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55804354 No.55804354 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become rich like Donald Trump?

>> No.55804367

Come from a family that were spies for the not sees and then reap the rewards like the bush family did etc

>> No.55804372
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Kek buy pfizer and then use your presidency to push a worldwide israeli vaccine medical tyranny dystopia

>> No.55804377
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I'm 36, no money, blew more chances than I can count, ran off more good friends than I can count, can't seem to let go of anger/past and have this overwhelming depression that there's no future for me.

That's it that's my post.

>> No.55804405

> Learn sales
> Have high level, powerful connections/friends
> Sell high ticket deals
> Rinse and repeat

The "Have high level, powerful connections/friends" is by far the most difficult step since the rich are everything they're stereotyped as being:

> Snotty
> Guarded
> They gaslight you to keep you out of their club

>> No.55804407

How are you alive

>> No.55804416
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Because some friends who I probably ran off helped me stay alive.

I ask this question a lot more than you think.

>> No.55804429

Why do you run them off? I do this too feels like I never belong for instance they are all into Pokémon but I just can’t bring myself to care anymore

>> No.55804437
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Have a dad who hase hundreds of millions give you free money to start get in on real estate jew tactics. Then have a massive real estate boom happen, then have your dad die so you inherent millions of more in cash and property.

>> No.55804448


I'm likely some psychotic faggot with manic swings.

>> No.55804468

Now do Bill Clinton and the actual flight logs that literally detail and name the pedophiles, not just by association.

>> No.55804477

>3 years on and they're still seething/obsessed/rent-free over him at levels no one has ever seen before
thats pretty based of him you have to admit

>> No.55804554

>He thinks in left and rights
You're either low IQ or Jewish

>> No.55804561 [DELETED] 

>posts pictures of two socialites
>capitalizes jews

>> No.55804591

Have your parents buy assets in an inflationary economy before you are born. (this is literally how he did it.)

>> No.55804618
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>donald trump owns stock in two s&p500 companies
holy shit cancel this man

>> No.55805596

>Trump owns Pfizer and J&J stock. So does every other rich boomer. It's like owning AT&T or GE back in the day. Literally means nothing unless it's a substantial portion of his net worth. In Trump's case, a $100M+ position might be sketchy.

>> No.55805614
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Be reincarnated into a wealthy Jew York real estate family with mobbed up connections and then screw everyone you meet out of their money.

>> No.55805622
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Try 8 years, they've been seething about Trump nonstop ever since that escalator announcement.

>> No.55805630


Talk shit thinking you know shit. Be born with a golden spoon up your ass. Have 3 failed business ventures. Talk all the shit on Biden you want but at least he did something good in the world. That maga retard will be a stain on American politics for ever. I can’t even being to rationalize how I’m going to explain to my history class why that sack of shit ever became a president. Just seeing his picture on the presidents of the USA timeline and graphics in textbooks piss me the fuck off


>> No.55805648

be born into a wealthy family from new york its really that simple

>> No.55805659

A small loan of a million dollars

>> No.55805781
File: 312 KB, 632x831, 2473A151-3EC5-422B-A41F-066F7A8DD90B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yikes i was you

The answer your problem is to focus on other people’s problem. Everything you want is on the other side of providing value to others.

>> No.55806396
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you can't, the fat yellow guy was born with the best perk of all
I would have to play duck race for years if I want to have at least a quarter of what he has

>> No.55807273

is that even real?

>> No.55808976

Have parents and relatives that were spies for the Not Sees.

>> No.55809515

I'm currently staking Kava on their dapp. Once they finally get their shit together and start having meaningful projects rolling in due tot heir incentive program I could see my wealth reaching 6 figure hell at long last.