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55782242 No.55782242 [Reply] [Original]

Bros I'm so fucking tired of my life. I feel so dead inside. Should I end it cause I don't see a purpose

>> No.55782262

Did you lose everything and now feel like it’s over? Or did you make it and got bored?

>> No.55782266


>> No.55782274
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get it, do the questionnaire, work on it. go outside, start lifting, start eating better, you gonna make it man

>> No.55782276

I'm in the middle. My problems aren't about money, obviously would love to have more money. I just don't enjoy my life

>> No.55782307

Get a pullup bar
Get vitamin D through sun exposure
10k steps a day minimum (you can combine it with sun exposure)
Eat meat
Cold showers
Congratulations, you successfully defeated your depression or whatever you call that gay shit and you can get back to your usual life

>> No.55782317
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>> No.55782324

If you spend all your day just walking around outside you'd not only become happy but also enlightened.

>> No.55782328
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It will be over on its own accord soon enough.

>> No.55782346

I am at the bottom. I don't have any money, literally 2 dollars left, and all attempts at making more money end up in failure. I live in a country that don't get neetbux. I have free food and accommodation in my parents house. I'm gifted but have severe attention/memory issues that make my productivity zero. My parents don't believe in mental illnesses and don't understand how i have finished a degree but can't be employed. I've burnt all my bridges and i'm just waiting to die at this point in life. I found a drug that costs $200 monthly which would improve my productivity significantly but can't get enough money or get a job because of my condition to pay for it lmao. You have it 1000 times better than i do, so stop whining and get off your comfort zone. Travel outside of your country and learn how people struggle.

>> No.55782361

how old are you op

>> No.55782378

>take the free food
>go outside and sell it

>> No.55782417

Lmao they would kick me out if they found out about this. I am at a point where i can't antagonize them. I am an embarassment at home, 30 yrs old, electrical engineering degree that took me 7 long painful years and no company or recruiter has ever thought of calling back because of all the gaps.

>> No.55782474

no one asked

>> No.55782480

Just dont get caught and cook hamburgers or something that people would buy at a restaurant. If you do get caught by your parents, tell them you're a chef now. Or lie on your resume so there arent any gaps.

>> No.55782495

Find god or creative outlet. I lost 96% of my networth in the past 2 years ($700K to $32K) but decided to not my waste my time at the bottom and do something useful, I wrote 2 short novels and 2 screenplays in that period, And when i recover again i won't feel like i broke even, I'll feel like i bought the bottom.

>> No.55782513

When i said free food, i did not mean there's a pantry with free food. I mean that i get to eat all 3 meals, not that there's enough to cook or sell to someone else.