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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55776625 No.55776625 [Reply] [Original]



Although it was clear to anyone from the beginning that Chainlink BUILD partners are total scams, it was at least a piece of hopium that we could stand to benefit from them eventually. Looks like the devs will just exit scam instead so they won't have to give up a portion of their token supply to LINKies.

>> No.55776680

>Although it was clear to anyone from the beginning that Chainlink BUILD partners are total scams
kek, I remember pointing this out and the linkers all said it would be impossible for BUILD projects to be scams since integrating chainlink would make them unhackable.

>> No.55776695

damn, what a shame! i only get to keep 45 out of 46 airdrops

>> No.55776705

This geocities webpage has broken hyperlinks, I guess this internet thing turned out to be a scam.

>> No.55776734

this is highly concerning

>> No.55776745

OMG! You're amazing for bringing this to the communities attention. I will definitely be market selling my Chainlink tokens now. Thanks for selflessly looking out for us OP.

>> No.55776746
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>> No.55776770

Ever heard the old saying: "for every one roach you see, you have 1000 you don't"

>> No.55776797

Yeah, so for each BUILD airdrop that turns out to be a nothingburger, it doesn't matter because we'll get 1000 more airdrops. All for free.

>> No.55776922

I have more LINK than you :)

>> No.55776974

It's going to be fucking hilarious when every true LINK holder immediately dumps all of their BUILD airdrops back for LINK to fuck any VCs who got in on the projects directly.

>> No.55777038

>I own 40k link and i strictly FUD. I have never once in my entire life shilled link. All shills should be hung especially those that betrayed /biz/ to shill on twitter to 90 iq subhuman normies.
>If you unironically shill link you are not a real OG. You are a moonboy redditfag / poorfag.
>When the yacht party happens all of us fudders will be in the vip backroom smoking cigars in the shadows away from you civilian public clowns.
>Chainlink is Cosa Nostra = "this thing of ours"
>A black link marine who doesnt snitch and knows how to keep quiet is infinitely better than a white bitch who squels to everything trying to pump his small ass 1k bag.
>If you publically shill link you might as well give up the idea of even coming to the yacht party as you are an outsider and we OGs will make sure to make you feel as unwelcome and left out as possible.

>> No.55777044


>> No.55777112

what do we have here
a good ol' fashion linkie boy callout
he's a FUDer, but he's also a marine?? shucks

>> No.55777118

that's tempting but i think it would be a mistake. i dumped a lot of useless shit in 2017 that mooned later. just hold and wait

>> No.55777127

>CIDF claims Chainlink is virtually impossible to exploit
>Chainlink proven to be insufficient for security
>"Actually security doesn't matter anyways!"
CIDF sinking to new lows with these copes

>> No.55777139

What the fuck is CIDF

>> No.55777191

Chainlink Internet Defense Force
CLL shills that are constantly patrolling the board looking for any posts critical of Chainlink so that they can run damage control

>> No.55777220

>that are constantly patrolling the board
That's what the fudcucks do 24/7 non stop.

If I now make a separate Chain link thread a fudcuck will literally rush from furiously F5ing the catalog and will proceed to reply to my thread in like 20-30 seconds since I posted it even though /biz/ activity is at the absolute lows. Fascinating

>> No.55777235

awww little fuddie getting all pissy... im sorry, im just not selling!

>> No.55777280

Schizophrenics are far more likely to fall into cult mentalities. Fascinating

>> No.55777541

token status: not needed

>> No.55777561

we got another CIDF

>> No.55777594

HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAH holy shit you cant make this stuff up

>HODL the line marinesthhhhhhh
Cringe. Im getting Lady Luck vibes

>nooooooooo you cant tell the truth here, you must be brown!!!!



And then everyone will clap

Even funnier will be the realization you arent getting shit

It truly is fascinating. Also worth noting is the cult is so devoid of creativity in shit talk that their response to being called cucks 24/7 was to repackage it (“fudcuck”) as their retort. Its like 5th grade all over

>> No.55777617
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>> No.55777745

You hold link

>> No.55777980
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Theyre not sending their best....

>> No.55778034
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>Follow and trust chainlinkg-d goy.. I mean guys..

>> No.55778086


>> No.55778126

The board is getting hammered with fudders again, looks like they just got their monthly $10 because they are absolutely rabid tonight.

>> No.55778135

nice try, reverse shill FUDer
we see through you

>> No.55778142

this guy is a FUDer too

>> No.55778197

GM based kings