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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55808784 No.55808784 [Reply] [Original]

I make 55k after taxes (79k salary) and that goes to 40k after a years rent, how the FUCK do average people invest? I need to make it from crypto or start a business to have a chance to even consider investing in index funds.

>> No.55808849

>how the FUCK do average people invest

>> No.55808890

>I make 55k after taxes (79k salary) and that goes to 40k after a years rent,
You shouldn't pay your taxes

>how the FUCK do average people invest?
They don't

>I need to make it from crypto
You can't. Crypto's 20x growth is over. It's 10x at most.

>or start a business
Business is literally gambling, 80% of new business fails

>to have a chance to even consider investing in index funds.
You may have better luck investing in real estate.

>> No.55808898

max out your roth and company match. Put the rest in high risk high reward investments. You could be sitting at 2-3x gains this year if you bought a number of tech companies or leveraged etfs

>> No.55808914

I've finished my tunnel under your house.
Mind giving me that wifi password roommate?

>> No.55808926

shut the fuck up kaspa literally did a 50x, unibot literally did a 1000x
smelly dumb demo poster

>> No.55808941

Did you sell your house and buy kyspa scam ? Just be honest, you're only investing at most $1000 to shitcoin like that.

>> No.55808951

live with your mum and dad or something, so you dont have to pay rent, but if youre unlucky enough to have had to move away for work you're kinda fucked

>> No.55809008

Move to a state with no income tax and you'll have a few hundred extra dollars every month. Or move to New Hampshire where there's no income or sales tax and you'll save even more.

>> No.55809017

My gross is 70k a year
Net is 44.5k after 401k and medical and pension
After rent and insurance I’m down to 30k.
Frugal living I’m down to 24k.
I invest 1k a check in taxable brokerage. I will be a slave for a long time. I keep thinking, in 2-3 years when I have over 100k saved I will be solid

>> No.55809020

Make a higher salary, 5 figures is poverty tier these days

>> No.55809026
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Maybe you can buy my upcoming project, it may take a while, but you can follow Twitter search @MousemouseETH

>> No.55809027


You're doing fine.

>> No.55809029

100k is nothing

>> No.55809037

If you're that rich and can't find money to invest you're incredibly fucking retarded.

I earn 55k a year BEFORE taxes and I save a fortune every year for investing.

>You can't. Crypto's 20x growth is over. It's 10x at most.

You don't want a 10x return, you want a stable 6% or 8% return on your capital.

>> No.55809041
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Well it’s two years net income. With how frugal I am closer to 4 years. That is something even if it won’t break the chains. Besides I need a goal

>> No.55809044

1. Living at home is hell

2. You are not allowed to work and live at home, your boss won't allow you to show up late because of commute distance.

I earn 55k and live on my own, and easily save. OP is a drug addict.

>70k a year

So you're super rich and you can't even save? Pathetic.

Oligarchs like you belong behind bars if you can't do anything productive.

>> No.55809053

Try a nice growth oriented mutual fund. I've done okay with PRWAX.

>> No.55809057

5 figures is ultra-rich these days, I'm super rich myself and i make 55k.

Earning six figures is impossible if you're not born to a family in Congress or part of the International Banking System

>> No.55809071

> They don't
They do
> You can't. Crypto's 20x growth is over. It's 10x at most.
Absolute fucking retard.
> Business is literally gambling, 80% of new business fails
Yeah if you’re opening a restaurant or bar maybe
> You may have better luck investing in real estate.
Yeah bro, just buy the top!
> You shouldn't pay your taxes
You fucking glow so bright lmfao

>> No.55809077

That doesn't even beat interest. It's not even saving money at that point, it's lost opportunities to make money.

>> No.55809087

Interest is 3% a year, you don't want to earn more than 8% a year, if you are then something is seriously wrong and you're about to lose all your money.

>> No.55809125
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DCA into Blackswan until you have 25k Blackswan. Then use the bot for plays like longing the ETF bitcoin news when it happens. More info at blackswan dot biz

Phase 4 is about to be released so might be a good time to pick it up at 400k MC

>> No.55809127
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>I carelessly waste all of my disposable income on frivolous bullshit.
>Why don't I have any money to invest?


>> No.55809160

This, OP also has dirt cheap rent and can't find money to invest.

