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File: 34 KB, 700x525, have sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55796537 No.55796537 [Reply] [Original]

Should I max out my 401k or have sex?
>19 years old
>working in the trades
>rent a one bedroom apartment
>car is paid for
>no debts
>$5k emergency fund
>have extra cash monthly after bills
What should I do with my extra money monthly? Put it into my 401k? or use it to broaden my social circle and have sex?
I live like a hermit now. On the one hand I could continue living as I do and retire early in life. On the other hand I don't want to miss out on life. Been thinking lately having sex may be a better investement. Working with no sex life sucks. Life has no point.

>> No.55796546

unfortunately you're yellow so you'll never have sex

>> No.55796551

Max 401k

>> No.55796670
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>I............ I wish I put more into my 401k instead of having teenage sex.... *BEEEEEEEEEEEP*.......

>> No.55796696

All into bitcoin. Sell in 2025. Get yourself a blowjob when you selll

>> No.55796698

Yah. This is where I am at. I have a better chance of dying before my 401k pays out than living to see it. Better to build up priceless memories when young than live to regret not having a life in middle age.

>> No.55796728

Men are okay with providing for women who arent even virgins. In fact, men are even happy that the roastie who selected them has ridden the cock carousel. This is because everybody is born female. Men have the female spirit in a male body.
This is why men keep putting women on pedestal. Men live to compete and provide for women.
Men are born with the female idealization which makes then suffer. They want the female life at all cost, ie having hundreds of vaginas simping for them, but at the same time a kernel of cuckoldry remains in that men still crave for pleasing those hundreds of vaginas.

>> No.55796758

you sound like a virgin cuck. your pink ID all but confirms my suspicions.

>> No.55796775
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>> No.55796781

no it's because we want to fuck them dumbass

>> No.55796787

you seriously believe you will ever retire? by 2070 whatever pittance you put in your 401k will have been auto-converted to fedcoin, fractionalized fifteen times over to fund martian reparations, and taxed 78% upon withdrawal payable by mortgage.
go fuck some sluts. unless you're ugly that is. in which case, it's over.

>> No.55796794

>before my 401k pays out
Rule 72t and you can start drawing whenever. I did at 52 and will never run out of money

>> No.55796812

>idealizes and venerates whores used up and fucked by other men
>calls others cucks

Truly, men are far bigger subhumans than women.

>> No.55796825

You’re 19, why are you worried about a 401k? Live a little and go hit up some thots.

>> No.55796893

are you trans? stfu fagget

>> No.55796907

Build your own portfolio without the government telling you when you can access it.

This is me, I only started making real money at age 27. Could be easily financially independend already if I only started at age 19, like OP.

>> No.55796917

unironically a very good post. thank you.

>> No.55796924
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the fact that you are asking a shitcoin astrology image board this question makes the answer easy. Put it in your 401k. If you were a type of Chad that could get a woman worth reproducing with then you would not be on this imageboard. SO the answer is to stack cash and think about egg donors and surrogates if you want kids, otherwise fapping to 10/10 is a better value proposition. Ironically you will get more attractive women by not valueing them as much and hookers are probably another option.

The only caveat is that you are still young enough that you can date women in their prime, so if you think that is worth it then go for it. When you are older and decently attractive the young women will want you, young men and old roasties absolutely seethe.

>> No.55796960

401k is a government exit scam, by the time you retire they will start taxing the shit out of it until combined with inflation it's peanuts
so spend your time investing in other things
and when it's 1am and you are shitting in the bathroom, you can scroll some (premium) toth finder app
you don't need effort, you don't need soecial skills
everybody wants to fuck

>> No.55796961

>When you are older and decently attractive
Make sure to work out and eat healthy, otherwise you will hit the male wall and it's only downhill from age 30. Unless the Norwood reaper cuts you down, no amount of lifting can fix hair loss.

But in general women are really NOT worth it, despite your hormones telling you otherwise at your age.

>> No.55796977

>everybody wants to fuck
Always remember: No sex haver Normie ever had to "self improve" to get sex. It just happens - or not, in your case, if you are already stuck on 4chan. Make sure to not waste too much time on females and rather improve yourself for yourself.

>> No.55796990

Sex having is worth something, so why not both? However don't simp my friend. Keep the relations pure, and don't let the leaches drain your retirement.

>> No.55797010

"everybody wants fuck" is true in every case
there are smelly jeets right now who stink of cow shit having sex with beautiful jeetas
there are absolutely ugly boys having sex with qt girls in this exact moment
you don't even have to improve yourself, just be there for when they need someone to fill their holes
i found ladies in the worst cities of the middle east, in US it's 10X easier

>> No.55797015 [DELETED] 

Nigger, once you get rich it is 100x easier to have sex.

