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55750554 No.55750554 [Reply] [Original]

Any OGs here? how painful is this bear market compared to previous bears? I feel mentally and physically sick by now, by how depressing and dark this bear market is. It feels like an eternity of endless crabbing and dumping.

>> No.55750611

It will get worse once bitcoin dumps again and volume dries up. It'll feel like crypto is dead forever. This will be the time to buy

>> No.55750792

This is the worst one contextually

>> No.55750819

>FTX fiasco
>SEC securities
>Binance DoJ
>Curve hack
It's the worst one so far.

>> No.55750829

Milder price movement but much worse FUD, strangely.

>> No.55750893

This isn't a bear market. Most industries are doing fine. I think you're confusing crypto with the market. Crypto is dead. it's over. Calling it a bear market is a cope lol

>> No.55750907

>Milder price action

NO. Price action was considerably worse than 2018 if you account for relative bull gains (2017 versus 2021) and actual concrete infrastructure, In 2017 crypto basically had NOTHING, Even centralized exchanges couldn't work properly at the sight of small demand, The shitcoin hub was fucking EtherDelta lmao, If you haven't used it you wouldn't understand the difference, We had no DeFi, No NFTs, No working L1s, No working oracles, We didn't have a single thing warrant the $900B at the peak of 2017.

Also, I would argue that in this bear market value investing got worse, The top 15 rightnow look bleaker than the one we had during 2021 bull phase, In 2018-2020 at least some strong coins emerged from the abyss and replaced many china hustles and vaporwares.

As well as what >>55750819 said, Fud this cycle was more "real" and in your face 24/7.

>> No.55750911

It's pretty bad, I think the whole "Defi web3" narrative is done and dusted. I can't see what would ever bring hype back into crypto.

I would even say... crypto is le over

>> No.55750916

And this just around the bottom until now. Then there were the two main legs down:
>China ban
>UST/LUNA implosion
>3 arrows liquidation
>rate hiking and inflation/recession FUD

>> No.55750943

It's bad.

>> No.55751045


>> No.55751123

Business as usual

>> No.55751132

op is a faggot

>> No.55751181

>how painful is this bear market compared to previous bears?
It's all right.

>> No.55751237

Very painful, back then the world itself wasnt total shit, you could say to yourself just wait 2-3 years and itll be fine, the cagie was semi tolerable
Now the old world has ended everyday life is getting unbearable and on top of that there is the constant feel that tradfi still has to go through the rugging stage and drag everything down with it
In short the waiting before the disaster hits is worse

>> No.55751584

honestly that's fine
you better get used to it if you want to stay in crypto
i mean it's not worse than 2018, it feels the same

everything is down, alts are down. many people flew away as they lost money.
it's the right moment to study and buy some stuffs

reminds me of 2018-2019 though, when everything was low, people get depressed...
just don't be and focus on what's coming. learn about your mistakes too (i bet you bought some shitcoins)

also get some BTC while it's still under 30k bcse when it starts to go up you'll hate yourself for not buying anything while there were no action

>> No.55751597

mt gox was worse than the four of those combined

>> No.55751618

They made it too easy for retail to buy in. Now every 20 year old retard who watches tiktok thinks the world is ending and spews the rhetoric wherever they can.

>> No.55751633

this bear is far worse and anyone telling you otherwise wasn't even here to begin with

>> No.55751654

I've been in crypto since 2015. I already made it, I'm a millionaire, I own a house, I have a girlfriend,... etc. I mostly occupy myself with sports, reading and painting. That said, I still invest and do check the markets daily, I really love investing, I'm one of the best of my country. I believe that the bear market will continue, perhaps finding its bottom in October/November 2024. The worst is yet to come. Expect another 50% drop of Bitcoin's value, at least. Don't discount the opportunity you're getting, when it gets that low. :-)

>> No.55751718


kinda OG here. This is the most painfull bearmarket so far. it slowly dragged the price down without any bounces for like 2 years and then it went up and down 50% ,shaking everyone out of positions. Blatan manipulation like never before. Once blackrock gets involve it's going to be game over in terms of manipulatino

>> No.55751726

its literally exactly the same. now all we are missing is about 1 more year of crabbing and then a massive capitulation (6k to 3k was the old one)

>> No.55751738
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Last bear market Monero was 30-40 dollars.

>> No.55751832
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>M-muh depression is killing me
>Bear market hard makes me le sad
Fuck right off nigger, you're just not trying hard enough kek, there's plenty of options, like ARKM, but you're too dumb to even try

>> No.55751838

You fucking insensible bastard, kys

>> No.55751842

What are the odds of going above 60k?