>> No.55809210

>you shouldn’t pay your taxes
Exactly. Why bother losing a little bit of money every year when you can risk losing it all instead

>> No.55809231
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Month ago I had 23 yo birthday and it was exactly like this. I even remember sitting in the same pose, jfc

>> No.55809251

How do you spend 15k/year? Are your utilities included in rent? If not that's a horrible financial decision to pay that rent. Consider buying a camper.

>> No.55809267

15k a year on rent is DIRT CHEAP.

I make 19k a year and I live with a roommate in a den. That was the cheapest possible spot.

>> No.55809289

Oh I read that wrong. How does anon not save anything with 40k leftover is my point. He either spends too much or doesn't save.

>> No.55809323

He's retarded senpai.

I earn 55k a year, I make 40k a year after tax. I spend 19k a year on rent, that brings me to 21k. After food and utilities and shit, I take home 12k.

That's 1k a month for investing. If I can do it on 55k, he can do it, especially with higher income and lower rent.

>> No.55809381

>live with your mum and dad
I did this during the pandemic and basically pocketed my $120k salary as a remote IT system administrator.

>> No.55809415

How the fuck are people making these insane salaries?

I went to an ivy league school and the max salary i know that someone has is 85k a year.

>> No.55809421

Had to move for this job otherwise yes

>> No.55809428

This pic will be me when I turn 30 soon…

>> No.55809445

I went from 60k to 130k in 3 years. My industry is retarded though. I don't know if it'll pan out long term.

The techbros confuse the shit out of me though. I don't think there's as many 100k+ salaries in tech as people make it seem on this board.

>> No.55809449

All the easy do nothing jobs are high pay but require a college degree. All the hard jobs that are labour-some are low pay but require no education.

The world is literally just people with college degrees being subsidized by the labourer slave class. We got rekted falling for the “college is a meme” meme

>> No.55809458

I make $230k and think about killing myself everyday

>> No.55809465

Go to a therapist

>> No.55809485

>All the easy do nothing jobs are high pay but require a college degree

I went to Princeton

>The world is literally just people with college degrees being subsidized by the labourer slave class. We got rekted falling for the “college is a meme” meme

I fell for the meme by literally studying at Princeton??? How is that falling for the "college is a meme" meme?

>> No.55809518

If I make more money than you going to an Ivy League and I went to a literal who state uni, that is kinda sad

>> No.55809531

I have no idea how you did it, you must have insane connections. Dad in Congress?

>> No.55809540

I went to a liter who state uni and make more than that anon. On top of that my field isn't even what I got my degree in lol

>> No.55809564

No just an engineering degree

>> No.55809566

I have an engineering degree too.

>> No.55809577

I did electrical engineering, u are probably the mechanical engineer that makes the threads here lmao

>> No.55809583

Computer engineering. Couldn't find a job in the field so I work for tech consulting.

>> No.55809591
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>> No.55809603

Some of the best alpha on biz

>> No.55809617

just get a defense job they are easy to get if ur a hard worker and a U.S. citizen

>> No.55809670

>U.S citizen

I've been trying to get citizenship for the US my whole life.

But from my understanding they're very very hard to get.

>> No.55809684

>I make $230k and think about killing myself everyday
wtf is your job?

>> No.55809796

Happy birthday anon, may your week-end be fun !

>> No.55809836

So you're a shitskin? No wonder your salary is trash.

>> No.55809843

But he said he was an Ivy League grad

>> No.55809869

I'm blond hair blue eyed, literally pure Scandinavian ancestry besides a bit of North German.

I'm rich because I worked hard and went to Ivy League.

>> No.55809874

The reason you went to a trash school and never got into ivy league isn't skin color, it's because you are subhuman

>> No.55809941

Another easy job for CE is just applying to FPGA or circuit design types of jobs, those are everywhere and pay similar to ask

>> No.55810130

>tfw also turned 23 a month ago
This is the worst age yet

>> No.55810194

I am 24 and making 94k as an insurance underwriter. I'll prob be making like 170k by the time I'm 30. It's not bad too. Most of my day is spent twiddling my thumbs then like 45 minutes of work

>> No.55810407

I didn’t;T read the 2nd part of your post. In that case college is a meme even Ivy League if you are a retard and pick a bad degree like black woman studies

>> No.55810431

Yeah, I didn't know Computer Science, Finance, and math are meme degrees!