>> No.55797020

he is 19, he should stick gis his dick in whatever hole he can find, skinny, fat, black, yellow, prostitutes, whatever, just use a condom to avoid STDs
time will pass so quick you will regret of not experiencing it all
about 401k, it's not gonna be some drunk bong lady or a beautiful venezuelan organ harvester to drain your 401k, but the US gov itself

>> No.55797035

Why do you retards always have to go 100% all in on something? Why not socialise and save? You should live your life, sex, love, friends and experiences feel great but it doesn't mean you need to do it all at once, and not in moderate amounts while also saving some money. Why is moderation so hard for you guys, is it an american thing?

>> No.55797037 [DELETED] 

Nah man, you should just keep masturbating several times a day.

>> No.55797045

Experience also makes getting sex a lot easier and young age sex and fun experiences in general is not something you should miss out on, they're really good and unique experiences.

>> No.55797055

Materialism plagues the anglosphere

>> No.55797089

Too late. I accepted I will be a loser who will never move out of his parent's house. Also:
>just have sex bro, it will completely change your life and solve all your problems
I mean, sure, having sex might signify that you have high social status, but the act of putting your penis inside someone else's hole isn't some magic potion that will instantly turn you from a smelly incel into a normal functioning member of society.

>> No.55797111

>never move out of his parent's house
Based. Landlords blown out of the water.

>> No.55797147
File: 129 KB, 2373x1725, 1685359252269883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studied hard
>Had a shit office job but make good money
>Have a son with wife
>He is sever autist
>He is 9yo
>Can't talk only makes weird noises
>Only play with baby toys
>He have to wear diapers because somedays he refuses to go to the bath
>Some days he becomes agresive amd destroys the house
>He only sleeps 3-4h
>No sex with wife (sex drive goes to 0 when you don't sleep a full night for years)
>Only fun thing of my life is playing some vidya in the bus to work
>Regret not being a comfy happy neet.

>> No.55797151

I didn't say anything about sex solving all your problems, i talked about having good experiences while one is still alive and still young. Because experiences are a big part of what makes a life.

>> No.55797195

Okay, fair, but I used to have good experiences with just my school friends before I turned 14 and those experiences still didn't save me.

>> No.55797227
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I dated a nympho from 17-19. Now I'm 21 wfh, just lifting and stacking sats. I swipe hoes on tinder sometimes and flirt with them but cba anymore to go out with them just to get my dick wet. I feel like I experienced everything there is in that realm. Threesomes, parking lots, changing rooms etc. Now I'm hermitmaxxing and making art in my spare time.

tldr go have sex, its actually a lot of fun, before you turn bitter and disillusioned

>> No.55797255 [DELETED] 

The problem is that people who live like this risk becoming sex addicts and blow away hundreds of thousands of dollars on tasteless whores and getting several STDs in the process, and if you get AIDS you become a lifelong medical patient.

>> No.55797292

I don't see life as something that can be saved or lost, life is always just life, every one unique. Good experiences are good no matter who you are.

Lmao stop being so paranoid, the amount of people who become sex addicts or get AIDS is very low compared to the amount of people who just get good sex (and experiences).

>> No.55797299

There is that risk. There is also the risk of getting old and not getting to experience the beauty of being a teenager having crazy sex in crazy places. If you're a sensible person you can get away with it. It's like any other addiction - you have to be aware of your actions and the consequences of them at all times and stop when you start to slip up. My relationship started to destroy me mentally in the later stage, that's why I dumped the crazy bitch. Caused some damage, but I wouldn't change a thing. The experience was worth it.

>> No.55797326

Jews are going to create new money soon. There is no point in accumulating currency as it will be worthless any day.

It may sound like a normie advice but accumulate experience and memories. No one can take those from you.

>> No.55797354

>experience, memories
and hard assets
401k will be rugged

>> No.55797355 [DELETED] 

Well I hate everyone and I could just as easily substitute human relationships with other intrapersonal experiences. Monks never have sex and they are still able to find meaning and purpose in life
If I'm 23 and still haven't experienced most milestones supposed to be met your teenage years, then I never will.

>> No.55797429

this lifestyle requires you to sacrifice everything and you have to have immense willpower and an understanding of nature and spirituality which also forms during your upbringing
It's not that you have to have sex to be able to enjoy life, it's more of a fundamental part of life for every -average- human (not including anomalies like monks).

