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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5578711 No.5578711 [Reply] [Original]

List three altcoins that you are incredibly excited about and why.

>> No.5578749

Just AGI.
It's like DBC but they already have Sophia.

>> No.5579366

ETH - this is critical to the future and you are a moron if this isn't the bread and butter of your portfolio.
ENG - MIT team, new cryptographic protocols that will be a foundational building block to the next internet. don't be disheartened by the recent influx, shit isn't going below 150 million market cap ever.
FUN - internet gambling is huge and Q1-2 next year we will see some serious money going into this as it is superior to other gambling sites where you have to trust them with their money, the fairness of their games, like this is superior in so many regards holy fuck a nice buy.

>> No.5579407

Shill me on ETH. Pretend like I don’t know much (h-heh)

>> No.5579674

WAN - Chink XRP with cross chain smart contracts and XMR level privacy. In partnership with ICX and AION. ICO sold out in under 10 seconds with no participation from china or the US
ETC - Aiming at store of value. Incoming influx of miners when ETH moves to PoS
DGB - Simply based on TA i think it's due for another hyperpump. This time into the 15-20k sats territory.

>> No.5579729

I going to throw 50% of my portfolio into WAN when it is open for trading

>> No.5579742

decent discussion going on in here https://discord.gg/x6xa8kg

>> No.5579755

fuck off pajeet

>> No.5579769


Jesus Christ no one wants to sit around for eth to 2x. It's not even an alt.

>> No.5579815
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ETH as long as some fucked up act of God happens, will revolutionize banking, finance, and the internet itself. If you are holding a decent amount of ETH right now, you can probably just hold onto it for a few years to play it safe. It's literally the blue chip of crypto. It's like investing in Apple, Amazon, or Microsoft at the beginning stages.

As for the ETH currency, it's going to get several upgrades in the near future. POS will reduce power consumption tremendously and generate dividends for holders. Sharding will exponentially allow the network to handle more transactions.

TL;DR all the criticisms of it have a roadmap and plan for fixes soon and holders will be handsomely rewarded.

>> No.5579860

ETH - It’s gonna flippen

Kucoin - Making money from holding this shit, could easily 10x

COSS - like Kucoin but bigger risk/reward potential, could easily 100x

>> No.5579861
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Oh, one other thing - POS will drastically reduce the available supply of ETH, which in theory will make the price a lot higher.

You could strike gold trading shitcoins, but there's a good chance you'll eventually get your shit pushed in.

>> No.5579864

Wise man.

>> No.5579892

XVG – going to $5
OMG – going to $700
QTUM – going to $1250

>> No.5579939

I'm here to back you up on FUN, not even to shill. I'm not trying to drop any bags because this is a long HODL for me, not to mention I'm already up about 3x on it and have no plans to drop it.

Internet gambling took a huge hit with all kinds of dumb ass regulations and this is offering the opportunity to fix the errors in the ways of before and staying decentralized all the while. It is looking to have a relatively juicy 2018, but if all goes well, I could see this being a HUGE deal anywhere gambling is a thing, especially as casinos are starting to shy away from the classic machines for more computer based games. Hell, I remember being amazed when I went on a cruise recently that the poker, blackjack, and roulette tables were completely digital. It also helps casinos cut costs on pit bosses and dealers and shit because it can act as a failsafe, as well as being cheaper in general.

And this is just in the U.S. I can only imagine what international gambling, especially in Asian countries, could be capable of.

I am very excited about this coin, so I guess my list is:


>> No.5579943

SALT - people can and will do ridiculous things with its lending platform and they have basically commanded their price up to 27.5 by valuing it at that rate to pay off principal on loans

BWK - actually profitable to mine and hasn't broken into the mainstream, privacy coin, tiny circulating supply like DASH, hopefully doesn't moon before I get a GPU to start mining it

XLM - tiniest spark of news sets off the rocket at this point. wake up every morning like xmas waiting for this to moon, barely ever dips

>> No.5579949

Can you explain what happening to the supply of ETH as it moves to POS in more detail?

