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55817006 No.55817006 [Reply] [Original]

>I need more than this because ______________.

>> No.55817039

What's the job market like there?

>> No.55817047
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Our burger right to own mcmansions and gas guzzling turbo diesel pickup trucks SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED

>> No.55817067

>4000 people
>Largest employer is Walmart

>> No.55817068

neither shall your right to be a wageslave i guess :^)
it's great because you can get a remote job

>> No.55817081

Because I have children so I need more bedrooms.

>> No.55817097 [DELETED] 

Because I want to attract good pussy

>> No.55817109 [DELETED] 

All towns in Utah have quality pussy

>> No.55817113

*Small towns

>> No.55817133

My parents’ place is not much larger than this. Small top floor with slanted ceiling. It’s really really unpleasant to share such a small place with your family over an extended period of time. Even alone, I need some space for my thoughts. It’s really hard to be neat and organized in such small places.

>> No.55817141 [DELETED] 

Don't they make you convert to their cult religion before they give up the box ?>>55817068
Kill yourself nigger lover

>> No.55817166 [DELETED] 

>Don't they make you convert to their cult religion before they give up the box ?

Don't know but when I went to Kanab it was full of hot blondes

>> No.55817179 [DELETED] 
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Based, I've heard the same

>> No.55817205 [DELETED] 

that is definitely in the south somewhere

>> No.55817209

Remote jobs have dried up. The vast majority of businesses are now hybrid, 1-3 days in the office/week.

>> No.55817212 [DELETED] 

>Fall weather

>> No.55817213 [DELETED] 

They're spiritually utahan

>> No.55817218
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not really

>> No.55817223

Also 660sqft is incredibly small. I'd say if you have 2-4 people living under the same roof you need 1200sqft minimum. 2 bathrooms too. I grew up in a house with one bathroom and it sucks having to go into my parents room to take a fucking shower.

>> No.55817228

September 2021? Obviously bro. Even I was full remote. Our company made us switch back to hybrid March 2022 because the pandemic winded down. This is a fortune 200 company.

>> No.55817242


Only 12.7% of employees are full remote now.

>> No.55817246 [DELETED] 

None of those girls are blonde

>> No.55817254

>Only 12.7% of employees are full remote now.

That sounds right. Did you think something like 25% WFH. That'd be too high

>> No.55817258 [DELETED] 

the 2 in the middle are

>> No.55817270 [DELETED] 

>dying your hair chemical yellow turns your DNA into a blonde woman
That's not how it works. They can't pass on those genes. Their ugly mulatto children will have to dye their hair too.

>> No.55817279

It sounds correct to me. Remote jobs are not readily available these days, especially if you aren't in tech or compsci. So I wouldn't move to middle-of-nowhere dying towns that have no job prospects

>> No.55817292


There are still remote jobs that aren't in tech or customer service

>> No.55817305

Because it's in Nevada and I refuse to live in the desert like a spic ape

>> No.55817318

>we wuz pharoahs and shieet
>but i cant live in a slightly dry but grassy environment because im not mexican

>> No.55817449

I need more than a tiny shithole house in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by fat retards.

>> No.55817470


>> No.55817484

>just get a remote job bro
almost as bad as your west vagina posts

>> No.55817717

>>I need more than this because I want to survive the winter and not be eaten by rats or shot up by spic burglars (probably)

>> No.55817743

I need more than this because I want human neighbors.

>> No.55817793 [DELETED] 

I love Mormon women so I agree. Nothing is hotter than fingering (over the pants) a white virgin Mormon girl and hearing how wet her pussy is from craving cock. It’s a beautiful sound and I’m glad I got to hear it a few times in my lifetime.

t. Mexican-American anon.

>> No.55817875
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>$880 a month
>660 sqft

This is pretty much exactly what I pay, except I live in a modern apartment in the city and not some dilapidated house in the middle of nowhere. Who in their right mind would pay so much for that?

>> No.55817885

Stop it with the house shill threads

>> No.55818075

Have you been in the 2020s long?

>> No.55818089
File: 194 KB, 1125x454, IMG_8973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon 4chin lost your post but I found it again for ya

>> No.55818099

Few and far between. Additionally, if you get a remote job, move to an extremely rural area and then lose the job, you won't be able to easily find another job.

>> No.55818734

LOL Ely, I've been there. Friend owns land there to escape Vegas heat and camp in the summer. Don't piss off the Mormons, they run all these small towns.


Not a fucking chance. Way too rural. There's nothing for at least 90 minutes.

>> No.55818781

lol/lmao/rofl/kek/lel/top lel/top kek @ that bot who always shills "remote jobs"

>> No.55818786

Can I just get out in Washington DC?

>> No.55818813

Because my huge balls won't fit in that shed.

>> No.55818816

I don't want to live like cockroaches/sardines with my family in bunks filling out the entire house?
also my animals and crops won't fit there

>> No.55818826

If I don't care about living near my parents I might as well live in Thailand where housing is actually cheap and so are the Asian girls.

>> No.55818907

because i'm not an orphan with no family