well, not a lot of that actually. Some of my coworkers dislike our Sales Manager, but he's just doing his job. He wants us to sell. They call him callous but don't realize that if we just give the client what they want without asking some return we will never make a profit.

Yeah bro, we suck. We suck the blood out of poor nigger families that want loans lmao.

>> No.55821524

>He didn't post the thumbnail, this guys legit.
Do you poop at work? Are the toilets nice?

>> No.55821534

I haven't pooped at work yet,but the toilets are nice, very clean.

>> No.55821550

Nice, mine are attached to the stairwell and someone graffitied a satanic symbol in one of the stalls

>> No.55821554

how much money do you make?

>> No.55821556

Why were you examining the toilet if you weren't taking a shit? Surely the restroom has urinals. Were you in the stall because you were doing coke? How much coke do you go through on an average shift? Do you guys have your dealer show up right there at the bank?

>> No.55821563

whats the easiest way to 'social engineer' ones way either into the vault or onto a computer

>> No.55821573

I make about 1000 USD a month regardless of my performance at work or other bonuses (there are a lot of them). If I'm doing good work that can double, and I'm in the bottom position basically.

No urinals, I'm afraid. Haven't seen people do coke yet. Lots of coffee tho. I wish I worked in the 70's, I'd do coke in the bathroom and smoke inside, glorious times indeed.

Start working there.

>> No.55821578

>Plus they show wealth and status.
Why is this so important? Won't you show that with your attitude and body-movements anyway? Is it just to get girls and impress other dudes?

>> No.55821584

>I make about 1000 USD a month
I thought you said the pay was good?

>> No.55821592

OP works at a bank in Somalia.

>> No.55821597


>> No.55821598

It is a bit silly I guess but it works. Humans like shiny expensive things.

The pay is good. I'm not american, I live in Brazil. Things are cheaper here (in comparison).

>> No.55821603

Do you have the ability to steal all the money?

>> No.55821608

I see. Maybe I should consider working at a bank as well, or at least office work, gg

>> No.55821618

The pay is good and I can finally live on my own and save money for future plans.

Not really

I recommend it, friend. I'd say it even helped me develop some social skills a bit. Can't say your experience will be the same but it beats being poor.

>> No.55821635
File: 31 KB, 540x397, doomer gaucho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No somalis here, but a lot of haitians and venezuelans are coming over. Not to say the northern migrants from inside Brazil itself. The federal government is turning the south into another nigger zone. It's so over.

>> No.55821679

Here in mexico when someones makes a big withdrawal of money bank employes make a callout to local niggers to come and rob this person, do you have any similar practices in your area

>> No.55821687


>> No.55821691


>> No.55821754


>> No.55821857
File: 46 KB, 680x680, IMG_8885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work at a bank too in California. I had a similar situation as you too, OP. I was a NEET for a year, but I got hired based off my call center experience & my charisma/people skills that I demonstrated in the hiring interview. I make $3,100 a month after taxes in my starting position as a banker. The ultimate goal is to get to premier banker, because you can earn a ton in commission alone if you close deals with high value clients. The base wage for a premier banker can be between $45 an hour to $65 an hour + commission so I could make $200k+ with both combined if I move up the ladder in 4 years or so. I can see why the Jews got so rich thanks to banking now. It’s certainly the place to be if you have decent people skills & have a fluid personality that you can tailor to each individual in a way for them to make them like you. Too bad most of Biz is autistic af kek.

>> No.55821882
File: 301 KB, 960x1280, 0xd0e94bf2466979b81d738c34058d4a6559c4d8be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many Aardvarks have you sucked off?

>> No.55821889
File: 157 KB, 1493x1523, 0xd0e94bf2466979b81d738c34058d4a6559c4d8be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you jewish?

>> No.55821975

Fuck off, I worked IT at the bank for about a decade. There isn't shit there worth talking about.

>> No.55822388


Tell me about iso 20022 and adopting Ripple XRP.

>> No.55822522


>> No.55822910

Wtf is this Aardvarks meme?

>> No.55822956


Bank tellers make less than Walmart employees.

>> No.55823064

I work at a bank too as a Senior AML Analyst. It’s ok I guess, I don’t have to deal with clients.

>> No.55823069

Why do people say banking is "dog eat dog"? I've worked in many branches and all the employees usually seem laid back and chill.

>> No.55823082

I think it's only when you try to climb the corporate ladder

>> No.55823334

Why do you think being a teller is important enough to warrant an ask thread?

>> No.55823396

>1000 a month
>post pic of pepe on jet.

>> No.55823539

How long were you a NEET before getting the job?

>> No.55823553

Why do you keep closing branches in rural areas with lots of elderly people too inept to do phone banking? Do you want them to not be able to control their money?

>> No.55823554

Climbing the corporate ladder is dog eat dog everywhere though

>> No.55823572

Why is the Brazilian accent so gay?

>> No.55823575

Kind of

>> No.55823746

Unlike OP larping fag I actually do work at a bank. I make barely 6 figures and work in a cubicle when I'm in the office.

I've only been on one private/charted jet in my life and it was an emergency situation, it's not typical to travel like that.

It's a nice job and I'm comfy where I'm at.

>> No.55824066


>> No.55825054
File: 55 KB, 552x769, 1691591662680295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any reason why bankfags feel the need to type like some kind of badly written novella 'character'?

>Of course not friend, the House of Coin prints the money.
>I'm honestly not sure how much we keep in the vault. It ain't much, because when people want to withdraw a hefty sum they have to warn us beforehand.

>... heh...

Also serious question; how stressful is your position, stress-to-money ratio? Worth it? Reasonably comfortable?