At 23 you can still turn around everything, it might not have the same magic of being 16 and doing it, but it's going to be beneficial for you nevertheless. The sole actions required for you to get some, are beneficial (getting in shape, taking care yourself, being charismatic etc.). Even if the end goal of having sex is not met, you are still doing yourself a favor.

>> No.55797507

I appreciate your optimism, but I really don't think this would work out for me given all the demoralization I have endured from both my emotionally abusive mother and father, and being indoctrinated into incel culture at a very young age.
Maybe one day the right friend, girl or cuteboy will come to me and will show me that life is actually meaningful and worth living, or once I decide to stop being a pussy and illegally get shrooms or DMT or decide to try weed again but attempt to unlock it's potential, my life could change.

>> No.55797612

unironically start watching healthygamergg on yt

>> No.55797774

What the fuck even is this retarded thread. Sex is free. Your 19 who gives a fuck, women don't care about your money right now. You can save and fuck it's not mutually exclusive jfc

t. 29 yo have had sex with at least 30 women, all races except black. Including at least 2 milfs (40+) now with a gf. It's all in your head, go use your god given willy.

>> No.55797783

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55797795

My brother, first I'm sorry. Second your still gmi. Third I just have to ask, how??

>> No.55797798

I just went with the "dude chill don't worry it will happen" meme and guess what, nothing ever happened

>> No.55797810

Fair enough, but still, do you not go out? Haven't you been out drunk with friends and met a drunk girl, even an ugly one, sparks start flying and next thing you know you're eating her ass? I'm just perplexed. You can still have sex if you want it, so you know. You're not a lost cause.

>> No.55797823

faggot op you can have sex one time a month and go back to making money
> how?
swipe on tinder whores if you are a mutt, or get a qt gf . most girls dont care about your money @19 . go and fondle some tits at your school

its not all 100% on one thing i know you jerk off to hentai or weird porn in night. so try to replace that with real one

>> No.55797838

Funny thing is that I went out and got drunk with friends countless times. Clubs, concerts, festivals you name it. Even travelled abroad.
>sparks start flying
Nothing of that sort ever happened to me.

>> No.55797871

have sex, unironically
37yo boomer here who had no sex until late 20s. i actually don't regret it. but i think it would be extremely dumb to save money rather than have sex if that's what you want
whether pensions are still a thing by the time i'm of retirement age is a big "if". your generation? forget it, this is pure gambling
hard to even picture a year 2060 scenario where we haven't turned the world into either an utopia where money doesn't matter much, or an apocalyptic wasteland where money doesn't matter at all

>> No.55797886

401k because having sex with women is free.

>> No.55797887
File: 1.66 MB, 1080x1375, Screenshot_20230810-114536~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you try to talk to girls? Are you funny?
The hottest girl Ive ever pulled was pink related, and it was literally just because I was being drunk and funny. She is SO far out of my expected league but there you have it, being funny and confident goes a long way. Shes married to some guy now lol. Good times. Wagmi

>> No.55797928

Won't pretend like I was some PUA cold approacher, but yeah I talk to girls. It always somehow stays in the non sexual territory though and absolutely nothing happens. Won't pretend like I'm some grade A comedian entertainer either, but I'm definitely not a dry robot talking just about the weather if that's what you're thinking.

>> No.55797932

I feel like I've seen this exact exchange of posts a couple of times now


>> No.55797984

Julie or Julia I think

>> No.55797990

Fair enough man, it's a tough break. Hope your looking after yourself and good luck.

>> No.55798002

good, keep your health. if a girl touches she will spread her herpes all over you

>> No.55798048

Semen slurping site

>> No.55798065
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I'm 29 years old and I've never had vaginal, or anal sex. I have eaten 3 pussies and fingered 5. I've also made-out with over 15 different women and dated around 20 different women. I've received oral 4 times but I only had a half-boner and I've never cum on a woman's body, in her mouth, in her ass, or in her vagina.

There is something wrong with me, isn't there?

>> No.55798075

>There is something wrong with me, isn't there?

>Dated around 20 women
What counts as dating for you? Is this like a one date kind of thing?

>> No.55798078

401k is a scam you will die before then

>> No.55798087

Thanks, all the best to you as well.

>> No.55798105
File: 40 KB, 382x382, 20230807_134617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, anything from a single date to dating for 6 months (my longest relationship).

Most women I end up not liking after a few weeks. It seems like they all have stupid amounts of baggage and they're usually really clingy and text too much, especially while I'm working.

I might sound like an asshole, but I'm actually a pretty good-looking guy, I make decent money for my region and I have plenty of hobbies. I've noticed a lot of these women are boring, broke/in debt and require an annoying amount of attention. They really don't bring anything to the table but their pussy. Plus, so many of them are on SSRIs, or other mental medication, it's ridiculous. I find myself not even being attracted to them after a few dates.

