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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55783283 No.55783283 [Reply] [Original]

How accurate is this image?

>> No.55783336
File: 268 KB, 1080x1369, occupywallst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that these threads are part of a psyop to create divide between generations. Divide and conquer. Easy spot, this one, but being pushed for a while now. You're supposed to buy into the idea that 'everyone' over a certain age behaved very differently than you would have done under the circumstances. It's their fault houses were cheaper. It's their fault they could raise a family on one salary. It's their fault you don;t have that opportunity now. Don't blame the bankers. DOn't blame the politicians. Blame anyone over 35 who owns a house! Hate your parents!
Hatred and envy is our strength!

>> No.55783373
File: 48 KB, 747x671, 3.25-1972-2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Jew, explain this one then.
Why were boomers making $23.72 for unskilled labor as teenagers, yet we're "entitled" according to those same boomers for asking for a $10-$15 minimum wage or any fucking relief whatsoever during one of the worst recessions in history?
Obviously the politicians, corporations, treasurers and bankers are to blame, but boomers don't get a fucking pass for their shitty attitudes, grandpa.

>> No.55783391

>we're "entitled" according to those same boomers
Who cares what a strawman of an old person says. They're just powerless normies like anyone else. Focus on the larger forces at play.

>> No.55783427

Millenial here. Ask for assistance from your family, if they won’t give it to you, ask your church. Don’t go to church? Shut the fuck up and stop contributing to the moral decay of this once great nation.

>> No.55783453

Most modern Churches are the leading cause of moral decay in the US.

>> No.55783457

How is this the fault of all those people? Bear in mind that everyone's earnings fell in relative terms, not just teenagers'. you're clutching at straws by just blaming everyone who was alive then. Why not pick the russians? or black people? or anything for that matter? why are you blaming the populace? You're a fucking retard. Also, i'm not old; i'm just not thick as pigshit like you seemingly are

>> No.55783473

Yep. You're supposed to take care of your parents and your kids are supposed to take care of you in old age. They want to destroy every single part of the family.
Also: don't forget to hate women!

>> No.55783498

No. Jews are the leading cause. Shitty churches flying rainbow flags are a corollary/result and are not the norm unless you live in a very gay city

>> No.55783519

it is accurate
if you watched old movies from their era, highschoolers could buy themselves a brand new car by getting a summerjob for 2 months; something compatible with historical wage and car price data

notice all the BIDF retards like >>55783336 >>55783457
who completely ignored OPs question or the accuracy of the facts presented and immediately started slurping boomer cock

>> No.55783524

Well yeah, if you take care of your old parents, not only will you have less time to contribute to society, but you will cause others to loose their job
Think of the GDP anon

>> No.55783554

Soooo, why should we hate the average boomer?

>> No.55783557

Ahh nooo I'm so demoralized now nooo! There's no point in even trying at anything because of the heckin boomers!

>> No.55783587

>completely ignored OPs question or the accuracy of the facts presented
I countered his point here
>Bear in mind that everyone's earnings fell in relative terms, not just teenagers'.
The people he is blaming have seen their earnings fall too, over the same timeframe. Who do you suggest those people blame? You idiots are pushing/buying into this idiotic idea you can blame millions of people collectively for a changing financial climate. You ALWAYS avoid the question of 'How would YOU have behaved differently?' which I'm sure you will again here

>> No.55783608

The fall in wealth is due to the actions of the banking establishment and the decline in extremely cheap oil production.
This is part of a psyop to help destroy the family and force dependence on the state. Simple as.

>> No.55783610

Also, you must realise that inflation is killing earnings right now. Who should tomorrow's young people blame for that? Should they blame YOU? What are you going to do to fix the falling earnings situation right now? Yes, you.

>> No.55783618

This. I sometimes wonder if the people in these threads are actually nefarious actors pushing this tripe

>> No.55783678

Really does feel like it, but I dont know if its the bankers or extremist as they both stand to profit from division/hate

>> No.55783795

100%. This place is absolutely infested with all sorts of state, think tank, corporate and other nefarious actors that want to change thoughts and behaviors toward various ends.

>> No.55783806

I hope they realise there is a price to pay for such behaviour, and it will come to them

>> No.55783807
File: 2.93 MB, 1160x710, 1675424380502481.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How accurate is this webm?

>> No.55783824

Why spend resources on psy-oping dead shitcoin forum? If this was /b/ 10-15 years ago then maybe.

