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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55759422 No.55759422 [Reply] [Original]

me and my friend found a way how to fuck egyptian economical sistem. we have p2p strategy with 20% profit for a circle. only thing we need is verified and heated stripe account with instant withdrawal.

ask the answers >:D

>> No.55760263

just post the method. 99% of people here don't have the ball to execute on it.

>> No.55760366

I'm a little nervous to ask the answers but I'm intrigued. What is a heated stripe account? I may have one but I'm not sure.

>> No.55760378

What's crystal castles?

>> No.55760434

It’s a band. You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.55760457

Listening now they're pretty good, what kind of music is it?

>> No.55760461

chiptun with angry female vocals for the older stuff. newer stuff is troon tier though

>> No.55760527

how'd the new stuff go troon?

>> No.55760548


>> No.55760562

.....wow that is really on the nose. thanks anon i'll make sure to not go near the new stuff.

>> No.55760570

Good song fuck off /pol/cel

>> No.55760597

the newer things sound exactly like the old ones

>> No.55760770

Exceot this is unironically good, newfag.

>> No.55760775

Kys you cumgurgling faggot. You need to goback.

>> No.55760807

That song sucks cock, you fucking queer. It is LITERALLY a pale comparison to their old shit.
buy bitcoin

>> No.55760811

Chiptun? What is that? Who are some other good bands like this? Also this stuff is from 10 years ago, what's happening in 2023?

>> No.55760876

Witch house

>> No.55760895

Thanks just checking it out, had no idea it existed

>> No.55760898

chiptune is what anon meant to write.
it’s a genre that employs video game console soundcard emulators for a nostalgic vibe

>> No.55760909

wow great thread

>> No.55760924

Like the pocket operators? Thanks anon gonna check it out

>> No.55760977

what's the scam youssef? you need a kyc'd foreign account to cash out your ill gotten gains?

>> No.55761114

Its kino i used listened to it like 10 years ago

>> No.55761193

lemme guess, the solution to your grammer riddle is "buy AI, teehee"
off yourself, vatnik shill

>> No.55761201
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 0xfe6ed1a0bde1d7181a0343998ae47f3993ff3a77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why cant you get a verified stripe account?

>> No.55761211

another one, as soon as you mention shilling one of em just pops out of nothing

>> No.55761214

lol love how you assume theyre under 18

>> No.55761222

her band manager was physically and sexually abusive and controlling so she made a new band.

>> No.55761229

It's a drug seller trying to launder money using some retarded scheme

If anything, this thread pretty much confirms we are in a recession and that cryptos are dead as shit lmao

>> No.55761850

Right whats the 2023 version?

>> No.55761889
File: 3.85 MB, 1080x1920, Tranny Hunting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread is filled with trannies

>> No.55761931

Look how the cunt jannies leave this reply but delete my posts. Fucking joke.

>> No.55761937

>Believing the redditcore sexual abuse nonsense

>> No.55762495

Get a load of this kid calling people kid.

>> No.55763702
File: 110 KB, 960x960, au-vyst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck bro, I miss Crystal Castles. Why did my nigga Ethan Kath (AKA Claudio Paolo Palmieri) have to fuck all the hoes? He and Harvey Weinstein were like kindred spirits.