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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55764263 No.55764263 [Reply] [Original]

I finally did it bros, I finally managed to get a comfy do nothing job.

>> No.55764268

Welcome home.

>> No.55764291

Don't get comfy Anon, the years will go by so quickly and before you know it you're a boomer.

>> No.55764328

I refuse to believe these jobs exist

I personally just believe this is 1 gigantic LARP propagated by those who want to seem like they're naturally skilled/talented/intelligent where they can be highly paid for doing nothing

It reminds me of being back in school where people would say how they "didn't even study bro" and got a 100% grade.

There is this fake thing people started doing in the last 20 years or so where everyone wants to give the perception to others that they're able to be successful with very little to 0 effort.

>> No.55764346
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Nice. Good job bro.

>> No.55764503

Based. Welcome to making it.

A ton of office jobs are like this, they require a trivial amount of time to actually do. Especially if you WFH.

>> No.55764516

I used to have a $110k “data scientist” job where I had interns do all my work. I was stupid enough to get a $130k job that I have to work in now though.

>> No.55764517

i got a comfy wfh job... and my employer just announced mass corporate layoffs. i'll probably keep my job but i have no faith in this job long term. given this, there's really no benefit to being remote. i can't move away from the niggerlicious urban centers. if i go rural and lose my remote job i'll be FUCKED, since remote jobs are now extremely competitive.

jewed if you do
jewed if you don't

>> No.55764536

I'm currently making $3500 a week after taxes at a job where I do actual work for maybe five hours a week. I previously made half that at a job where if I was at work, I was working.

>> No.55764547
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Nice, remember to always have an excuse for what you've been doing for the week. Most managers have had their brains so fried by adderall that they won't even think twice if you tell them you've spent all week doing some menial task.

>> No.55764755

Congrats, anon. Enjoy your free time.

Of course these jobs are for smart people. You can LARP as smart, though.

>> No.55764841

I was that kid who got 100% without studying. My whole life I always finished tests first, state testing first, always perform in the top percentile, reading benchmarks college level in 4th grade.

If it makes you feel any better though, I am 28 yrs old now with no degree and a loser because college felt pointlessly easy and now no one will give me a job because I didn’t get the magic piece of paper and now the kids I was doing circles around got the jobs and I have nothing despite being able to perform at the top in almost anything I do no one will give me a chance.

>> No.55764877

They do but they are mostly reserved for normal people and people whom are cool. You as somebody who is a low status loser and an autist will never be part of the club.

t.make 300k a year sending 5-10 emails a day working for maybe 2 hours each day and just shooting the shit with other higher up employees on the team while telling wage slave niggers below us to get their jobs done in time

>> No.55764893

you have it for long. any job that requires you to do nothing and get paid for it will almost certainly be automated in the near future. better save your wage bucks while you can.

>> No.55765024

what's the role title?
account manager?
product manager?

>> No.55765049

why don't wagies just work for the government?
-do nothing
-union protection
-can't be fired]
-everyone is incompetent and useless, doesn't matter
-automatic promotions and raises
-full benefits package for life
-no expectations, deadlines, responsibility, etc.
-no overtime if you don't want it, 1.5x/2x pay if you do want it
-timekeeping is a joke, everyone cheats it
-gorillion paid holidays
-your very existence makes taxcattle seeeeeeethe

>> No.55765053

I make 32/hr to sit around and tell people to call the help desk. Sometimes I need to restart a PC or give someone an ethernet cable though

>> No.55765122

I was in a similar spot but maybe not 100% but Top 5% on those state exams. Also was unemployed for a while. Just keep interviewing and make up unverifiable stories for what you are doing now. Once you get in people will value you.

>> No.55765196

Senior director

>> No.55765204

codenigger? i work in accounting at a fortune 20. every director, controller, VP, etc. i've worked with has been wageslaved to the max. my controller was on a call with us while driving home from the hospital...

>> No.55765219

this. government accounting is perfect if you don't want to go the coding route

>> No.55765224

Ya if you ever find yourselfhaving to make a company call like this you are a complete and total failure as a human. Since work doesn't ever actually have to be done.

>> No.55765263

>muh code
Cope. I’m smarter than you.

>> No.55765265

i can bs/exaggerate my resume to apply to that. but how do you get them to call them to interview? im competing against hundreds of thousands of applicants.

>> No.55765266

bros wheres the best place to search for jobs?

>> No.55765268

>posting on 4chan

Why are you here then?

>> No.55765269

and is it remote?

>> No.55765271

Spam thread notice all the 1pbitd not responding to anyone or each other.

>> No.55765276

Larp thread

>> No.55765278

Fuck you.

>> No.55765283

my undergrad was in math, so probably not.

>> No.55765290

Whatever chump.

>> No.55765297

keep bragging about your wageslavery credentials

>> No.55765301

I will, but one last thing. . . Your sz scla

>> No.55765654

They're real. One of my colleagues browses shopping sites at work and does close to fuckall. She talks about her house and going out to dinner most of the times. Occasionally she will do work related stuff or go to BS meetings. I actually think she's based desu.

>> No.55765677

op is a woman. her job is dress cute to give her dyke boss a vaginal boner and write a few emails.

>> No.55765692

Fuck, you lucky boy, I wish, congrats, now find the second one. Godspeed, you fucking legend.

>> No.55765701
File: 23 KB, 421x407, 1626574137468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bunch of niggers discussing about their pathetic jobs
>I get paid for taking naked pics and vids of bitches and every now and then get my dick sucked by them
>I spend all that money traveling and into stuff like arkham
You niggers need to step up your game

>> No.55765711

Kek based

>> No.55765712

No you don't, and definitely no bitch could suck your cock for that

>> No.55765714

Sounds like the most bullshit work title

>> No.55765715

damn nigger, no need to LARP that hard lmao

>> No.55765745

kek this

>> No.55765861
File: 255 KB, 680x976, 32d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw comfy do everything job scheduling operations for my team and simultaneously doing more than everyone as the leader to set a standard
>responsibility, respect, confidence, determination
>haven't had a gf in years tho so I hate going home
Can't wait for work tomorrow

>> No.55765869
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, 35462562436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice now buy 25k Blackswan and make some futures bets with it. And go from there. The trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. Their twitter/website has more info on it. Website: blackswan dot biz

>> No.55765880

Go glow somewhere else faggot.