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File: 89 KB, 1500x1000, schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55786621 No.55786621 [Reply] [Original]

You always have to pay attention or you get FTX'd or Celsius'd or some other bullshit it makes you paranoid and you can never buy into things other people are buying into en masse at the moment making you lose opportunities there because you just see it as some fake gay whale game where they line the suckers up and then dump on them.

>> No.55786631

>must make 23 spam threads with posting activity is 2 posts per minute

>> No.55786635

Sorry about your cat bro

>> No.55786643

>so edgy I'm gonna take someones pictures of their cat and beg for money while proxyspamming the board and psyoping people
That was 14 months ago and you've never stopped.

Mods are too fucking retarded to range your networks so you continue to spam this board nonstop you fucking nigger.

>> No.55786663
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I knew I recognized you. You were acting the same way that you are now. Please take your meds.

>> No.55786670

>proxyspamming the board swapped 14 ID's in 4 minutes, begs for money for years, takes peoples pictures and uses them against people, pretends to be from other countries to beg for money

You enjoying yourself?
There's nobody here.

>> No.55786682

Dude you keep accusing random people of spamming and doing all this crazy shit when its literally you who is spamming your nonsense.

>> No.55786687

>Dude even though I type the same way for years have an 87 IQ and post the exact same shit I'm gonna pretend I'm not the same person
Okay kid you can get your rocks off but you've driven everyone off this board, I've gotten most of them off channels to prevent you from being able to do what you try.

You go for it and spend the next year talking to yourself and maybe scamming the occasional idiot but you'll never get what you want from this board I purposefully gatekept it because of your antics.

>> No.55786700
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My best friend growing up was an actual schizophrenic. It's retarded how much people have no clue what it's actually like to have it.

>> No.55786710

Do you have even a shred of proof that I or someone else is engaging in mass reporting or whatever else? One bit of evidence that is not just some schizo fueled rant?

>> No.55786722

Linguistics you moron followed by posting activity, OP made the exact same thread in attempt to bait me out, he knows what he's doing I didn't engage the first time, so he was forced to make another attempt go and see his first attempt I posted it there, you use the power of deduction and intelligence.

Let's just assume you're OP because he switches so many ID's you can't trust any posting in his threads, I've engaged with this faggot before he's the same one who pretends to be the woods schizo, he's a serial scammer and beggar and mass reports every thread that's not his then fills the catalog with his own bullshit so he can filter who's real versus not.
He killed the board let him have it.

>> No.55786734
File: 109 KB, 1919x298, 691581581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got wise to using the same device so he switches it now between 4 devices this guy spends all day and night sometimes literally 24 hours at a time spamming and report everyone on this board.

>> No.55786753

>don't buy any scams
>don't give money to beggars
>problem solved

Do you have any proof that one guy is mass reporting threads? Im pretty sure reported threads are sent to the jannies for review so it doesn't make sense that one guy could have so much power over legitimate threads.

>> No.55786758
File: 42 KB, 609x198, 184151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your 1pbitd nigger
Automated reports = automated bans he's using a scrapper he's not retarded he understands how to nonstop spam this board which means he knows how to rugpull.
Why do you think he makes the spam threads, can literally filter and target your ass off the board or to scam.

>> No.55786780

Schizo lol, I had a friend who got psychosis years ago and speaking of linguistics you sound exactly like someone who is psychotic

>> No.55786787

Fuck off you drug addict little beggar you aren't clever and you're so god damn stupid a six year old could put this two piece puzzle together.

Enjoy your dead ass board go do more drugs and pretend you're from some war torn country

>> No.55786801

What constitutes a good thread in your mind? How do you explain this thread >>55780102 being up for over 12 hours? No scamming or begging, just real discussion. You would think that your omnipotent boogeyman would have deleted that thread by now huh?

>> No.55787020

Are you saying he is the forex anon?

>> No.55787176
File: 698 KB, 1357x758, 1674077651453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woods schizo

>> No.55787458

Dude I’m just a lurker who saw this thread kys and get mental help

>> No.55787459

>only buy white projects
>never been scammed