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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55784417 No.55784417 [Reply] [Original]

I’m literally retarded, rode the short bus as a kid, was a khhv incel until 27, ugly, short, awkward, weird, etc and yet I somehow have a job that pays 320k a year at 29, a 6/10 gf, own a house, and am worth 1 million dollars. I don’t even work hard at my job or anything either, I barely do shit. Every time I hear about some guy working his ass off for next to minimum wage I am overcome with guilt knowing I am far wealthier than him despite being a useless do nothing who just lucked his way in to a high paying position and have a mind for investing (not even smart investing I just buy VTI and BTC). I haven’t provided value to anyone else in my entire life yet I’m considered successful. It’s not fair

>> No.55784427

how did you get a gf, share your wisdom to us

>> No.55784428


>> No.55784432

Shut the fuck up demoralization poster

>> No.55784439

basically same, except I have a really thick penis with a fat head it kinda looks like a big mushroom

>> No.55784440

Latin America

>> No.55784464

fake and gay
simple as

>> No.55784486

are they hiring and is it remote? can you assuage your guilt by helping me get a job anon pls? im the same age as you. laid off from previous tech job. I'm close to being homeless as I took financial risks that didnt pay off. I almost made it from crypto and lost it all. I have some experience in project management but I'm decently smart and can pivot or pick up things quickly. session id: 0551f1a1065500d8c6cffecad569a9e6fc7fe7a3c9f51285b970e7979c1be98314

>> No.55784498

I mean, you could help people get out of poverty, you know? at least you could teach poor kids whatever thing you do or something useful (don't expect them to be grateful, though...)

>> No.55784499
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Maybe gay but not fake

>> No.55784970

it's because our entire socioeconomic system is now fake and gay

>> No.55785004

Bro thats not even 20k
I made 20k talking to anons and lost it here since may

I'm at 0 again but seriously 18k is considered rich?

>> No.55785151
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Based, you're clearly smart and you have empathy and you're also humble enough to have impostor syndrome. You deserve all you have and more.

>> No.55785157

"deserve"... there is not past. only your desire in the present and what you can turn it into in the future. you identified a mistake. learn from it. don't learn from idiots. simple as.

>> No.55786181

For whoever has, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: but whoever has not, from him shall be taken away even that he has.

>> No.55787450

Having that level of self-awareness already makes you better than the others. Self-made man is a fucking myth. Best you can do is pay forward the same opportunities you were given, be generous with your knowledge, and be kind in general. Think of all the supremely talented people that fucking fall through the cracks that never catch a break. Eminem would have been a meth head in a trailer park if it weren't for Dre.