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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55767739 No.55767739 [Reply] [Original]

>government keeps saying the economy is amazing
>over 60% of the country is living paycheck to paycheck
>housing market out of reach for most Americans
>only jobs available in this "labor shortage" are waiter jobs, uber eats delivery drivers etc and there aren't any "real" jobs

Is this the power of Bidenomics?

>> No.55767785


>> No.55767794

You'd be getting screwed financially no matter which president was in office. They're all puppets who enact the will of the jewish overlords.

>> No.55767807

We need big Barack cock back in the white house to fuck this tight white pussy economy back into shape

>> No.55767818

Over 60% of the country would live paycheck to paycheck no matter what because they have no impulse control. This is not something that can be fixed without a mixture of eugenics and a significant cultural shift.

>> No.55767820

>immediately starts talking about cuck shit
Go back to the clown club faggot.

>> No.55767840

>Be a total dredge on society
>No skill no talent no ambition
>Can't find any meaningful job
>"The govt has failed me, the west has fallen, it's the joooooos!"
Why are you people like this?

>> No.55767851 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 800x1062, 326565530_2484216135062122_3247122070565321699_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The power of Bidenomics is simple, really.
Step 1) Crash the U.s. economy to historical lows.
Step 2) Have the entire U.S. media/entertainment industry defend you ala the Emperor's New Clothes.
Step 3) "Fastest recovery ever!"

>> No.55767855
File: 242 KB, 1125x1900, 1669783677742569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence, groomer.

>> No.55767857

>We need big Barack cock back in the white house
Biden IS Barack's third term you moron.

>> No.55767860

They're pumping the economy with fiscal stimulus to keep it on life support until the election, then it's game over and great depression v2

>> No.55767864

Fuck niggers

>> No.55767888

>the unceasing bitching and moaning of the wagie
Just stfu already. Its your own fault for being poor.

>> No.55767894
File: 523 KB, 1932x1332, Q1 2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60% of the country is living paycheck to paycheck

sounds like people have a spending problem

plenty of cheap housing out there that you can buy with $15/hour

>> No.55767965

Post hands, jeet.

>> No.55767988

>Be intentionally obtuse
Tech jobs are getting 900+ applicants for every single position.
Trade jobs are paying slave tier wages.
Most people aren't ok with 2 hour commutes

>> No.55768007
File: 182 KB, 1013x675, McDonald's wages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a 2 hour commute to mcdonalds

low IQ

>> No.55768054

The government functionaries who say the economy is "amazing" are telling their bosses (the politicians who appointed them) what they want to hear. It's as simple as that.

For the vast majority of people, the economy is in no way "amazing". But no one listens to them.