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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55756536 No.55756536 [Reply] [Original]

Where's your money go each paycheck? Straight to bills then savings account? Do you have money go straight to any funds investments?

>> No.55756556

hobbys like growing my own weed

>> No.55756562

clothes aren't addictive, I just put them on literally every fucking day before I leave my home like some sort of psychopath

>> No.55756576

I've automated my payments so basically rent and weed money is withdrawn to another account. Then I split the rest into living expenses (bongs, pipes, papers, ciggies to spin etc.) and crypto.

>> No.55756579
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Monthly bills and frivolities I don't need but can afford like travel, new books and techno records, art supplies, my various autistic collection interests (stamps, postcards, model railroads), clothes, food. Already got a lot invested so I can just reinvest dividends and what I make on day trading (when I do it anyway) but every so often I spend some cash on shitty stocks to play around with for fun or to buy precious metals. House is already paid for so I don't have a mortgage anymore so there's a fair bit to enjoy, but I don't spend excessively or anything. Current project is getting my mining/prospector license so I can buy some property in Northern Ontario, build a second home and then spend some summers up there panning for gold and hiking with mai waifu.

>> No.55756584

credit card debt

>> No.55756589


>> No.55756597

I spend most of it on hydro.

>> No.55756775

Spam thread made by the retard autist who talks about quitting smoking, his dad buying him a house, and collecting neetbucks

>> No.55756978

Bills, food, and lottery tickets because I'm depressed, retarded, and waiting for the collapse.

>> No.55757013

~$15-20 in booze on average 6 days a week
~$20 in fast food per day
Rent is cheap so I do alright

>> No.55757025

I haven't seen escorts for so long now I might snap at any time fuxking shit world

>> No.55757078


>> No.55757097

I love weed so much bros.

>> No.55757418

>lottery tickets because I'm depressed, retarded
Scratch offs or powerball numbers?

>> No.55757756

No, just a building from the 19th century in a decent part of town.
If it was a condo building, this shit would be so fucked up no bank would lend you the money to buy into it.
But instead it's an apartment building (60 units) run by people nearly as old as the building itself. They don't know how advertising on the internet works so I got the place from a hand-written note on the front door. 50% of market rate, but you get what you pay for.

Earlier this year they sold the building though so I'm worried the jig may be up. But so far nobody's raised my rents nor asked me sign back into a 12-month paper lease, they just keep taking my $650 every month on the first without question. For the area (in this city of all places) and the sqftage, that's a number nobody can believe when they hear it.

>> No.55758810

Powerball when it's above 400 million and a couple of the different state lotto draw games. Scratchers rarely.

>> No.55758824

I got 1 joint left and no money.
but my bills are paid for now.
Thinking about quitting but not for money sake just getting really sick.

>> No.55758828

That's a good deal. Hopefully the people who bought it won't try screw you over. The area where I live there are no more cheap places, unless you want to live with 4 or 5 people. Even then it's about 600 and up.

>> No.55758854

Actualy all my money goes to a luxurious lifestyle, good food, traveling, and posting on instagram. Also paying for all my girlfriends bills.
I wish I wasn't joking, this is my life now and I love it. And I I have more money this month than I did last month. Would have more money than I did 6 months ago if it wasn't for some wild hospital bills, and then a shopping spree at raulph's.

>> No.55758864

Quitting smoking pot was the best thing I ever did. Once I quit smoking, I got a 7-3:30pm job and worked one extra job on saturday. I was looking for a bartending job at night but then I got an offer to work overseas and took it. Worked way too many hours for shit pay but eventually got a promotion (and had all my expenses paid for) so I just saved a bunch of money and then got my pay lowered so I could work remotely.
Used to smoke an ounce a week or so, and in that last year I think I smoked 1 joint. Such a waste bro, its never about the money, its about the adventure. Drugs are cool for like the first month, go do something new

>> No.55758869

I invest about 55% of my post-tax income, and most of that is in tax-free accounts. I don't really spend money on anything, mortgage is low, car is paid, I don't have any expensive drug habits, I only drink cheap beer and never buy clothes. Life is goods bros, I feel like I'm gonna make it.

>> No.55758876
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yeah i market buy kas

>> No.55759312
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My crypto has been steadily going higher and higher.
I've been smoking weed my whole life and alcohol has been a much more negative influence.
Weed is fucking dirt cheap but it causes you to be paranoid and full of anxiety.
I threw out my weed, gonna take a month or two off but non pot smokers are usually the very thing they critique.
I PRAY they make booze illegal and weed legal, legal weed and legal AKMs is all I want from life.
Maybe a sex doll shaped like Junko.

>> No.55759343
File: 134 KB, 630x640, 29950119065_d3a0c4a657_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a sex doll, anon.

>> No.55759347
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I grow my own shit and for whatever electricity costs I grow. Nice try dummy. Some people are strictly consooooomers and some have broken the system.

>> No.55761230

Shitcoins and LSD

>> No.55761243

Animal pussy fleshlights and nitrous oxide
My kinda anon what are you flipping?

>> No.55761247
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going into shitcoin degens

>> No.55761255

become plasticpussypilled

>> No.55761282

Anything related to the domain meta rn desu

>> No.55761805
File: 5 KB, 235x213, images - 2022-08-18T101546.929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, for investment, anon. I have already diversified, and the bull market will come back soon, so I'm getting ready. Well, I have matic, dot, Iotex, reef, and some low-cap alts. I'm waiting for Peaq to be listed as I think the DePIN narrative is a big thing in web3.

>> No.55761868

funny im on a T break right now
'i can admit im addicted and possibly wasted $3000 on weed and edibles over the past year

i know its ridiculous, but it is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.55761900

I really can't stand you tenantniggers that literally steal rent from landlords. Do you have any idea the shit they put up with to provide you a place to live? It's time to man up and start paying fair market price. Who gives a fuck if they've asked for it. Have some personal and civil responsibility and pay extra because it's the decent thing to do. Fucking A