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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55808657 No.55808657 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like this week was a slump and we'll go back up again next week.
I have $1k to burn. What should I buy?
Ideally a low cap L1 or even some penny stock.

>> No.55808748

research GORO

>> No.55808788

Alephium is the only half decent low cap L1 around

>> No.55808834
File: 142 KB, 1477x777, Screenshot from 2023-08-11 17-58-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit?

already got a bag.
also got some NOVO and RXD.
Though I'm worried the PoW resurgence might just be a phase and in 6 months they'll all be dead.
So I'm looking for some other narrative so I can diversify a bit.
Ethereum L2s are old news, PoS will get murdered by regulations, AI coins are all scams.
what else is there?

>> No.55810835

GucciRolexLambo or nothing tbqh

>> No.55811021

fuck it, gonna take a dip and buy up some guccirolexlambo, hodl like a boss

>> No.55811146

last night, nigga was watching the charts and guccirolexlambo made a spark

>> No.55811164

fuck off apu

>> No.55811246

bruh, just bought a few guccirolexlambo, don't know much but its a start

>> No.55811354

waiting for guccirolexlambo to get going, really need that cash flow

>> No.55811418

I'd like to see the white paper of this promising coin of yours please.

>> No.55811447
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Imagine not getting into x.com when it's been permapumping for almost a week now.
>lowcap btw

>> No.55811471

not sure if wise to do, but gonna buy some guccirolexlambo and see how it goes

>> No.55811507

Ok, I bought this guccirolexlambo expecting nothing. If this outperforms my other coins, I'm getting a lambo tat

>> No.55811517
File: 120 KB, 783x993, 1AC9B12A-7198-47E6-9C99-5B9CCF063CF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly what you’re looking for but I’ll put it on your radar anyway. Max pain is about to be above the likely average short breakeven for gme.
There’s a lot of bullshit surrounding it, but if I had a grand right now, that’s where I’d put it.
> how long to hold?
If their q2 report is positive, it will get juicy, so not very long. Alternatively if they shit the bed on q2 the apes will hold forever anyway so getting out won’t unscathed probably won’t be a problem.
this is not financial advice

>> No.55811572

guccirolexlambo winners become losers, not sure what this leads to

>> No.55811665
File: 6 KB, 400x400, IMG_1198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sparks. The future of DiD. This is the best entry point you’ll get on it

>> No.55811698

gotta be patient with guccirolexlambo, gonna settle for long term moves

>> No.55811832

shilling guccirolexlambo as if it were bread, but taken with a grain of salt

>> No.55811911

tired of having no guccirolexlambo, time to head to the markets and get some

>> No.55811958

lambo pals, wen binance?

>> No.55812039

im a gucci rolex lambo chad

>> No.55812043

all of my monero rewards put into guccirolexlambo, while i stay cool and relaxed

>> No.55812221

so much money in guccirolexlambo, time to show them how to make it grow

>> No.55812912

>buy a shitcoin at the top
No thanks

>> No.55812924

Avax is better than guccilamborolex.