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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55762211 No.55762211 [Reply] [Original]

>If you’re a builder, natively issued Cosmos USDt eliminates the unpredictability of third-party bridging solutions, and allows your focus to shift towards crafting ingenious, complex multi-chain operations that leverage Cosmos' interoperability.
If Kava does succeed at giving Cosmos the tools to have a nice defi community again will Kava itself rise to 20 bucks like LUNA did...?

>> No.55762237

Cosmos is gonna need a fucking miracle at this point if they truly want to stay competitive.

>> No.55762244

>natively issued Cosmos USDt eliminates the unpredictability of third-party bridging solutions
*COUGH* *COUGH* Multichain *COUGH*

>> No.55762272

Yeah no. What truly needs to happen here is for their ecosystem to be filled with better projects.

Crypto is extremely competitive these days. Look at $SOL for example. They've been really trying to get their shit together during this whole bear market for a reason

>> No.55762285

Not really, no. Last year was a fucking nightmare for Atomfags (me) but things are looking up again thanks to Osmosis resurgence, IBC, and other stuff.
Multichain failed, didn't affect Kava, they went on to create their own in-house bridge solution.

>> No.55762288

>incentivize $ETH devs (by far the largest community of developers within crypto) to build on cosmos
>finally inject tether liquidity to ensure a higher TVL
so far it's looking promising but it needs more adoption to truly become a better L1 when compared to its peers

>> No.55762291

luna became huge thanks to the right person at the right time phenomenon, little else.

>> No.55762303
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>Trying to get their shit together
Their entire chain malfunctions once a week or more because too many transactions tried to go through at the same time, retard. SOL is a unscalable piece of shit

>> No.55762304

>unironically shilling for sol after the whole FTX fiasco
why do you niggers ALWAYS need to be so fucking contrarian 24/7?

>> No.55762309

>Their entire chain malfunctions once a week
They have not gone down a single day this entire year. Take a look at this

>> No.55762312
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im ok

>> No.55762319

fantomfags also got rekt hard by it LMAO.

>> No.55762330
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you baggies are always so delusional. It's cure if you think about it

>> No.55762340

And it still is. Don't come at me and say that the ecosystem is in a particularly good spot right now.

>> No.55762356

and became a scam for the right person on it's peak moment

>> No.55762361

glad to know buddy, hang in there.

>> No.55762368

lmao, they are probably getting paid for it.
Same as linkfags.

>> No.55762376

Why would you lie so blatantly when your own source refutes your "argument", faggot?
it's true that they have not experienced major problems as frequently as they used do but they DID have a major outage on February of this year

>> No.55762397
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imagine still needing tether to carry your ass or else you lose all relevancy

>> No.55762419

Everyone relies on usdt for their ecosystems to function correctly retard, it's pathetic the cosmos people didn't even bother for so long and some other third party had to clean up for them.

>> No.55762425
File: 67 KB, 1060x351, FTM_1Y_graph_coinmarketcap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was okay*

>> No.55762438

>complex multi-chain operations that leverage Cosmos' interoperability
so swap/pool platforms that work with eth shitcoins. how novel

>> No.55762450

This is objectively false and I don't really understand why so many people are simply parroting the same bullshit over and over again. Solana is way faster and more stable than it's ever been in its entire history.
People will look at this and go "it's doctored, fake and gay". Unironically stop it already what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.55763618

i bet you hold btc lmao