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File: 679 KB, 1916x1006, Weed-in-the-DMV-Social.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55758896 No.55758896 [Reply] [Original]

Is he going to tell the police? What should I do?

>> No.55758908


>> No.55758954
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>> No.55758957

should have offered him a bag to hook you up with free hbo and all the other premium channels

>> No.55758966

Snap his neck and move the plants and grow lights into an RV with the interior removed.

>> No.55758975
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>> No.55758989

Nah it's just 3 small plants in a balcony

>> No.55758991

I'm OP but now in bed with the phone, by the way.

>> No.55758992

>meanwhile drinking alcohol is based

>> No.55759006
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>> No.55759095

Anyone who doesnt smoke weed and do physical activity will not survive past 50. Smoking weed relaxes my muscles, makes me hungry, and willing to sleep comfortably. You haters either cant smoke or propagandized to believe it has no benefits. Weedbros are annoying but so are wiggers. So i dont see your point.

>> No.55759119

Very true. The whole "it makes everything better" crowd is annoying... but they're right

>> No.55759468
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>> No.55759530

He sees that sort of thing weekly, trust me

>> No.55759542

Same thing happened to me once. I doubt they care but I couldn’t risk it. I ripped up my plants and threw them away. The police never came.

>> No.55759550

In a perfect world, marijuana would be seen as the counter to caffeine, but no, it has to have political connections and societal bullshit.
To think how much better the world would be if it was as mundane as Rosemary.
Imagine social upheaval over fucking Rosemary.

>> No.55759554

Drugs are for losers, but especially weed.

>> No.55759563

If inhaling a plant makes you a loser, you didn't have a lot going for you to start with.

>> No.55759566

Getting stoned and fucking your brain up absolutely makes you a loser.
>t. 20 year pot head clean for 1 year by the grace of God

>> No.55759572

Hey man, if you can't handle it, it's cool.

>> No.55759598

>If inhaling a plant makes you a loser, you didn't have a lot going for you to start with.
see this post:

>> No.55759618

Lol classic junkie rationalization

>> No.55759639

>smoke weed daily for decades
>develop physical and psychological addicts
>try to quit smoking after realizing what a loser you are
>impossible to sleep, eat, relax due to withdrawal symptoms
>be retarded and confuse withdrawal symptoms with something else
>fail at quitting and take up smoking
many, many such cases.

>> No.55759706

the occoasional weed smoke every few months here and there is probably a net benfiit to your life, but if you do it more than a few times a week its going to destroy your memory and motivation

>> No.55759721

>actually thinks weed smoke is the problem
>doesn't realize it's not the weed but your weak willed bitch made attitude
I smoke weed and make more money than you LOL, LMAO EVEN, CONSIDER IBUPROFEN FOR COPING I GUESS LOL

>> No.55759747

The only good thing is that weed fucks up your sperm morphology so you will never reproduce. Thanks be to God.

>> No.55759772


>> No.55759774
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>> No.55759783


I sincerely doubt the cable guy gives a shit.

Also lol not living somewhere it's legal must suck. There's a weed store on nearly every city block in Canada. Get with the times, Yanks.

>> No.55759828
File: 147 KB, 1260x897, 1690249988458597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to be a derpy stoner from back row in high school classroom to smoke weed

>> No.55760244

Insert the montage of the "If you work fewer than 100 hours a week" guy from Bryan, TX who got multiple DUIs and killed his girlfriend in the process. Alcohol definitely kills. It's literally poison with no safe consumption levels. It makes me feel bad, so I don't drink a single drop.

Weed + Coffee = <3

>> No.55760306

Yeah faggot. Pot is gay and fucking stupid ass jew psyop to keep the population slow dumb and contained.
I used to smoke every day like 5 times a day for years.
I haven't smoked any weed in probably 9 years now. I don't miss it one bit. It's for fucking idiot losers who like to shut off their true selves
Nice keep it up

>> No.55760316

>I haven't smoked any weed in probably 9 years now. I don't miss it one bit.
"I should force my experience on everyone!"

>> No.55760341

I'm not forcing anyone on anything. But I'll do what I want. And I think pot is dumb.

>> No.55760343

If OP is growing it himself, he is paying about one dollar per g weed, if he is a bad grower.
Assuming 3g consumption per day (which is a lot), he pays about $100 per month on it.

Barely 2/3rds of his paycheck.

>> No.55760346

>smoke 5 times a day for years
awww its retarded

>> No.55760494

I'm forcing people like you to eat a bullet.

>> No.55760710

i work in the industry and get as much as i want free. i smoke once in a while. it helps with sleep but actually affects REM sleep. that is why all the smokers i know are always tired.

>> No.55760752

I just got a grow tent kit (AC infinity 2x2) and an about to start my first grow with an autoflower seed. Any advice for a novice?

>> No.55761185

Yes, kys yourself

>> No.55761212

look up lst: low stress training. after you get 5 nodes, chop the top off, it'll branch much better. also, look up scrog: screen of green. you create a trellis out of pvc and string and will allow you to orient your branches horizontally and the flowering will then be a uniform height from your light. it'll max out your production.
>t. harvested 5 ounces from 3 plants

>> No.55761232

any weed discussion on here sure brings the polcels out of the woodwork, I will never understand why it upsets them so much

>> No.55761234

hit him over the head with a wrench, tie him up and blow smoke in his face till he dies of marijuana poisoning.

>> No.55761846

Thanks anon very helpful will def follow up on those, any other things to remember? What about self watering pots?

>> No.55761921

dude just smoke one puff of this shit it will literally blow you to other dimensions its liek coffee

>> No.55762509

I'd be more worried he tells his cartel amigos. They don't like competition.

>> No.55762540

You'll be fine, you are protected by cableguy-client confidentiality