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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55807487 No.55807487 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55807520

cat looks like an old Japanese salaryman with a receding hairline

>> No.55807540

>Catspamming faggot has 17 threads up

>> No.55807560

Are you sure youre not projecting? How do we know youre not making these threads?

>> No.55807572

Because the faggot (likely you)
Doesn't call himself out.

>> No.55807587

cannot unsee
imagine seething this hard about a shitpost
Get a life nigger

>> No.55807591
File: 40 KB, 860x554, splitmovie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. picrel

>> No.55807605
File: 143 KB, 1492x394, na.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so cute and heckin funny
The day you blow your brains out is the day this board recovers.

>> No.55807612

Out of all the increased suicides in 2022 and OP wasn't one, absolute shame and proof we live in the worst timeline.

>> No.55807620

>the day this board recovers
>clearly new
It was always like this. Posts like this are why I come here.
Do you honestly believe people that come here day in day out want to sit around and talk about index funds all day
Fuck you, nigger. Good day to you.

>> No.55807636

Just out of curiousity, what coins do you hold SchizoAnon?

>> No.55807638

They wanna talk kitty cats?
Aww little girly wants to talk about his baby kitties and spam shitty off topic time wasting threads all day?
Awww wittle baby gurly needs some attentwion

>> No.55807642

100% Arkham I wanna see how many idiots like OP I can make suicide while making money.

>> No.55807651

>spam shitty off topic time wasting threads all day?
So not only are you seething but you yourself are a fucking spamming shill.
Seriously, kill yourself

>> No.55807657

Bruh weren't you accusing "the cat spamming faggot" of peddling scams a few days ago?

100% confirmation that you are projecting

>> No.55807663

I haven't made a single thread on this shitty board since 21 yet you make at least 500 threads a week, you're an attention whore a sad pathetic timer wasting attention whore who laughs like a little faggot while making spam threads all day nobody cares about and you bump with alt ID's when they are about to 404
Kill yourself today faggot.
I guarantee your parents are fucking ashamed daily.

>> No.55807671

They know having you as the biggest mistake if they haven't killed themselves out of pure shame I bet they pray daily to god for forgiveness for allowing their demonseed of a tranny son be to born instead of letting you run down your faggot dads leg.

>> No.55807676

I see you in every thread shilling your trash with low iq posts
Don't worry from now on I will remind you how much of a waste of space you are

>> No.55807680

I am not who you think I am, I just found this webm on /ck/ and wanted to share it

>> No.55807685

Aww look the tranny is fucking crying again I know little boy/girl that's all you know how to do whine and slam shit in anger for attention go punch your wall and download more pedophile porn you fucking nonce.

>> No.55807693

Right you needed to share it on a different device because you know if a mod who wasn't a complete retard put this two piece puzzle together you would be network ranged on all devices again.

>> No.55807695

>projecting this hard
If you were a roach I would feel more for you, as at least the roach never had a chance.
You are willingly retarded. And for that reason you must do a flip off your nearest overpass immediately

>> No.55807700
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1685316398941661s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit hes loosing it

>> No.55807702

Haha keep kvetching little boy nobody is gonna decided to start "catposting" here it's always been one person it's you, anyone who defends this bullshit is either a newfaggot, an oldfaggot who hasn't lurked much or you.

>> No.55807716

5 ID's to keep his bullshit psyop going, this is why proxyfagging has to be eliminated otherwise this kinda trash will never stop this schizophrenic piece of shit is obsessed with ruining this board

>> No.55807719

>implying he's an og
Anon you're not fooling anyone
Cats are cute and lovable, unlike you
I guess if you really want to see the board "recover" we should start posting gay nigger porn and gore

>> No.55807725

You have a serious case of main character syndrome my nigger

>> No.55807730

im in your walls