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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55814412 No.55814412 [Reply] [Original]

I'm thinking Calgary but I can still afford a down payment for a detached home in Ottawa. Any suggestions, or maybe other places?

>> No.55814421

>I'm thinking Calgary
Fuck off, we're full. Go back to shitskin land.

>> No.55814425

prices cant go up forever, if they keep jack packing pajeets into canada the quality of life will be so bad that the RE market will experience a multi decade dip

>> No.55814432

lol poorfag can only afford a down payment in ottawa, that's only like 100k

>> No.55814445

We are going to bomb all major cities. Take your pick, faggot.

>> No.55814450

Well hurry it up.

>> No.55814462

We need to pack more jeets, chinks and Sudanigs into the blast zone.

>> No.55814523

lmao, look at you seething priced out fags.

>> No.55814532

Calgary will be the next place to explode since most are priced out of ontario and bc

>> No.55814588
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>> No.55814643

What outdated thinking you have, friend! Once you get into real estate, you are committed for years with your life on the government's whim.

>> No.55814761

Great book. Fuck sask lame ass province