The very device you're using to type this trash was only possible because of us engineers and mathematicians.

>> No.55810544

>DCA is one way to maximize gains.

I've implemented that approach with my holdings, including IOTX, HBAR, XTP, IRIS, and KAVA.

>> No.55810671

By the time you are 30 you will be out of a job. Smart contracts will automate the insurance industry

>> No.55810722

Who gives a fuck? People change jobs like 10 times now over their career. As long as you showed your a competent employee and have references you can be hired elsewhere.

>> No.55810748

Software engineer. I work from home and have zero social interaction outside a 30 min meeting everyday

>> No.55810852

There is a job opening at Google right now for an electrical engineer that pays 140k and all u need is experience with lab equipment and shit u learned in ur digital class, go for it my German friend

>> No.55810918

Learn history

>> No.55810973

sorry brah forgot ur scandi not all German

>> No.55810982

>how the FUCK do average people invest
They don't, really, with the median amount American only saving $250 a month.

If you want to really invest, you need to up your income. For example, I work from home as a software dev, making $135k total comp a year, 3.5 years in the industry, so far. I also was blue collar, before, though, so am used to living very cheaply and still live cheaply, never taking rideshare or using food delivery apps, living in a cheap city with cheap rent, etc.. As a result, from the about $8,000 post tax I make each month, I am able to invest about $6,200 a month, too.

>> No.55811027

that's baller amount bro, right on.

When I had OPs salary I was still able to max out 401k (put ~20k a year invested away) and a little more after that. Not glamorous, but if you do that in your 20s and 30s you will be ahead of 95% of the population by 40. With OPs salary he should still be able to achieve a 7 figure net worth by around 38-42. Wow that's not yolo FU money it's still better than vast majority of population

Once you have 1 milly invested you can take foot off the gas. You cant retire on that, but you really dont even need to save anymore if you wanted to. You could drive for Uber for a living and still retire comfortably.

>> No.55811107

Yeah, the median retirement income in America is only something like $250k, which, at 44 years working (ages 21 to 65), 4% annual interest (compounding), they are saving about only $180 a month, too.

Meanwhile, at my current rate of about $6,200 a month, I can save $250k, without any interest at all, in only 3.36 years. I never get why so many folk in tech live outlandish lives in lavish cities, instead of doing this. I could work for 3-5 more years, then retire to some chill part time job, like dog walking or poster hanging, let my investments grow a bit more, then start living off the interest, and still have $1m easily, at 65, as long as I kept living cheap.

>> No.55811111

That's bullshit.

I earn a high income, 55k a year, but still lower than OPs.

I can invest whatever i want because im not bad with money.

>> No.55811130


>> No.55811149

Did you missed QANX out of the list? That's another project that I see pulling a surprise after XRP. The launching of its private blockchain which will be live few weeks from now worth looking at closely by all

>> No.55811193

I have a similar plan. Dont work in tech and make smaller salary (~130k) but live in LCOL flyover america and WFH. So many people get caught up on that retirement number and worry if it will be 'enough' to just quit working forever. IMO this is a very uncreative way of looking at retirement.

If there is one thing FIREcels get right it's actually critically challenging how retirement is viewed. Instead of trying to do the math of when you can quit working and stare at a wall until you die and be ok, you should consider flexibility of still working in retirement. But something you actually enjoy, not email job in corporate hell. You dont need this money to fund your life either, just subsidize it.

The number you should try to hit is the one where you have enough saved that you dont have to contribute another dime to your retirement and be ok, itll be plenty when you are in your 60s. From then your employment options can be lterally anything. That 40-50k a year job as a personal trainer, or owning your own coffee shop, or teaching chit, whatever it is as long as you can live on in then you are good to go. Hell go travel and live cheaply in 3rd world if you want. Your goal shouldnt be to just retire and rot. But grant yourself flexibility for the life you want

>> No.55811195

This looks like a trap, ain't gonna fall for it. Meanwhile, Players and creators in the decentralized gaming environment re benefiting greatly from the Elfin p2e gaming and I'm all dead on it already.