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5575418 No.5575418 [Reply] [Original]


>inb4 leddit

You guys I'm a bit worried for his mental health.

Either way, let's watch this "consortium" crash and burn this coin into the fucking ground.

>> No.5575644
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For reference, their lead developer.

>> No.5576148

Pajeet coin anyway

>> No.5576453

I got in for the pump and got out with 50% gains. I don't expect this coin will really go anywhere.

>> No.5576841

Thats because its a scamcoin

>> No.5576936

all this fud over a dev saying some bad words
jesus fucking christ what a bunch of children

>> No.5577220

You need crazy idealists. Normal doesn't produce exceptional. If anything it gives it more hope.

>> No.5577278

a dev is a rep of the coin/brand, if they act shitty they can't expect people to take them seriously

act within confines of what people expect = money moon rocket

act like a fucking child and brag about how brilliant you are = money gets scared away because a dev is off his fucking rocker

"if you build it they will come" is a myth. No one cares if the tech is good if it doesn't exist yet. It's all about perception and he royally fucked that up.

Honestly, if he had just kept his mouth shut BURST could be at 25 cents right now.

>> No.5577499


I personally put more faith into a dev/coin like this, than some politically correct pajeet, or some trashy shoestring operation coin like Verge. It sucks that as an "investor" I saw the potential after reading most of the white paper, and then he went on this comment spree which clearly affected the coin in a bad way. It wasn't a very bright thing to do but I honestly don't blame him, it was actually quite funny how he put that kid in place.

>> No.5578024

i'll just stick to pnds. verge isn't a good hodler advisor

>> No.5578308

nice dubs

the problem here is mainly that he's the main communicator and he's obviously got some sort of inferiority complex.

He literally bragged about being a "member of the triple 9 society".
>muh IQ


What REALLY matters is, even though it was funny, the perception of Burst and their devs is now that of a crazy dev.

Investors don't want that and average joe dudes will only hear rumors on /r/cryptocurrency about how it's a scamcoin

He basically blocked the path for the coins success with his own personal shortcomings.

>> No.5578553

He's bragging about passing a test. Same shit as "i got harvard". You just act like it's strange cause their club didn't pay for pr as much.

>> No.5578705

lol no he didn't, a couple sweaty fucks chimped out and chucked their toys in, as well as spewing 'muh feelings are hurt' on leddit. Whats wrong with bragging your IQ. Only confirms for me that they actually have intelligent people working on their project, not public brownnosers.

>> No.5578710

What the fuck are you even saying?

My point is what kind of insecure fuck needs to brag like then when someone gives him a hard time ON THE INTERNET.

If he's this childish with the community he is developing crypto technology for, how can any investor trust that he's going to a) deliver and b) not fuck everyone over once delivered

>> No.5578777
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Yea like I said, it wasn't a very smart thing to do.

Look at it from his perspective right, they work their ass off for 4 months, they release the white paper to the public, to show everyone what they've been working on and what's to come. What they get is some smart-ass ledditor that has 50 bucks to invest, asking them pointless questions, shouting fake fake fake this fake fake that fake dev scam coin, couldn't even be bothered to read anything in the white paper. How would that make you feel?

I think that triple nine society thing might've been a joke that flew over everyone's head just as how Stronzo Bestiale did. Stronzo Bestiale made people sell their investment, they actually thought they put up a fake name and thus the entire thing was a scam, meanwhile they're probably balls deep into Verge. Honestly, maybe they are just that smart, and the entire "crypto-community" consists of mostly brainlets.

Once again, it would've been better if he ignored the comments, he probably won't stop replying to them either - they could do with a PR guy or maybe a marketing team but whatever, I believe it'll work out in the end.

>> No.5578811

You say bragging about shit is insane. I'm saying it's normal behaviour people use all the time. The only case you have against him is that his little certificate ain't got good PR but otherwise it's no different from the usual behaviour.

>> No.5578814

>Whats wrong with bragging your IQ

What kind of intelligent person needs to argue with someone calling him out for acting like a teenager? Wouldn't it be better to just let it the fuck go, ignore it, and continue developing shit?

>> No.5578828

I stopped reading as soon as I realized a dev, who is allegedly 47 and a member of the Triple Nine Society, decided that "therico666" was a good username to choose in order to represent his coin.

>> No.5578930

dubs then trips have spoken

I guess man, I dunno. It just really bugs me. I'm in marketing for a wageslave job and I see business owners do this kind of shit all the time thinking they're smarter than everyone else and it ALWAYS ends poorly for them.

This isn't a business obviously, but they still represent the brand and people will think of cryptos as entities.

>> No.5579083

If it's a longterm project for 5+ years as he claims it won't matter. People don't even hold attention for a year. Worse shit has been said by ceo's without suffering much.

>> No.5579325

Gotta put a pleb in his place. You don't become successful by getting trampled on by literal crybabies.
Just look at steve jobs, he became one of the most successful businessman on the planet, and he was a complete asshat that believed in his products. At the end of the day, people may say its not about the product. But if the project is good, it will have a future and staying power.

The person he replied to said that people won't read their paper, but lets be real. Anyone whos not reading their paper isn't looking to hold the coin long term anyway, so who really cares about that.

>> No.5579376
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>> No.5579438
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Sounds like /ourguy/. Pissing off redditors and not gaf

>> No.5579444

>Anyone whos not reading their paper isn't looking to hold the coin long term anyway, so who really cares about that

Do you really believe that? Do you really think normies will read a whitepaper?

Whitepapers are for the techies who want to verify that their ideas are legit.

They're not for the CEO of whatever company thinking of accepting BURST, they're for the random dev underling to explain to the CEO in a way they can comprehend. And definitely not for random joe blow who will be needed to adopt the coin if they ever expect the price to rise.

>> No.5579482

Except he's the cringelord who uses 4chan-speak to normies

>> No.5579512

You sound like a redditor. Let me guess, Trump is not your president?

>> No.5579594

Exactly. This guy gets it. Go find a coin with a nice guy developer if you want. That's a dumb way to pick your coins

>> No.5579647

Is that fucking Cumia?

>> No.5579671

First coin I ever sold for a loss, oh well

>> No.5579704
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the only vocal dev is behaving like a total cunt. and they couldn't resist muh high IQ science reference as a citation, despite it making the project sound like a joke? as soon as i break even i'm dumping this shit like radioactive waste.

>> No.5579739

Welp the IOTA dev acts the same way and IOTA is big so I donno

>> No.5579746

Sure u are

>> No.5580193

christ get that /pol/ shit out of here

>> No.5580648

I know I am.