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55798299 No.55798299 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most private coin? I refuse to use monero because it's been cracked by glowies and I don't want to be tracked.


>> No.55798313
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Cool monero thread

>> No.55798318

You don't need a privacy coin if you're not doing anything illegal.

>> No.55798328

Monero isn't private enough to me and is too liable to be tracked.

>> No.55798345

>You don't need a privacy coin if you're not doing anything illegal.
Cool, I still need a privacy coin so are you going to keep sucking big government cock or recommend a coin to me?

>> No.55798365

Why, what do you need it for?

>> No.55798370

>Why, what do you need it for?
You don't need to know, I just need something more private than monero.

>> No.55798392

>Monero is compromised

>Doesn't explain why

Obviously bait.

>> No.55798398

can you post a screenshot of your emails please? since you're not doing anything illegal...

>> No.55798427

I sent a link, nigger. If the Italian feds have it compromised then every fed agency has it compromised.

>> No.55798434

Spread your asscheeks, since you're not doing anything illegal...

>> No.55798498

>Title of link
>Monero transactions compared to bitcoin

No retard explain on a fundemental level how it's compromised. Retards like you say the same retarded shit about tor and yet you understand nothing about how it fundementally works.

>> No.55798891
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you wouldn't have heard of it, it's too private

>> No.55798953

>Title: How Traceable Are Monero Transactions Compared To Bitcoin? Cybersecurity Expert Reveals
let's skim this:
>Bitcoin transactions can be so anonymous one would find it hard to know the sender or the receiver gave the asset method of using a public address mixed with random numbers and letters. However, Monero transactions are more private as its transactions are hidden for anyone looking on the block explorer with only a Monero address.
>According to Greenberg, Monero’s privacy features make it “far far harder” to trace than Bitcoin has ever been. Compared to Bitcoin, XMR tangles up transactions and hides the amount involved making it difficult for law enforcement or anyone to track the payments of the asset.
okay, good so far...
>According to Greenberg citing a leaked Chainalysis document, Monero transactions can be traced in 60% of cases to get a usable lead.
lmao wasn't this before decoys were even a thing? or is this a new document?

>it's been cracked by glowies
source or gtfo

>> No.55799166

Dash, zcash, pivx, verge, dero, bytecoin. Take your pick.

>> No.55799500

It’s Ghost. 32 ring sigs with DL++ and 256 AES messaging. Plus you will be able to bridge off of mainnet to use Defi. It’s going to be a one stop shop. The team is more serious about privacy than any other team I have seen in the space. Which is why they have spent years developing their ecosystem instead of just marketing to dump their bags.

>> No.55799519
File: 154 KB, 1224x1164, DaKoaeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Monero transactions can be traced in 60% of cases to get a usable lead.


>Number of such cases actually cited: 0

OP is a retarded FUDster who doesn't realize that the leaked Chainalysis documented was never officially released for a reason: it addresses an edge case and an outdated 2017-era Monero that no longer exists, making it utterly irrelevant in 2023.

Furthermore, Monero will be moving to full-chain membership proofs within the next 18 months or so, which will eliminate any lingering vulnerabilities related to ring signatures. Can't trace what isn't on the blockchain.

Nice try, faggot. FUD harder.


>> No.55800503

OP is like the type of faggot that stoically says I will let other guys fuck my woman because thats how i will know she trully desires me

>> No.55801114
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>> No.55801833

There is absolutely nothing else with a greater functional anonymity set than Monero.

Also it's very obvious to anyone who knows what they're talking about that your intent for this thread was for Monero being "cracked" to be debunked as it's been a million times before and for someone to point out that there simply is no better option than Monero, but go ahead and keep up the shit-tier act for the sake of the thread, I guess.

>> No.55801892


>> No.55802203


>> No.55803562

This article was written by an AI and I find it lame

>> No.55803914
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if pic related actually does what it set out to do it'll be the greatest fucking privacy project in the world.

>> No.55803934


>> No.55803990

OP, I'm sorry to tell you but there ain't a damn thing, besides of monero you can use, privacy is but a cruel meme, and things like Arkham are set to burn that house of cards and expose every single scam in this hell pit

>> No.55803996

For once I'm gonna have to agree with you faggot

>> No.55803999

Spoiler: it doesn't

>> No.55804003

>I'm a nigger but I don't want to say out loud that I'm a nigger

>> No.55804016
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>Pajeets after knowing Arkham

>> No.55804035

Torn. Now leave.

>> No.55804061

>There is absolutely nothing else with a greater functional anonymity set than Monero.
spoken like someone who doesn't know what any of those words mean.

just use monero like you would bitcoin or any transparent chain and you'll only be better off.
you're right though, its clear monero has been vulnerable to deanonymization for a very long time, and the developers are taking too long to rip out the compromised ring signsature obfuscation and replace it with something future proof. your options though remain monero, some zkp privacy tool on ethereum or one of its l2s, or privacy tools on bitcoin. everything else is too low volume.

>> No.55804077

>I refuse to use monero because it's been cracked by glowies and I don't want to be tracked.
You're the one who's glowing faggot

>> No.55804134

nothing glows more than monero shills telling everyone how perfect and untraceable monero is when mathematics isn't on its side.

if you're not questioning monero at this point, you're incandescent.

>> No.55804229

Dont say I didn't warn you

>> No.55804261
File: 109 KB, 700x834, What The Heck Did I Just Appreciate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greenberg says

>> No.55804266

Go be a QUIEF somewhere else

>> No.55804275

Private evm chains are literally private for a reason. Apart from needing the correct rpc server and probably need permissions access to connect to them. If there are no more nodes and all their data is wiped then the Blockchain ceases to exist along with its data.

>> No.55804435


>> No.55805109

>muh maths

>> No.55805635

hi glowie