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File: 628 KB, 1000x1207, 1691299286134415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55813055 No.55813055 [Reply] [Original]

How to profit from feminism leading to civilizational collapse and genetic extinction?

>> No.55813070

Sir this is a wendys.

Ledit: Omg guys thanks for the gold! but let's be honest I had it coming. :devilfaceemoji:

>> No.55813085
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>> No.55813090

ever heard of short selling?

>> No.55813094
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LONG small antlered deer

>> No.55813096
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>> No.55813110
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>> No.55813117
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>even in japan

>> No.55813143
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The "Irish Elk" along with countless other animals went extinct due to the sudden change in Earth's electrical environment after (and during) the breakup of the Polar Configuration (the axial alignment of Earth, Mars, Venus and Saturn -- with Jupiter behind Saturn, but that planet wasn't visible from Earth due to being obscured by Saturn).

>> No.55813159
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>> No.55813184
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> Symbols of an Alien Sky
> The Lightning Scarred Planet Mars
> The Electric Comet
> Discourses on An Alien Sky playlist
> Remembering the End of the World

>> No.55813197

Now this is why I come to 4chan. Reminds me of a similar thread I saw where the electric field will change soon allowing all unvaxxed humans to gain power.

>> No.55813310
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The "Ebner Effect" (picrel) means we have NO WAY of knowing what ANY animal or plant which we're familiar with today looked like in the past in a different electrical environment. Take any animal or plant, take a fern for example. We know what a fern looks like now – but 10 000 years ago (for example), when the electric field experienced on Earth was different (due to the electric environment of the solar system being vastly different), then it would've looked different than ferns today do. Despite it being the exact same fern!

The Ebner Effect also means that many of the animals living at the time of the dinosaurs (whenever that actually was, it was most likely nowhere near as long ago as we're told, perhaps they lived just millions or even hundreds of thousands of years ago) which we think of as having "gone extinct" didn't actually die out; rather they just changed their appearance – their genes merely began manifesting differently.

See this for some basic info on what the Ebner Effect is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i69p0lldbGY
And this, a thought-provoking commentary: https://files.catbox.moe/ga936v.webm
Also related, more in depth, in German: https://web.archive.org/web/20200224060030/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUfOiW0_bZ0

Some dude doing Ebner Effect experiments:

>> No.55813323

How do I profit from 1pbtid identity politics glow ops deployed at poor anonymous internet users for the purposes of making them feel angry and hopeless instead of positive and productive?

>> No.55813331

fucking kek poltards use better fonts if you want to be taken seriosuly

>> No.55813364

You ready for the solar micronova?

>> No.55813496

LOL, leave it to the Irish to be that retarded.

>> No.55813500
File: 52 KB, 1025x600, Polar Configuration seen from Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not happening. He's purely doing what he's doing to scam people for their money through fear, just like the abrahamic doom "prophets" did ~2000 years ago (also he's pro-abrahamic, he supports the basic idea/concept of a jewish "sky daddy" and says he believes Noah existed etc). His entire "theory" is based on the uniformitarianist view of the solar system (that everything has been exactly like it is now for hundreds of millions of years) and he knowingly ignores the Polar Configuration which Earth was in some 9000 to 14000 years ago. The breakup of the Polar Configuration is what caused all the mass extinctions and destruction on Earth (interplanetary electric arcs ripping up canyons like the Grand Canyon and massive amounts of rock being dumped on Earth from Mars, etc), not the sun doing a micronova like he says. And the plasma formations seen in Earth's sky were caused by the Polar Configuration, by Mars interacting with Venus and radiating plasma filaments (which is Birkeland currents in glow-mode), it wasn't caused by the Sun. He willfully ignores all of that. His entire "thing", that he runs, it requires you believing that the solar system was always exactly the same way it is now (the planets in the same positions and distances from each other). In some Q&A type video someone asked him what he thinks of the Polar Configuration and that Saturn was a red dwarf star and he attacked it (because he has to) and said that it never happened and he also attacked the Electric Universe people.

A massive carrington event, a solar flare hitting Earth, THAT can and will inevitably happen though.

>> No.55813546

No this is the guy who has no life and replies to threads autistically

>> No.55813549

only the chosen are permitted to profit from it

>> No.55813569

Thanks for the insight good to see another purple hazer in the wild this is how I learned for any inquisitive anons

>> No.55813652
File: 102 KB, 1238x793, Grand Canyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you watch through this stuff: >>55813184 and more here: https://www.youtube.com/@ThunderboltsProject/playlists and you let all that fully sink in... then, when you've realized that the Polar Configuration isn't only likely to have happened but MUST have happened (only question being when did it break up and how long did it last before breaking up), because otherwise we wouldn't see what we see on Earth and in space), then you realize That Guy you've been watching is a fraud, as his theory is fundamentally incompatible with all that stuff. Both can't be right, they can't coexist. His theory, what he pushes (except for solar flares of course, they happen and we will be hit eventually), is only compatible with the normalfaggot-science view of the uniformitarian solar system that has always run like clockwork with the planets in the current arrangement.

Some helpful stuff:
See: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThunderboltsProject/search?query=geology
Michael Steinbacher archive: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPhp4wC40lf5_kzWV2wEWQqTJw0sJiLCn
A crude animation simulating Mars (in extremely close proximity to Earth) dumping material onto the Earth, shaping Asia and creating Australia: https://files.catbox.moe/o57ccu.mp4

>> No.55813700

Unironically anybody with any sense should have no confidence and realize that a strong gust of wind could break every bone in their body and make them both physically and mentally retarded for the rest of their lives. But women are attracted to confidence. As we’ve just established any sense of security one could have is mental illness, delusion.

>> No.55813744

Its a good thing.
Humans are a trash species.

The women are leg opener whores due to their short fertility cycle of roughly 20 years after 16. They don't have any opinions whatsoever and just do what the media tells them to.

The men are basically all disposable unless they are the top 5%. The top giga chad dick fights the top money cock for bragging rights and resources.

The entire world looks like a brown favela full of the ugliest most dygenic retards, all because the west prefered to make money instead of making babies.

Thankfully it will all be over soon in thermonuclear war or AI revolution.

>> No.55813774

>spams this shit through numerous threads
>screencaps own posts
>starts threads with his screencaps
textbook astroturf campaign

>> No.55813815

Irish elk died because of the ice age and over-hunting of already small and inbred populations by human tribes where they were still left standing, along with countless other species. This is mostly common knowledge. The maladaption hypothesis is a myth, and it's largely agreed that females would have preferred males that won their fights and not purely the size of their antlers - massive peacock antlers would have been cumbersome to fight with.

>> No.55813828

can you answer this please sir?

A second post from your operations room would really mean the world.

>> No.55813909

You're talking about Davidson right? There's another Jew guy who also spearheads the Micronova debate but I forget his name. Both of them have YouTube channels which have never been flagged or taken down, Davidson has 700k subscriber btw. The thing is, he used to never be like he is now. I remember when he was fairly genuine and fully amicable with the Thunderbolts Project and the Electric Universe theory a decade ago. Whatever happened since then has made him another Charlatan Soothsayer, sometime after 2017 or 2018. He leaned into the Tate/Trump/Bro crowd to appeal to a younger audience and he's done very well for himself with his internet persona. The dudes got one hell of an ego to him too.