>> No.55798250
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Everything you said is true. I'm the exact same way. I think it's the norm.

>> No.55798323
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It sucks.

>> No.55798333

Wait, how did you date a chick for 6 months and never had vaginal sex? You can't get hard or what?

>> No.55798462
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Senior in high-school and how I was raised. I wouldn't do anything because I was afraid of getting her pregnant, plus I was kind of nerdy. Found out later on she cheated with one of my friends like the first month we started dating. So in hindsight I'm glad I didn't do anything.

Of course, every time one of my friend's girlfriends tried cheating on them with me, I said no and told them. Every time a coworker tried cheating on her husband with me I said no. Too bad that's never been reciprocated.

>> No.55798482
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What about all the other chicks? You gotta stick it in at least once man.

>> No.55798493

max 401k.
maxing 401k early is literally by far no contest the best thing you can do.

>> No.55798494
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Eh, I will eventually. I'm content with my life right now. But, I do want kids in the future, so I'll have to at some point.

>> No.55798509
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Based. There must be interesting, mentally healthy women out there, somewhere, r-right?

>> No.55798527
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There are. You gotta find them in-person though. Dating apps are absolute trash now.

>> No.55798553

If you are 19 you need to have sex, don’t neglect it, your mental health will deteriorate if you do and you will end up in a state of inceldom with low confidence and never get a girlfriend, continuing down a depressing downward spiral of failure. It will also affect your work life as all your colleagues will sense this negative energy from you and judge you for it. If you have sex literally all aspects of your life will be better and you will be more successful in the long run. Get a life, get sex, get a girlfriend and get married and have kids

>> No.55798577

>use it to broaden my social circle
I've never really had to spend money to have sex. If that's all you want from a "social circle", you're going to have a bad time.

>> No.55798601

Marriage at a young age is the best thing route to for anyone. It makes you a better individual and it builds a stronger society. Focusing only on being promiscuous and having money is destructive

>t. 37 year old khhv

>> No.55798655

I guess I should count my blessings that my child is verbal.

>> No.55798847

this is a copypasta I have seen before. or it's the same sad guy

>> No.55801444
File: 92 KB, 711x694, tvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: Maybe. 2: No.
The optimal AGI for a single person with no dependents or AOTC is $19749; this allows one to pay zero income tax via the Savers Credit. Use tax advantaged accounts (Trad IRA, HSA, 401k) to hit that AGI, and put any leftover amount in a Roth IRA or a Brokerage account. The only thing worse than paying income tax is paying fines for not paying income tax. Maxing the investing upfront could have you retired by your 30s if you were so inclined.

see picrel

>> No.55801473

likely someone in an east Asian commie shill farm trying to collapse the western capitalist pig-dogs one childless NEET at a time.

>> No.55801496

Having your own apartment at 19 is pretty good honestly. Let's be honest though NOW is the time to go out and have a good time. The autistic way you typed out this question makes me think you'll struggle though. You say it as getting laid and making friends is about spending money, which isn't true because most 19 year olds are dead broke.

>> No.55801508

>5k emergency fund
You're gonna want to fatten that up

>> No.55801594

do you think you can just chuck a thousand a month at socializing like it's some kind of RPG stat? making friends is free, going out with them costs a little money (food, drink, tickets for whatever event you're at) but probably not 6% of your whole salary money

>> No.55801610

individual ROTH IRA

>> No.55801613

Usr half to accumulate BTC and the other half for a sex fund.

>> No.55801625


Degenerate scum. Probably hoed your way through countless thots for the bragging rights and plan on settling with a 10/10 with 0 miles on the tires "someday". Goodluck with that pipe-dream. As bend the twig, so grow the tree. Repent and change your ways this very instant, young man!

>> No.55801642

you can thank me later

>> No.55803076

You are a gigantic faggot with the mindset of a boomer. I'm sure many other fellow zoomer kids will enjoy being around someone who thinks about retiremenet funds at 19. Also would love to hear you explain how a few extra bucks from your wage will turn you from an incel into a sociable sex haver. Money won't get you into any social circles unless you have significantly more of it than other people in your age group.

