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55751278 No.55751278 [Reply] [Original]

Why did it flop

>> No.55751292

no one paid to see it

>> No.55751305

why would anybody pay to hear women's opinions on anything?

>> No.55751319

>make bad movie
>pay to churn out dozens of walls of texts shilling bizarre and obscure reasons why”umm, actually, this is why it doesnt suck”
im so over this media meta. theres absolutely nothing to watch anymore. books are the last thing i have

>> No.55751381

not wrong there. it's so fucking boring now. look at what the number 1 film on netflix right now is, as rated by rotten tomatoes, which gave it 100% kek how the fuck does any film reviewed by 122 reviewers average 100%? I'll tell you how.. woke is how.

>> No.55751402
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I still can't get over the fact that huge blockbusters like Little Mermaid and Indiana Jones 5 flopped and were beaten by a low-budget movie about child trafficking, and thus shitlibs are freaking the fuck out and seething.

>> No.55751406

Yeah movies suck massive cock these days. I can barely stomach any more powerful confident cocky women shit. So fucking sick of it. TV suck, movies suck, video games suck. Thanks Jews, now I work out all the time instead. Fuck you all

>> No.55751430

Another metaphorical “horror” movie with black people. They really just wont let Get Out go, huh? Had to scroll way to far to get anything decent.

>> No.55751448

My grandpa introduced me to old 40s/50s movies. So now I just watch that stuff and track down stuff from the 60s and 70s. Love those old black and white flicks. Males were manly and females mostly knew their place at a mans side and shutting the fuck up and no backtalk or she got the hand.

>> No.55751455
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>white english villages are scarier than roving gangs of machete wielding islamists in Sudan
