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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55772801 No.55772801 [Reply] [Original]

Or should I just stick to ERC-20/BNB networks?

>> No.55773585

good question

>> No.55773678

You need to send some money over to BASE and buy $oscar and then you will be so rich you can stop asking dipshit questions on here https://oscartoken.com/

>> No.55774141

>meme coins on Solana
This is dying network propped up by youtube idiots. If your meme coin is featured on a good channel it could go. You have to have a bit of an inside scoop though.
Algorand defi is dead. Most TVL is just bridged ERC-20s taking advantage of low fees for arbitrage bots. All the good projects on Algorand do not have any tokens for sale (Lofty, Realio, TravelX etc)
shitcoin central but I hear network has problems. Can't go wrong with the jeet homeland though. Could be good plays here.
fees are retarded but liquidity is retarded good
shitcoin mecca. I'd play here.

>> No.55774397

fuck off not buying ur worthless bags

>> No.55776479

I'm so ready to forget SOL. Nuke it already.

>> No.55776527

GNS was polygon and I’ll forever be thankful

>> No.55776551

Just bridge to BASE and keep your eyes glued on CT and call groups. I think a ton of liquidity is going to bridge over there once it opens 'officially' (i've already been here since before leetswap got exploited)

>> No.55777901

Thanks for the detailed response. I ran a test and I can confirm that Algo is as dead as a doorknob. On BNB how do shitcoin creators make money? Do they just serially rug day after day or what?

>> No.55777920

you already have to worry about malicious contracts, retarded devs and the fickle support of meme investors. now you add network liquidity and volume to it by going to a dead layer 2

>> No.55777933

I'm sticking to ETH and BNB. At this point I'm trying to figure out how developers make money in this space? Is it all just serial rug pulling with shitty ad campaigns or something more?

>> No.55777984

>Is it all just serial rug pulling with shitty ad campaigns
it's this
set a goal
get in
get out

>> No.55777997

Alright then so where does that leave me? I've learned Solidity. How do I launch a pre-sale for a shitcoin myself? I don't understand how devs find buyers beyond the /biz/ campaigns I've seen and we're mostly exit liquidity by that point. Where are these devs finding the initial market for these tokens?