>> No.55803126

>Always remember: No sex haver Normie ever had to "self improve" to get sex. It just happens - or not, in your case, if you are already stuck on 4chan.
Etch this into stone for every faggot who thinks he can just "go out and fuck bitches" after years spent basement dwelling. There is a reason you spent your teenage years behind your screen

>> No.55803193

Cool it with the anti-poc remarks, Bryce

>> No.55803226

>On the one hand I could continue living as I do and retire early in life
No you can't. Let's say you accumulate one million in the next 20 years. On that you will have paid about one million in income and sales taxes. That million won't sustain you for a decade as any asset you put it in will have capital gains tax on sales and you will yourself have housing, healthcare, etc cost. Not that you will even make it to find that out. You keep a car which is basically a continual depreciating cost. Five thousand is nothing. You have nothing and short of a miracle you have no prospect of even stopping working for someone else ever. There is no way to access your 401K without penalty before you are 70. The odds are you will die in the workplace. You will never have a stable marriage, family or home or employment. Go look under a flyover to see what happens if you get ill, divorces or redundant in your late 40s or 50s. The only people who have money inherit it or steal it and risk jail. This is reality. Where you are now you cannot imagine what the bottom is going to be like. Poor, no education and stupid.

>> No.55803248

>Yah. This is where I am at. I have a better chance of dying before my 401k pays out than living to see it.
That's especially true because you work as a trademan. By the time you figure out how fucked you are it will be too late and you will be wishing painless self euthanasia was an accessible convenience, which it won't be for you because you won't have the health cover.

>> No.55803476

can someone explain how 401k loans work? It makes no fuckin sense to me. I'm 100% MMF in it anyways right now since it pays like 4% APY and why would I invest when everyone is laying off and banks are collapsing, but why wouldn't I be able to just throw all my money pretax into a 401k, then take out a loan against it and throw it all into bitcoin, then hopefully 2x it and pay off the loan within a year by the time the next halving occurs?

>> No.55803504

I max my 401k and have sex

>> No.55803658
File: 93 KB, 608x878, real_paradise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. You have trained your spirit well for the journey back to your true home.

>> No.55805250

There is a high premium on spending money while young. I'd rather have 5k at 19 than 50k at 29.

>> No.55805311

30 year old kissless virgin, never been on a date or had a gf before.
At this point I don't even know how to talk to or be intimate with a girl, it's like a foreign language when I try so I don't even bother anymore.
On the other hand, I saved up 7 figures over the years and pretty much just watch number go up in my retirement account.

>> No.55805328

Quit your job and miss out on both. It's the best of both worlds

>> No.55805444

I'm 26

>> No.55805487

You gotta spend the next 10 years getting your skills up and stacking as much money as possible. Disregard women. The self-improvement opportunities vanish once you hit 30, but pussy will always be there.

>> No.55805499

My GF is 38 and very hot

>> No.55805509


>> No.55805550

This post gets it, if you're under 25 you need to remember to live life instead of spending all your time planning your early, likely sexless retirement since you didn't spend your early 20's building experience with women.

>> No.55805569

In my early 20s I just fuucked random girls off of tinder every other week or so for practically no money

>> No.55805791

that's not a fucking possibility if you don't come from generational wealth

>> No.55805835
File: 81 KB, 410x260, Braccia-in-Predator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget this newfag, women do not want you. They want a relationship. If you don't understand this now, you will when you're older. I can tell you right now if you follow the light of your own soul you will find a women who actually wants you. But if you are just trying to fuck by all means play the numbers game on tinder. 30,000 swipes, 600 matches. Its about ~2% hit rate.

>> No.55806448

You do not need any money to have sex. At most you should be spending ~20$ for a date when you buy drinks.

>> No.55806478

that's only true when you are tall and have 7+/10 face

>> No.55806484

Sounds like a you problem

>> No.55806681
File: 406 KB, 800x609, IMG_2681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna stick my dick
In every hoe
And make that naughty chick
Wet until the toe

>> No.55806772

Finding an actual virgin is nigh impossible. Accept that reality and move on with your life. Not banging hoes isn't going to gift you a trad wife either. It's an incel delusion m80

>> No.55806994 [DELETED] 

>girl in pink
Describe her personality and interests, I'm starting to think there's a phenotype here. I just got out of a fling with someone who has a similar look.

>> No.55807029

I lived with my parents, had no job, no work experience, no car, no funds and still got girls way out of my league. Girls care about looks and laughs. Don't get in your head.

>> No.55807128
File: 29 KB, 556x551, images (2) (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Create ur own crypto portfolio, anon. Begin with low caps but potential, like DUA - Brillion's smart wallet rocks unique features, including social login recovery. Check Ocean Protocol if you give value on your data.

>> No.55807195

my best friend was dirt broke but tall and handsome
now he's married rich and has twin sons
fucked tons on the way

>> No.55809059

live your life, but don't spend literally all of your money like a retard