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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 639 KB, 750x1334, F971E289-9CD7-4DD0-AC5E-6FE1CCA640E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55811435 No.55811435 [Reply] [Original]

Ooooooo linkies looks like swift is DOA

>> No.55811460

china noooooooo

>> No.55811468

HA! Let's watch China Joe suck thier toes on this issue. "my fellow Americans, we are now completely powerless to stop China economically, but worry not! I've preemptively declared war on them and will be enacting a mandatory draft for all US males above the age of 18! God bless America!"

>> No.55811494

Linkcel you need to take your meds

>> No.55811497

Bullish for XRP

>> No.55811526
File: 180 KB, 2046x1053, 20230811_142703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see your fud and raise you 1 cope

>> No.55811531

i know you're being ironic but i find it hilarious how xrp retards have been jerking themselves off for years about becoming the standard for cross border payments and with every year that passes we just see more and more countries and banks building their own systems.

>> No.55811532
File: 9 KB, 635x160, hotstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though they have 'bridge' in the name, it's not in any way a bridge. It's a DLT based on HotStuff which was created by Maofan Yin. More like Canton Network than CCIP.

>> No.55811535

Doesnt matter, they will use chainlink services as well

>> No.55811546

Linkcel cope. Banks are creating their own private chains

>> No.55811558

We told you to just buy XRP but you didn't listen.

What does Quant have to do with anything?

>> No.55811567

Of course banks have private chains. That was the whole reason Chainlink was created. For the banks to connect their private chains. Are you retarded?

>> No.55811603

MBridge is bypassing swift anon please get better reading comprehension

>> No.55811635

I don’t think you get it
SWIFT needs Chainlink to continue to exist
Chainlink doesn’t need SWIFT to continue to exist

Any fucking blockchain oriented and smart contract oriented system to come needs of oracles and interoperability

>> No.55811636

I wonder what is going to Link all of their Chains together. Preferably something decentralized.

>> No.55811651

If banks wanted their private chains connected, they wouldn't all have created their own seperate private chains in the first place. They would have built everything one one chain.

>> No.55811667
File: 141 KB, 828x649, 24ECD0A9-75AB-4FA1-AD85-F39E45D67039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys know of any Chinese based blockchains that use HotStuff? https://finance.yahoo.com/news/china-sprints-ahead-race-modernize-040010856.html

>> No.55811685

Why did you include your own posts in the mass reply?

>> No.55811690

I forgot I was in this thread

>> No.55811701


>> No.55811724

good point OP
especially since there's zero connections between BIS and Chainlink

>> No.55811731

Yeah except they wont need Link. The rugpull is gonna be so brutal for you cucks

>> No.55811738
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>> No.55811740

First day on the job fudder? We probably made the last guy ragequit kek.
All good, let me help you out.
*ahem* I am never going to sell. No matter what. Like ever. Infact I’ll be buying more.

>> No.55811963

Buy more

>> No.55812371

>FUD tranny absolutely desperate to find something, ANYTHING, to make link holders sell
>the best he can do is reference a bsn product which will already be using link
better luck with the next 6 threads you make repeating this already debunked shit you brain-damaged faggot - or you could just kill yourself, which wouldn't really make a difference to anyone



>> No.55812563
File: 34 KB, 584x512, 1620391385468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't give a fuck, they can see their piece of shit burning and won't stop coping and seething while being delusional retards, it's over for them after all, god saved me when I used all my link to buy arkm

>> No.55812571

u right, we don't

>> No.55812572

Cope baggie cope!

>> No.55812578

Worst thing is they keep buying as if this garbage were to pump again

>> No.55812592

Neither do I, they can suck my cock kek, poor baggies

>> No.55812646
File: 45 KB, 1045x425, DD3A72F7-B9DB-417E-92C8-E79E9B206090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite part of kekfuddie threads are when kekfuddies get rekt and they start seething and samefagging like this.
Don't worry buddy, maybe you'll make some newfag sell his tiny stack of 50 linkies if you keep doing this kind of thing ad nauseum for the next 7 hours.

>> No.55812648

Buy more

>> No.55812731

true. absolutely none at all to be found. SAD!

>> No.55812751

Yeah I haven’t seen any at all

>> No.55812900

XRP is a dead shitcoin, literally nothing is happening with it except the literal most greasy fat looking Jew in existence dumps on you daily.

>> No.55814900

Swift is a nothing burger judging by price anyway

>> No.55814929

why do link thirdies think the archkikes will cut in a bunch of newfag goyim who have a mediocre product

lmao what a piece of shit if you actually need to me to explain why this is going to go south quick you should not be investing