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55806640 No.55806640 [Reply] [Original]

Low-risk and safety is priority. Lido, rocket?

>> No.55806658

Why the fuck would you be buying shitcoins with such money? You can scalp less volatile coins like eth and btc everyday and get like 0.1%, that's like one eth per successful trade, and you don't even need to leverage, just trade spot. How did you earn so much with such poor financial sense?

>> No.55806669

Mostly in liq pools + maybe a little in a sniper bot

>> No.55806686

I would sell and put it into a growth + covered call ETF in an brokerage that is SIPC insured.

>> No.55806690

I never said I want to buy shitcoins. I have 1500eth and i want to maintain exposure to eth. Right now I’m looking for safest ways to stake.

>> No.55806694

As in eth/xx pools or something like eth/steth pool?
Still want exposure to eth

>> No.55806736

Like i said, spot buy and sell eth, preferably in a regulated cex. I would not trust liquidity pools with that much money, everyday there's a new exploit or hack. And you can do this 4 or 5 times a month and earn a comfy amount of money you don't need to day trade. Open a position to buy at 1830 or 1850 or whatever eth price is at, sell after a one/two dollar increase and you've made 1500 dollars. Its that easy with 1500 eth. God i wish i had at least 100k i would never work again. I see retards here complaining of being in six figure hell and i wonder wtf are these faggots complaining about? And you can automate this with a bot to limit buy at the daily or weekly floor price and sell at a one or two dollar offset. This is the best strategy in a crabbing market, better than dca and waiting for eth to go back to 4k.

>> No.55806771

nice larp

>> No.55806778

I have my money on chain. I don’t trust cex, especially not Binance. And your type of trading seems impossible on a dex since the price impact would not be worth it.

>> No.55806837

a perp can work, something like gains.trade, though i'm not sure whether you can spot trade since trading at 1x leverage will still trigger a liquidation price. You can also do this on coinbase if you don't mind paying taxes, at least that way you are insured against loss, trusting that much money on a dex that is experimenting on new tech and is liable to security breaches isn't something i would do, especially on eth. There are too many damn hacks on the chain.

>> No.55806974

Don’t want to get cuccked by IRS aka jewbase, I might just stick with lido staking or setting up my own node.

>> No.55807067

How the hell did you even earn such money?

>> No.55807093

having a good giggle at the pajeer-tier answers so far. opee unironically knows more than the lot of you
all memes aside, split of rETH + stETH is low-risk and safe indeed
could always go the leveraged staked route through DFS or Instadapp, and chase juicy LPs, but at the same time do you even want to bother. 4% yield is +60 ETH per year, each ETH will likely hit $10k before 2030
you've made it already, it's just a question of time and of not compromising your stack before that time passes

>> No.55807142

Got in early and got lucky
This seems like a good way to go, my main goal is to mitigate risk as much as possible, I might just put my eth in a cold wallet and do nothing if I have to

>> No.55807159

I can tell you have nowhere near even 300 eth. Or you must have been jailed for a crime for 6 years and forgot your wallet. You are too stupid.

>> No.55807337

You got me

>> No.55807402

Switch to btc

>> No.55807459

run your own node
don't you wanna help the network anon?
it's only 1.5tb a month in network usage

>> No.55807489

My question would be, do I have to run like 40 nodes for 1500eth?

>> No.55807506

it would actually be 46 nodes
and that's exactly why people pool or use SaaS services

>> No.55807510


>> No.55807686

No, flippening is inevitable

>> No.55808322

you have to run 40 validators but you can easily run hundreds of validators on a consumer-tier computer

>> No.55808354

All 40 validators in just one computer?

>> No.55809148

Coinbase staking

>> No.55809795
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Fuck off nigger, this is biz, if you're not willing to gamble on shitcoins you're a tranny KEK, if I had that amount of eth I'd have thrown it into pond long ago

>> No.55810075

stake it

>> No.55810218


>> No.55810252

Nah YOU fuck off, leave OP alone you paki miserable shill

>> No.55810258

jesus christ

>> No.55810259

I can manage that ETH on Tap, anon. It's a fully regulated Fintech company, and its security is enhanced. This speaks for itself. Binance still has issues regarding regulation, so I'm somewhat skeptical about holding a huge amount of money there.

>> No.55810261

You're retarded if you'd flip 1500 eth for pond

>> No.55810264

Kek, I'd say half and half

>> No.55810265

Get fucked

>> No.55810270

Cash out and buy Treasury bonds.

>> No.55810319

Anon, these is no safety in putting your eth in someone elses control.

>> No.55810355

Ok, so assuming you want ETH exposure only and are trying to play it safe, this is what I think you could do:

-Keep a portion of your funds in a cold wallet. It may not seem great, but at least you have peace of mind knowing that this portion of your funds isn't susceptible to some kind of technical issue. You will also sort of be earning on this ETH because there is a burn mechanism with ETH (assuming ETH gets enough usage to remain deflationary)

For the rest of your stack, you should be dividing it between multiple strategies where one catastrophic event doesn't wipe you out. For example of the remaining funds not in cold storage:
35% ETH in Lido
25% in Rocket Pool eth
15% in AAVE
15% in other lending markets
10% in higher risk ETH yields such as bridges (spread these out, don't ever go all in on one bridge)

Basically I think you should spread it out between as many different things as possible that you feel comfortable managing. Put higher %ages in safer things. You could also try to use the ETH as TVL to try to farm airdrops on various upcoming blockchains (ZK sync or w/e).

