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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 736x735, mybosslsappedme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55755383 No.55755383 [Reply] [Original]

I work as a waiter. I messed up an order that was catastrophic for the kitchen. I admit it was completely my fault. We were packed according to Thursday night standards and were understaffed. My boss, who is also the owner was expediting the line that night. I was correcting myself to her and she just slapped me across my face. It was in front of all the BOH staff and some other servers. I was pissed off and embarrassed and I didn't even bother staying after shift to hang out and I just left after my shift was done. Didn't even bother changing because it was embarrassing to be out there with the guys any longer so I just left in my uniform.

I don't have any shifts today, and I was thinking about quitting. I always thought my boss was calm and pretty cool but I was seriously pissed. I woke up to a missed call from her and she left some messages saying how deeply sorry she is and she was under pressure and she admitted that it was unprofessional. Still, I feel like I can't go work in there anymore. I have lunch and dinner tommorow, and it's a day where I usually make decent cash, but I'm demoralised as fuck. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here.

Just so you know, I'm not looking to sue her. It's completely my fault and I would've been pissed too. Whether it's enough to hit somebody is a different story though. Still, I don't want to sue, even if I'm able to.

>> No.55755390


>> No.55755395

I would just stop going in. Don't call them back either.

>> No.55755405

you need to fuck her to assert dominance this is just the type of thing women are into in 2023 she likes you anon

>> No.55755421

your boss is based, stop messing up orders birdbrain

>> No.55755447

This. Give her a good pounding in the storage. Slap her ass. Pull her hair. Choke her. Spit in her mouth. She'll give you a fat raise and treat you like a prince in front of the staff.

>> No.55755457

> Just so you know, I'm not looking to sue her. It's completely my fault bla bla bla

>> No.55755510

Your boss assaults you and you're NOT going to sue her? Lol, stay poor wagie. Hope it happens to you again

>> No.55755606

Go back to work, wagie. Know your place.
This is all you're good for.

>> No.55755648

Quit your fucking job pussy. Why would you take that???? Goddamn wagies are pathetic!!!

>> No.55755693

i'd have got gang beat down for busting her in the jaw the moment she slapped me and I would break her jaw in response and than everyone would murder me for it. At this point anon do what you think is best for you. I know I personally wouldnt be able to work there anymore after that. I handle humilation very poorly and that 2 me would be major humiliation. Idk I would personally quit. Im not a sue happy guy but she better be ready to model some underwear to avoid a lawsuit cuz im a very petty guy in revenge. But you do what you think is best. Sorry this happened anon.

>> No.55755769
File: 554 KB, 998x1416, 1689259710053751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect wagie mentality, the perfect goy even
Instead of suing for 6 figures you're going to keep wageslaving

>> No.55756006

>making rash decisions
maybe she was right

>> No.55756022

Great b8 m8 8/8 1pbtid

>> No.55756097

i though muricans would sue for less than it

>> No.55756111
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>> No.55756161

sue her unironically
free money
if you were a women and a man did that to you, this would be headline news

>> No.55756199

I wonder how the world would have reacted if a woman was hosting the Oscar's and Will Smith spanked her face like he did with Kevil Hart. Would've been hilarious.

>> No.55756231

chatgpt bot thread

>> No.55756241

this has to be bait.
Either way you've been given the gift of suffering common assault by your employer in front of loads witnesses. Act on this shit, fuck that bitch and squeeze as much coin from it as you can

>> No.55756253


>> No.55756271

1 post by this id.
Yeah its bait

>> No.55756275

OP, the only reason she’s texting you and apologizing is because she doesn’t want a lawsuit
She knows she fucked up
Sue the bitch

>> No.55756431

You talk and act like a nigger. You wouldn't understand the finer points of waiting.

>> No.55756539
File: 1.58 MB, 1920x1080, 1690509206858720.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this you can get enough money to not work but you are a spineless faggot. She only said sorry just so you wouldn't sue idiot no matter how hard you fucked up doing your wageslaving job going physical is never an option. Imagine if the roles were reversed and male manager would slap female waitress. She made a mistake and she has to pay the price but you are a nigger cattle anyway you will bowdown to your master and will go for another shift humiliated. She will always laugh behind your back for being a pussy bitch

>> No.55756545

Somehow I saw the image and subject line and immediately knew this was going to be a femdom fantasy creative writing exercise.
>ctrl+F "she"

>> No.55756635

You are literally slave , why do you even exist? You should've stabbed her to death

>> No.55756670

>Off topic thread
>OP posts once and fucks off edition

>> No.55756858


>> No.55757124


>> No.55758706

>I don't want to sue
Fucking cuck. Get the fuck out of here with your blog post. You deserve to be shot.

>> No.55758774

Sue or rape, your only options

>> No.55758802

If it means anything, I wouldn't be part of the guys beating you down for punching a lady. I'd be saying 'Woah go easy on him guys! Stop! Take it easy!' I wouldn't pull anyone off you though, I'd just be gesturing my hands for people to stop.

>> No.55758817

Extremely gay LARP. I hope you got your attention fix in. You will never be a woman

>> No.55758818

Why sue when it cost money and has low chance of winning kek

>> No.55758832
File: 58 KB, 750x936, 1690937021884397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd give anything to sue a woman.
Everyday I hope to be groped, assaulted or violated by a woman. I'd give everything for sexist comments. The moment a woman made them I'd sue her. Just so that women can for once get what they deserve

>> No.55759092

no, its over. dont go back. that was humiliating. go find a better resturant.

>> No.55759218

>not expecting a woman to be dumb and emotional
>being surprised or upset that a woman in a position of power chimps out and abuses it

>> No.55759233

OP you need to goto a mental health professional right fucking now and start the mental health LARP, its time to start collecting medical evidence for your inability to work anymore

>> No.55759282
File: 79 KB, 906x822, 1689240175849544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The working class and the employing class have nothing in common. You have nothing to lose but your chains.

>> No.55759291

same... just one day i want to be catcalled and called.. you stupid sexy slut...

>> No.55759464

If you don t sue her you are a fucking faggot and you deserve to get the rope.

>> No.55759471

I'm gonna bump this bait thread and theres nothing you can do about it :D

>> No.55759480

Her body is so perfect for me. It's at the exact right moment of bursting at the seams before all hell breaks loose that makes it so attractive.

>> No.55759788

>43 posts
Nice bait

>> No.55759939
File: 6 KB, 225x225, DE3097D9-235F-4BD0-AE94-E25DE86857D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me personally I can’t get pissed at a woman slapping me especially knowing that as a man I far exceed her in strength. Just keep your cool and sue.

>> No.55759954

what's she up to now anyway?

>> No.55759999

Lol always makes me laugh when people stick their tail in their legs. Your boss is terrified that you’re going to destroy her reputation and blast her online. You are in the position of power but you’re such a bitch cuck that you’re worried about HER feelings when she assaulted you.

Don’t quit. Shove a dildo up your ass and continue to show up to your shifts. Little cunt bitch

>> No.55760266
File: 2.70 MB, 640x640, 1672832165858507.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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