>> No.55783841

I see plenty of active threads. What are you talking about?

>> No.55783876

This thread should be called 'Let's blame everyone whose earnings have fallen over the years for earnings falling over the years' kek

>> No.55783880
File: 19 KB, 320x294, 1689035831680531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2017 dollars

>> No.55783882

Your average bizraeli is a poltard with a gambling addiction, and one less chromosome

>> No.55783884

Because they're the ones in charge of everything (from business to government) and have been for the past few decades. It's only been in recent times that Gen X has been getting into power. Gen Y barely has much in the way of power and Gen Z is still too young to be in those positions.

>> No.55783894

The boomers were recruited to the globalist army. Fuck you. They sold everything to prosper while chinks and beaners slaved away for a chance to be at the big boy table. Now that they're ready for a seat, the boomers are demanding we open the gates and bring them in to debase the last holdouts of manufacturing and the service and knowledge economies. All so they can sit on their fucking asses and ransom basic needs to finance their last couple decades.

Serves young people right for being ironic about it most of their adult lives and eating any of their own that grew a pair.

>> No.55783901

Accurate. Somehow these fat fucks never stop dancing and remain fat. one of life's mysteries.

>> No.55783968


>> No.55784830

>seething Christcuck
I've never seen a synagogue flying a rainbow flag. Curious.

>> No.55784839

>It's their fault they could raise a family on one salary. It's their fault you don;t have that opportunity now.
We had two world wars that killed 100 million people PER WAR.
Did these fucking losers think everyone was gonna live like the Hollywood celebrities?

>> No.55784858

>The people he is blaming have seen their earnings fall too,
Stop spending money?

>> No.55784955

Bretton woods to the oil shocks was the best period in history to be a burger. The only advanced economy on the planet

>> No.55784968

Go to Skokie il they're on every corner

>> No.55785048

>debase the last holdouts of manufacturing
Most manufacturers are in China.

>> No.55785093

Ouuuuhhhh it's just that anything but Chinese slave labor is too expeeeeeensiiiive!

>> No.55785274

Yeah, and Israel doesn’t need diversity. Also curious. You catch on yet, cow?

>> No.55785575

95% of boomers have no power and are just clueless retards. You can rightfully hate them along with 95% of the rest of the population for being clueless retards but you can't hate them for "being in charge." It would be 50x more accurate to hate jews than to hate boomers.

>> No.55785597

>Reminder that these threads are part of a psyop to create divide between generations. Divide and conquer.
Devalued dollar = generational warfare???
Fuck off kike shill this is clearly a demonstration of the weakening buying power thanks to you Jews. The hundreds of threads YOU spam that are irrelevant and hate driven are the divide and conquer shit you people push. Not you cry out as you beat us.

>> No.55785639

This. The boomers are our friends and allies.

>> No.55785649
File: 65 KB, 750x635, 859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the boomers in power that did this!
>Hate them!
No, we know the culprit.

>> No.55786582

>tfw teamsters
Feels good being in a union when you realize everyone else gets ass fucked harder than union dues cost so I can continue to get ahead of them.

>> No.55786589

That's any union besides auto makers

>> No.55787736

Year gad daaamn facken right mah brother. All y'alls millenialls ain't got none of the GRIT my generation had. Y'all's is bitchin online bout y'all's problems insteada gettin them bootstraps pulled and walkin inta the Pepsi factory laaack I did. Y'alls don't know what y'all's opportunity is RIGHT in front y'all's faces.

Y'all don't think I was nervous putten them bottlecaps on them Pepsi bottles first day on the job?! Took me 2 gaad daamn fucken years to save up for my house! Spent a full $25k on mah's house. And y'all bitchen cus I be asking $800k.... fucken millenials man y'all need to learn to respect y'alls elders.

This' why my generation LOVES bringin in them hee-span-ics or however y'alls say it. Work for $3/hr, ain't bitchin, and make a damn good burrito! Fucken wish I ain't had them kids man


Respect our Veterans!!!!!
Buy American or Move to Japan
Proud Grandfather to De'Quavis, Alterrius and Dayshawn
If you don't drive a truck you ain't a real man
Boycott Libya
In my day workplace harrasment was when your secretary interrupted your smoke break
His middle name is "Hussein" for a reason people
It's Barry Manalow not Barry Womanalow
Why do I carry a .22? Because they don't make a .23!
I stand for the American and Israeli Anthems