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File: 906 KB, 1125x1843, 32697733-25F0-4BE5-89AE-8B1374F2EC67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55785261 No.55785261 [Reply] [Original]

most of your waking life dragging yourself through waging just to make monthly rent, this guy gets six figures to travel Europe, go on daily runs, and post whatever weird fantasies pop in his head

>> No.55785273
File: 1.10 MB, 1125x1831, 0227D99C-6CC6-470B-9D83-94F8D6A3C438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the worst part of it…YOU pay for it

>> No.55785286

who cares

>> No.55785290
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>> No.55785292
File: 646 KB, 1125x1469, 6D5D0FBE-4354-4B02-857E-7089C87B199F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Head of public relations” on a multibillion dollar asset…gets 30 views on twitter posts…

>> No.55785300

Go back to Twitter faggot. Also your fud means nothing when I look at who Chainlink is partnered with and who the advisors are.

I know I knowwww I’m sure you are as smart as multibillion dollar companies and organizations. I’m just not selling is all HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.55785307

if it bothers you then just get off twitter. boom, problem solved.

>> No.55785322

based we are still early

>> No.55785338

i'm a bit busy at the moment, can somebody flag the tweet for copyright violation? thanks

>> No.55785343
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>seething because chainlink made it possible for some dork to make a bunch of money doing nothing
chainlink is like onlyfans but for autists and it drives (((them))) INSANE

>> No.55785356

>NEET, get rich without leaving the house

>> No.55785379

Like all the ones Vechain and Iota have. Wow super bullish

Why would being scammed not bother anyone

>> No.55785519

go ahead
dont sell
see how i care
but know this
some day you will look back and realize i was right

>> No.55785559
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>> No.55785566
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Eric Shmidt

>> No.55785607

I love this meme lmao it sends fuddies into a rage

>> No.55785623

dude fuck you that meme is fucking retarded.

>> No.55785638

What kind of faggot cares about another man this much? Do you want him to be overweight in some dim lit office? Get a life you loser.

>> No.55785686
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>> No.55785731

Kek got em

>> No.55785750

dude fuck you
i'm trying to save you money and teach you good financial literacy and management skills
how about instead of unoriginal memes you just fucking engage in good faith
this is why we say you are in a cult

>> No.55785824
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>Stinkies are comparing a flying car with their centralized exchange service

>> No.55785900

to be fair, every crypto project has some stupid fucking leech nigger on their team like this

>> No.55786012


>> No.55786392


>> No.55786428

>Why would being scammed not bother anyone
KEK!! Looks like someone bought the the top and now whines on twitter. DOUBLE KEK!!

>> No.55786922

Classic cuckold speak. Yeah keep bowing down to the people scamming you, coward

Thats bc youre an npc. You probably also think jimmy fallon is funny

>> No.55786937

Youre down 90 tho

>> No.55786966
File: 992 KB, 1125x1547, 9A5AB804-9C64-461F-A8F0-EC578D84CE4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMFAO your boy was a big Bernie Sanders fan. Very fitting

>> No.55787004
File: 1.10 MB, 1125x1381, 855F986E-72BE-4D06-AE4E-6031912F4054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes break from scamming own community
>goes on run
>pauses run to go setup camera
>runs back to previous spot to pose as if running
>goes on twitter: hey guys Im runnnnnnnnning

Bahahahahahahaahahaha. Is that why theyre called le marines?

>> No.55787015
File: 533 KB, 1125x1317, CF375C40-622A-4901-9C10-369C997B931C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most cringe things Ive ever seen (besides the bucket band of course)

>> No.55787021

>4pbtid in a row absolute hysterics from a fudder that doesn’t just browse Twitter but browses it in light mode
The fudders have completely lost it. True bottom signal.

>> No.55787108

I thought the fudders wanted based and redpilled low budget travel recommendations?

>> No.55787116


Low effort fuddies been getting this low effort meme and for some reason shitting themselves in a rage (???)

I thought most the low effort fud was pure boredom by baggies and nonbaggies alike but I guess a lot of the fuddies are actual emotional babies

>> No.55787159
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>> No.55787180

shut up you stupid fucking bitch

>> No.55787195

>you probably think Jimmy Fallon is funny
No but I think you seething 5 posts in a row is funny.

>> No.55787196
File: 494 KB, 800x819, shutup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55787199


Idk bro maybe just log off and do real life shit for a while instead of rage-stalking some tech worker who 100% behaves like a tech worker

>> No.55787244

good idea. what should they do instead of f5ing the catalog in 8 hour shifts?

>> No.55787779
File: 843 KB, 838x961, SN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At one point the Oraclize guy called Sergey a sandwich fucker. He even accused Sergey of eating the sandwiches after busting loads into them. There was an intense bit of silence while Sergey glared. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead immediately, and his face was flush. He forced a chuckle into the microphone. Then he walked off stage and just out of the room where there was a magazine rack. He was still in full view of everyone through a window. He starts taking these magazines, two and three at a time, and just tearing them to shreds. Sometimes he would pick one up, and try to twist and tear the whole thing at once, but fail, so then he would start ripping out individual pages. He was facing away from everyone, so we never saw his facial expressions, but the jerking of his arms and jiggling of his head as he ripped the magazines suggested he was apoplectic with rage. This went on for two minutes at least. At this point I thought he was totally screwed, and that he had just ruined the reputation of chainlink in one fell swoop. However, he turned around and walked back into the room. He looked completely rejuvinated and full of vigor again. He proceeded to completely btfo Oraclize in every way, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Afterwards, he even did a little q&a session after the Oraclize guy left due to being frustrated from the harsh btfo. Janitorial services were picking up the mess of shredded magazines at this time, and the only acknowledgement Sergey ever made to the mess was when one of the older janitors fell over while leaning to pick up the pieces. He sort of covered his mouth with his hand, clearly holding back laughter. It was bizarre, but with genius comes inevitable personality quirks.

>> No.55788034
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