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55785520 No.55785520 [Reply] [Original]

Why my coworkers only get salad for lunch? Even the ones who look like they lift

>> No.55785544
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Do they buy or make the salad?
Its been cold at work lately I've been making toasted sandwiches can recommend

>> No.55785547

It's an American thing, isn't it? To have a super heavy breakfast and a simple lunch. It's the opposite almost everywhere else though. Are you an immigrant?

>> No.55785551

Financially speaking when I was in my 20s I could eat an entire pizza for lunch now in my 30s even working construction I eat a small lunch, not even so much because of fear of weight gain but because if I eat a lot I tend to feel like shit the rest of the day and I still have work to do

>> No.55785562
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No they get it from sweetleaf or something

>> No.55785565

Salads are good for you and if you are forced to eat take away you may as well eat that than the rest of the goyslop churned out by third world immigrants.

>> No.55785570

No but ive been skipping breakfast lately, maybe they're not

>> No.55785576

>Fat fuck eats empty calories and carbs
>why do i feel lethargic & sick

>> No.55785582

Your body naturally produces energy when you wake up. Breakfast is a meme.

>> No.55785589

>no breakfast
>light lunch
>big dinner
I can't force myself to eat a serious amount of food during my cuckbreak at work and this works well for intermittent fasting anyways

>> No.55785604
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I make a chorizo, salami, deli cheese and mustard sandwiches at home and bring them to work.

>> No.55785636

That's his point you retarded fuck

>> No.55786234
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Is it covered in fatty sugary oils or an actual salad with maybe some vinaigrette.
My sandwich and banana for smoko