There is a lot you can do, but don't expose yourself completely to one risk. Staking is a risk. Lending markets are risk. And don't double dip (don't put STETH on AAVE to borrow ETH then use the ETH to buy more STETH and repeat, can get insanely high APR this way but you're now at risk to staking and lending)

>> No.55810387

Basically though, there are some risks with staking still, even ETH devs have said they aren't all in on staking yet. Something COULD happen that causes people to get slashed or something.

The staking pool you stake with could also fuck up and get slashed.

So this is why I think it's not a bad idea to put some in a lending pool like AAVE/COMP and earn on it that way. It's less of a return than staking but it has been around longer. And it presents a different risk, like if something goes wrong with staking, maybe u lose some ETH on both Lido and Rocket, but this wouldn't be affected.

>> No.55810451

Yolo it all on black and either ride or rope

>> No.55810922

Swap it all for litcoin
It will be worth 100 mil in two year

>> No.55811777

How do you survive with ETH after its shambolic migration to POS? Having a unique PoR algorithm for validation and it is built to be quantum resistant! Partnered with IBM and Alpine eSports is the game-changer.

>> No.55811833

Hey anon, the epic quest to earn 5000 AGII with XPs & USDT is on. Participate in the walldotapp campaign and conquer the AI AM Awesomecampaign today!

>> No.55811850
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>nobody named x.com
>on the jew thread
honestly it doesn't surprise me, idk why i think you guys are smart after all this time

>> No.55812189

Sell for Chainlink and stake when v.02 of staking is released

>> No.55812251

I'm holding rETH because it's more decentralized than lido, but if I had that much I wouldn't even bother. With $3mil I would sell 2/3 and DCA into other things. You've already made it, by my standards at least.

>> No.55812252

Hello dir?
Thank you for many opportunity
I just begin quest

>> No.55812690

IRS is gonna fuck me over
Thank anon, this seemed like the most well-thought response so far

>> No.55813360

Then provide liquidity on Uniswap for passive income chad, The Eth/Sylo pair and Ldo/eth are among my top picks.

>> No.55813787

Ethereum is dead and gay

>> No.55814111

Which assets are on your list for DCA? I'm doing mine on Ride for its utilities and DAO alongside Egld for its staking rewards.

>> No.55814143

>I have 1500eth and i want to maintain exposure to eth. Right now I’m looking for safest ways to stake.
Staking is retarded
Don't attempt to scalp your stack, that is also retarded. With 1500 eth you have no reason to worry about little trades.
Here you go;
>hold for the bull and sell on the pi cycle top
>put your stack in aave, collect interest, and have the option to borrow against it, allowing you to buy other alts (or btc)
In scenario 2 you could actually borrow against your stack, sell the stables, and not incur capital gains.

>> No.55814370
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Sell half and put into index investment on AstraDao and then stake the remaining ETH on Kraken for additional passive income. Thank biz later.

>> No.55814597

Bro, you're totally LARPing with that kind of stack. If you're big-brained enough to roll with those gains, you should be clued in on the sweet passive rewards you can snag on AAVE, and you gotta flip a fraction into QANX, 'cause it's gonna outshine ETH when that private blockchain gets lit.

>> No.55814603

I had 11 eth in 2021
Now I got 3 dollars kek fuck my life running sideways without lube.

>> No.55814744

Dump it and retire in Bali

Optional: buy Bitcoin with 30% of it and hodl in a hardware wallet

>> No.55814824

LINK chud. kek

>> No.55814844

Hodl some, and invest a percentage in low caps with huge potential like ORE and BICO

>> No.55815060

Grab RAIL and TOMO, and dive into liquidity pools like a ghost with Railgun.

>> No.55815076

liquidate $2.5M and throw them in boomer-tier index funds. keep the rest in crypto

>> No.55816267

In this case you are assuming aave has better security than staking?
Lol Bali is not safe

>> No.55816679
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Liquidity mining is one of the ways to earn some passive income. By providing liquidity to the AstraDAO ecosystem, poorfags can earn up to 42% APY.

>> No.55816716

>liquidity pools
Y'all know that good staking rewards always make a difference and Indices creators have the advantage of earning performance and early exit fees. Ambassador program is also live with perks for qualifiers.

>> No.55816745
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Participating in Elfin IDO events is gaining tractions lately and surprisingly, channers can receive lots of privilege its future staking programs

>> No.55816810

Gamble and die poor while I take advantage of the Scallop Ramp that's now live. I've got my eye on the 2k that's up for grab.

>> No.55817787


>> No.55817850

>35% ETH in Lido
fuck off with lido, go all in rpool

>> No.55817869

set up 46 ETH validator nodes, pocket the rest

>> No.55819443

I don't want to go through this every time and hope that my choice will not fuck me over at some point; that's why I've opted for staking my ETH via a yield aggregator. Risk diversification is never a bad idea.

>> No.55819603

Lol just x100 short link lmao

>> No.55819630

Eth staking via yield aggregator? wdym jeet?