Wouldn’t coss and kucoin count as securities?

>> No.5580016

It's a shame this board is so overwhelmed with autists. Popping in to scream MOON MISSION FAGGOTS! puts me off buying...

Like if I had saw you post this a week ago I'd have dropped $1k on it. It's like these pajeets don't want to make money...

>> No.5580020

>WAN = Chink XRP
Is XRP not chink already? They will be in direct competition with each other, and XRP is already being implemented in South Korean banks, which I highly doubt want anything to do with privacy coins.

>Kucoin and COSS

>highly unrealistic estimates
double yikes

>> No.5580029

ZCL. Why? Free bitcoin, of course.

>> No.5580074

People will lock up their ETH in smart contracts and that supply will be used to move ETH around instead of miners mining new ones.

So instead of miners mining new ones and people trading their ETH supply like it's going out of style, they will lock their ETH in smart contracts which will pay dividends. It will use a lot less energy and will reward people for holding.

>> No.5580084


>> No.5580110
File: 3 KB, 181x61, HAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seeing the same shit that's thrown around in every thread on /biz/, I'll shill a potential low market cap 5-10xer (or bags) to mix it up.

Hawala (HAT)
>P2P Crypto-Fiat exchange
>Actually normie friendly interface (iOS & Android apps -- alpha Q1, beta Q2)
>HAT is stakeable for free money
And the best part
>Currently $2mil market cap
>Wallet desktop app used to stake releasing in 2 days

If I'm not completely retarded, this could potentially blow up within the next week.

>> No.5580142


>> No.5580183

And I just saw this thread (>> 5579149) after posting this, lol. And it seems everyone's coming to the same conclusion as I did, seems like a good project but a shit-tier name.

>> No.5580204

BCH- Peer to peer electronic cash system with rapidly growing merchant list
XMR- It's the only (unknown amount) accepted in commerce
ARK- Alternative to ETH, however ENG is looking really good too.

>> No.5580216

>COSS being bigger than an exchange that is breaking into the top 50 in less than 4 months

Nigga what? Now you're making me worried about ETH because you so dumb.

>> No.5580225

Formatted correctly >>5579149

>> No.5580308

I'm sorry. I can probably vouch that a lot of people who are actually decently smart about their investments don't post much because when they do, they get accused of shilling and trying to drop bags as opposed to trying to help people out. It is frustrating to see people trying to buy in and quick flip coins, but gratifying knowing those are the same people who'll end up crying about selling too soon when it moons months after they sold.

But then again, crypto is speculation and partly personal opinion. No question that gambling is a huge industry, and the fact that online gambling practically got shit on a few years back and nobody has wanted to touch it since gives me some relief to see crypto trying to step in to fix that issue. It might be a pajeet shill coin, but it's something I can get behind in the long run as long as they keep up what they're doing.

>> No.5580586

Sumo and slm for same reason: innovation

Interesting how these 2 were the only green in a sea of red from fucking BTC dip shit.

>> No.5580687

Comparing WAN to XRP is just a nice shorthand way of creating a picture of what WAN is. In reality where XRP is looking to fix the existing financial service industry WAN is planning to rebuild a totally new infrastructure.
The number one thing holding back wider adoption from the financial sector is the transparency of the public ledger. Financial privacy is a fundamental tenet of the financial services industry.

>> No.5580956

Thanks for an actual reply that isn't full of garbage. I'll have to check it out since I'm the type of crypto investor that tends to get biz worked up because I like to buy into coins that I can actually see real world application with in the future as opposed to quick moon missions. And yeah, you mention that and it should've been obvious to me about the privacy part, but I was busy associating it with the typical "privacy" that you expect from crypto coins like Monero or Ve- HAHA just kidding, only Monero.

>> No.5581026
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Link/Eth - the future of decentralized smart contracts

Monero - the most private crypto

Fap - like litedoge but stupider, hoping it gets targeted by one of those pnd groups