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55763876 No.55763876 [Reply] [Original]

I'm worried about my job.

>be me, spergy beta, but I've been able to somehow advance in my career
>started a manager-level job but have no one to actually manage
>team I work in is disorganised as fuck
>team is filled with boomers who are almost entirely external consultants from another company
>team is run by two stereotypical meat-faced 45-55 boomer males
>no formal org chard but those boomers act like my managers even though they're consultants
>my actual manager (boomer) works in a totally separate area so doesn't see day-to-day how broken things are
>the working methods in my team aren't what my manager wants at all, and part of my job is to fix that
>the two lead boomers in my team took a lot of work away from me for no good reason
>one boomer gave bullshit feedback to my manager ("not proactive enough", even though they took away all my fucking work and every piece of work is dropped top-down from the lead boomers)
>worried I might be let go or moved lower down when it's time for my manager to formally review me

I am going to have to become a lot more assertive, even if it's risky.

I'm not an oversocialised normie or an extrovert, so one of my fears is that I'm going to be forced out of any manager or above level job I ever get in to because people don't accept me. And I think people really look down on me as the guy who should be doing menial work and taking orders but who isn't suitable to be a "leader". I put "leader" in quotes because all thinking about leadership is a morass of bullshit that seems to ultimately serve as a self-fellating legitimisation exercise and group therapy facilitator for groups of oversocialised normies in workshops.

>inb4 "stop caring"

This is the highest paying job I've had and I get to work 100% wfh. I'm sick of normies getting handed everything while I have to scrap for every little bit of career fortune.

>> No.55763890

You think too much anon. Just don't challenge the status quo and keep thing chugging along. You are now just another useless cog in the corporate machine. Congratulations.

>> No.55763900


I know. But I'm not an oversocialised normie who will meld in to groups of normies. I will be left with nothing to do and unemployment if I don't challenge and ask for work.

You know how people say "working at [megacorporation] is so boring and safe"? That doesn't apply to me. I'm always on a default track to being fired.

>> No.55763924

What makes you think your on track to get fired? Managers at megacorpoations will always employ psychological tricks to make you believe you are underperforming or that you are about to be fired, when the reality is quite the opposite. They do this to squeeze as much work out of you as possible. This tactic is especially fruitful against autistics, and trust me they can tell. You just have to be cognizant of this fact. You're probably fine.

>> No.55763930

How the FUCK are you getting mogged while 100% WFH environment?

>> No.55764356
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This, and it's pretty wild that no one ever bothered to point it out
my cunt bosses have been gaslighting me with on-and-off "needs improvement" scores for 9 years now, yet they never seem to actually fire me

pretty curious, huh?

>> No.55764452

yeah sounds like he's getting mogged bad.

anon you have to step up or leave. it's entirely possible that things are just fucked and far from saving, in which case you're better off just doing fuck all and looking for a new job.

>> No.55764463

anon cut the shit with the normies vs autismo. it may be true but its not helping. part of being good in careers like this is learning to be a normie as forced as it is. i think this mentality is affecting you and is givng you a way of coping. stop it.learn to stand up for yourself. it's tough and takes time, but it will pay off big in the long run. unironically get a good male therapist.

>> No.55764473

lol, who gives a fuck. I will tell you what though. To be a respected manager, you need to be giving off a learned aura. Try scaring off some homeless people for a bit so you can learn how to gain such an aura.

>> No.55764506

All you need to do is bring out the whip, show em whose the slavedriver and who's the pyramidblock pusher.
What's important here is that you cultivate the sociopathic mindset of every other capitalist out there, that you have full intention of cracking the whip. If your slave relents and submits before that becomes a reality, as is often the case, then that is the zone of profit which is so prevalent in capitalism

>> No.55764567

I just started managing recently. It's the mindset of if I don't pay attention and make sure this project gets built and built well then someone will fuck it up. This means that I don't wait to be assigned work but say I'm working on these things for these specific useful reasons and deligate to my team. If you know how the leads are fucking up then you can work to unfuck it if you see the problems. Being charismatic helps for convincing people but being effective helps too. But yeah all of that is basically being "proactive". Fix shit without being assigned to be told what to fix.

>> No.55765639

Get a new job retard