>> No.55751843

Nobody is gonna try your garbage nigger, cope and seethe

>> No.55751851

If only you had good English... I would've believed

>> No.55751855

There's no possible future where I believe any single word you said

>> No.55753668
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Don't lose hope, fag. Bullrun season might hit early next year; it's a popular opinion, tho not 100% confirmed. Instead of feeling down, buy that dip and grab some Krest, so you're in for that sweet $1M Peaq airdrop. Keep hustlin', learning and earning, anon.

>> No.55753712

Yes but this bear market has just been a nonstop torrent of blowups and fud, it's relentless. Kind of like how the 24/7 news cycle just spams doomer porn to make normies depressed.

>> No.55753775

this bear market is easy and a breeze compared to the dump that came after the 2017 run

>> No.55753900

2012 BTC OG here.
As bar as things are now, they're going to continue to get worse until Easter / Halvening next year.
All the big name alts will get destroyed just as Hex is being forced into the ground right now.
Even BTC won't survive what's going to be unleashed in Easter.
There is one coin that will be immune but you're all too emotionally invested to accurately gauge the truth when its laid out before you.
Here's a hint, what is the hardest coin to get your hands on and also the oldest.

>> No.55753904

Hahahahhahaha you are really doing it all wrong

>be me
>Ape X at 650k
>Print several ETH
>Booked vacation to take a break from clicking on a dex to buy

>> No.55753934

lol chill out
based and professional pilled

>> No.55753947

anon this bear is gentle and soft compared to the brutal 2018 rektening. count your blessings
lots of good plays if you know where to look

X is everywhere today huh? Too late to ape or not?

>> No.55753985

not gonna spoonfeed alpha anymore, i been telling bizraeli faggots almost all week about this, this might be my way out never have to deal with any of you poorfags anymore

>> No.55754007

based and natural selection pilled

>> No.55754008

Alright then
Link me their tee gee or something at least?

>> No.55754056

fine ill do it
t (dot) me/xofficialportal

>> No.55754057

It’s way worse now but for different reasons. In 2018 all the street shitting scammers left and there was no money to make so it was just OG crypto bros and /biz/ was very comfy. Unfortunately now there is still a lot of value and money in crypto so the scammers are still here. It’s pretty much the worst of both worlds. /biz/ fucking sucks dicks too.

>> No.55754077

bless you anon

>> No.55754082

if you're not retarded you can make solid fucking money. alas, most of biz is retarded
>verification not required

>> No.55754089
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>> No.55754133

>be me
>start trading with 500€ in october 2021
>almost x100 the money so far despite many mistakes
>"muh bear market"
Imagine when there were no shitcoins and smart contracts, must have been suicide fuel

>> No.55754176

well I might just be retarded then

>> No.55754320

first stage is acceptance

>> No.55755629
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Better let the bear consume you, after seeing my bags slaughtered by them I just started betting on shitty AI, it's slow but at least I can get a decent result with SHIBART instead of just watching it all perish

>> No.55755670

its the worst one because in the previous 2 I was in there was a lot more upside. right now it feels like there has never been less opportunity

>> No.55756149

I actually feel better now. The way down all last year was brutal. Each day i lost tons of money. The bottom was in this year and im glad thats over with. Ill keep buying through eoy. Im feeling btc will pump this November a bit. Then aths in 2024 late in fall.

dont fret op i think we will see another pump upwards this year.

>> No.55756486

Thats what made this one more brutal though, the slow drawn out demolition. I agree w comments above theres another leg down. Im still gonna DCA here in case there isnt

>> No.55756493
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>> No.55756687

This thread of newfags hyping each other's fear is the most bullish thing I've seen in a while.

>> No.55756868
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because, get this, the bottom aint in yet kiddo

>> No.55756933

>FTX fiasco
>SEC securities
>Binance DoJ
>Curve hack
It's the best one so far. Less scams and scamers left

>> No.55756990

Bottom single

>> No.55758604

Pay less attention to this pleb. Just continue to DCA and find alternative ways of earning passively like trading indices on AstraDao, Staking or interacting with testnets for Airdrops.

>> No.55758741
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if you ignore the "fuDndamentals" as you always should, as crypto is a risk-off 100% speculative asset.
this bear market is no different from what you would expect in a maturing asset.

> 1. diminishing losses. none of the top100 went as low as they people expected.
> 2. diminishing returns. none of them will go as high as we think they should. new coins also wont do 10000x.

but of course nubiz are a bunch of midwits trying to figure out the new meta when its right there in plain sight.

>> No.55758744


>> No.55759752

how are the central bank interest rates going?

>> No.55760998

what bear market lmao

this troglodyte dcas into a old pumped shitcoin