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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 172 KB, 690x690, 1-e1598032748700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55775384 No.55775384 [Reply] [Original]

Will nimbyism be defeated?

>> No.55775399

No because in even the deepest blue areas of the country, the richfags hwo own property don't want black people around them.

>> No.55775411

Can you urban planning 15 minute city commies fuck off already?

>> No.55775432

Holy Based

>> No.55775521

no because infinite expansion is not sustainable without drastic infrastructure upgrades

>> No.55775533

no but it should be so rich leftists can experience the wonders of diversity

>> No.55775540

a NIMBY just flew over my house!

>> No.55775547

What happens when you guys get giving trannies money and not reporting their threads, they took the janitor application and pruned most of you off the site nonstop until you left so they could scam and astroturf full time.

>> No.55775664

>reddit word
Go back

>> No.55775878
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>> No.55775887

California wants Huntington Beach, a 85% white city, to add section 8 housing in the middle of the city for more housing.

Gee I wonder who they want to move in

>> No.55775910

you dont live at a truck stop, you larping euro fag.
>inability to see the world outside of reddit/4chan dynamic
absolutely chilling
unironically this but theyll clutch their pearls if (You) says something about their behavior

>> No.55775961
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zoom out

>> No.55776005
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>> No.55776083

I still don't understand what this image is trying to say and the tranny glownigger that made it doesn't even make a point.
>it's le bad that chain restaurants are surrounded by rural landscape
>the chain goyslop stores are concentrated near a highway rest stop and that's bad
It's not even an anti goyslop chain restaurant image.

>> No.55776097

If you don't know who is the patsy, you're the patsy.
Hello burger

>> No.55776098

>give others power and control over your neighborhood
What are you, a WEF shill?

>> No.55776101

>I still don't understand
I'm sure you don't vapid consumer.

>> No.55776133

Nobody defends chain goyslop restaurants but euros/cityfags are still upset this rest stop is surrounded by open space, got it.

>> No.55776144

you dont have to go to the restaurants. just cook your own food. the point of zooming out is to show there is more undisturbed nature surrounding the developed area.

>> No.55776156

>t.Mindbroken by 4chan memes and not going outside

>> No.55776189
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>t. Seething flyovercels

>> No.55776225


Okay but why are leftists putting /pol/ memes over the perspective change image that shows all of the chain restaurants are confined to a small area? Just seems like a real lazy glownigger image.

Then stop moving to my state from your liberal shitholes then.

>> No.55776249

FUGGGGING CHECKED idk what u even call that? A full house?

>> No.55776279

>Defends his souless lifestyle to the end

>> No.55776296
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We're both still on 4chan, only difference is that you pay more money for the privilege of living by minorities.

>> No.55776317

you're replying to a "live in the po- I mean, 15 minute city!!!!!" shill, why are you wasting your time

>> No.55777591

NIMBY and YIMBY are both going to win. The population decline that America is going to bring forth a country in which many suburbs around the country will be like detroit. The progeny of Boomers, Millenials as they are usually termed, are not having enough kids to replace Boomers and themselves. Generation X thankfully did not spawn enough Zoomers. Globally there is a coming population decline and only the most prosperous cities in the world will see immigration. Most areas will depopulate. In Japan, a country that has been laden with slow population decline, has new residential buildings created and old ones torn down. There is a surplus of residential buildings and nobody wants to live in an old or less roomy one. In America the decline will be faster but still echo Japan. Give it 40 years.

>> No.55777624

when whites go extinct soon

>> No.55777692

I can’t stand it when some fucking house full of shiftless nimbers moves in my neighborhood. Every time someone’s house is broken into or a bike is stolen, you can bet one of these knuckle dragging ape nimbers had something to do with it.

>> No.55777713
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I’m not rich, but my house is worth around 1.2mil. I don’t want nuggets around either. I nice upstanding black family is welcome though.

>> No.55777744

commies wont go outside because mcdonalds

>> No.55777914

No, the truth is, rich people work hard to get away from poor people, crime etc

No sane person wants more people living next to them. That is an invitation for crime and suffering

>> No.55778609
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yeah, many of us don't leave the house or are around to care anyway, I'm locked up for hours playing duck race and working at the same time, remote work is good at many things except socially