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55815612 No.55815612 [Reply] [Original]

when did you first buy Bitcoin anon?

>> No.55815675
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>> No.55816191

2013, on coinbased, i bought 2 for 730 each.

>> No.55816232

2014. Bought about 5 BTC total through the middle few months of that year between $300 and $500 each. Price kept on going down and I kinda forgot about them altogether for a long time until 2019. To be honest I’m kinda glad I forgot about them because I would have very easily sold them much earlier as soon as I had seen some profit.

Shit was hard to buy back then in Ausfailia. The first one I bought was from a website that would give you a bank account to deposit money into and you’d get sent a Bitcoin a day or so later. Then after that I used a couple of exchanges, one of them still exists and the other is long gone.

>> No.55816233

tfw I first heard about bitcoin so early I could have mined it with a CPU. I was just a dumb highschool sophomore and got lost on how to make a wallet.

>> No.55816259

i bought some at $200 on coinbase. I'm not sure when but I could probably check my history on cb. I remember cb used to give away free $10 of btc to students. That $10 is worth something like $1k now.

>> No.55816268

I know that feel. I was browsing /g/ in the EARLY days and people were so divided on whether it was going to turn into something big or not. This is going back to when 1 BTC was literally in the cents. At the time I thought it was all bullshit and didn’t see the value in it at all, so I kinda just didn’t really pay attention. Wish I had because at the time if I had set a miner up on my computer I could have done alright out of it. I had an NVIDIA GPU at the time and from what I remember AMD cards were pulling hashes an order of magnitude better than what a similarly powerful NVIDIA card would pull.

>> No.55816270

same problem. i was all over btc in 2011 but i was of the wrong mindset to even think about acquiring it....took me until 2021 before i actually started. FML

>> No.55816946

Most people will sell at a profit within a year, very few hold for longer. With bitcoin, you are better off buying and holding for at least 3 years. Trading it is a mistake, trade something else.

>> No.55817871
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bought on MtGox
didn't withdraw