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55749856 No.55749856 [Reply] [Original]

Staking, Ccip, and swift failed to pump link. It’s been proven that nothing can pump chainlink. Chainlink is basically the new xrp. So why aren’t you trading it for Btc or eth? I’m not trying to fud. I’m genuinely curious.

>> No.55749866

Kill yourself stupid faggot

>> No.55749885

Because staking is currently on early release and CCIP is not fully open to every one. SWIFT haven't officially started using Chainlink as well. So, I will keep holding until every thing is release and I will stake my full stack then.

>> No.55749911

And when will all this happen? I feel like by the time this all happens chainlink will be at rank 30 or below

>> No.55749935

Checked, and I'm not sure but I'm guessing v1.0 of staking will release sometime in the next two years and CCIP will add more users (25+) in the following 6 months to a year.

>> No.55749939

Because I have integrity, faggot.

>> No.55749944

>WIFT haven't officially started using Chainlink as well
kek the milestones keep shifting for link baggies

>> No.55749965

Because everyone on this board bought in 2021 and they're hoping to break even next bullrun.

>> No.55749969

>Because I have integrity, faggot
You don’t even know what that means

>> No.55749983

So why not trade into something else that’s more lucrative or even stable in the mean time, like Btc or eth? Sounds extremely risky to hold something that might and not might happen in two years

>> No.55750032

Been holding since the ico. Why should I sell now (in the middle of the bear market)?

Not a very good take from you

>> No.55750034
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hey fulltime fud tranny, this thread doesn't look like it's going too well for you with your usual high time preference, low iq scripted arguments

so you gonna start swapping ids to back yourself up? i could use a laugh

>> No.55750045

>Why should I sell now (in the middle of the bear market)?
Good point, but chainlink could very well miss another bullrun

>> No.55750053

I just don’t feel like selling, sorry

>> No.55750070
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Stare into my eyes and hear my words linkies

Let's get one thing straight. You WILL stake those link bags. You WILL be happy with a 4% commission. That much I can tell you. A guard will come by your pod three times a day to administer the mood detection test. Should it read "insufficiently staked," there will be an appropriate response. So, let me say it real clear. You're going to lock up your tokens for a while. You're going to share your profits with the state. Yes, it will mostly dump, and you're going to love it.

>> No.55750077
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Integrity is not synoymous with Link. Quite the opposite actually

>> No.55750100

It's called tax you retarded poor ass third world ESL FAGGOT

>> No.55750132

I'm not like a fucking accountant or anything, but
You would need to actually have capital gains before you need to pay capital gains taxes.

>> No.55750144

1 i dont need the money right now
2 i believe if i continue to hold it will be worth much much more in the future. Even if thats ten years away or more its worth it to me.
My sons have suicide stack wallets (1.5k), that neither will get access to for damn near 20 years. Those same wallets also hold eth, rose, and some btc
3 it annoys me the never ending stream of cocksuckers like you trying to convince me to sell as if youre concerned for my well being (youre not)

>> No.55750149

kek @ pic

>> No.55750169

Are you new? Have you even looked at a Link price chart? Most of us are up many many times over. Shame if you got in at a higher price but it'll go up again. If you don't think it will, then sell and fuck off. Nicely.

>> No.55750183

i hold link to stay poor enough to make it into the kingdom of heaven

>> No.55750202


>> No.55750203

unironically the worst token there is, icp, is a better hold than link

>> No.55750220
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>seriously just SELL
Don't you get tired of doing this daily, just to get laughed at and in some cases, prompting anons to buy MORE?

Sorry I wish I could sell but I'm fully staked and I literally can't unstake

>> No.55750241

A suicide stack of link is now worth like $70,000 or so.
These tards bought in 2017 or so. That was 6 years ago, They could have just worked at any job and saved that much during that time if they were really frugal though.

>> No.55750248

You can work and hold link retard

>> No.55750256

I bought most of my current stack below 6, GET FUCKED YOU INSUFFERABLE FAGGOT, hope your dogmatic bullshit keeps you poor all your life

>> No.55750279
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I'll sell it when it get's to $300.
When will you fucks realize that getting it down to $0 will not shake ass much out compared to everyone jumping off and taking profits at $500 only for to moonshot at $37,500.

>> No.55750292

Checked. Why is Chainlink held to a higher standard than everyone else? How many times did Vitalik delay shit? Remember how long it took Cardano to have smart contracts? Heck even Google and Apple delay shit all the time.

>> No.55750303

Og marines sold the ath in sats in 2020. That's why link dumped. The chart is a visual testament clearly demonstrating that you are either lying, or profoundly retarded for not getting out when everyone else did.

Even reddit wsb sold the Usd ath in 2021... What are you niggers even doing? Lol.

>> No.55750306

Because I bought LINK really cheap and I'm already happy with the rewards I'm getting from staking. I also hold BTC and ETH. Why do you think it's an either or scenario? You know that you can hold LINK and other coins/tokens, right?

>> No.55750465

You must understand that fudders are absolutely mentally ill cumbrained demons. They wont argue in good faith, ever. They will make shit up entirely and then disappear when found out, only to return shortly after with more of the same tired arguments that were either refuted years ago or overlooked in many many other projects.

And they get irrationally mad when you simply post "kek fuddies". They pull their hair out of their type 3 norwood heads when nobody engages with them in an effort to refute. Just call them sissy brownoid faggots and leave the thread until it's archived, like the thousands before it.

>> No.55750501

You can literally say the same shit about bagholders after fudders post the linketh chart. The cope is just off the charts

>> No.55750572

>wont argue in good faith
You shill a bad investment.
It is down to mid 2019 value in sats. The only way to make it appear as though you have any authority whatsoever (authority in investment advice comes from making gains) is to larp as someone who bought in for pennies and is one of the few people on earth still up holding chainlink.

Of course, we're all anonymous here, and you won't post ethdelta screencaps of your original purchase, so we either believe you because we "want to believe", or see you for what you are, a lying faggot desperate to break even or paid community advocate.

>> No.55750603

>more schizo ramblings
>p-paid advocates are here!!
Do you hear voices coming from your basement walls you stupid faggot? Kek

>> No.55750633

>random 1pbtid opinion in to defend the honor of a TOTALLY DIFFERENT NOT AIRPLANE MODE I SWEAR anon
You shill a bad investment. You've lost alot of money and desperately want to break even or you're being compensated to keep link on the board.

>> No.55750689
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>And they get irrationally mad when you simply post "kek fuddies"
you're not wrong
they will write seething paragraphs in response to that phrase or just declaring that you're not selling, it's hilarious

>> No.55750884

Shill a bad investment because the price is low? Would you rather be shilled an investment at ATH? Oh I get it, that's what happened to you. See, the people on this board have an average buy of under $1 so we simply don't care. For new people, this long consolidation is a great entry point. For real bag holders like you, just admit it's a you problem.

>> No.55750900

Seriously though, what part of NEVER SELLING do you not understand?

>> No.55751088

>remember that time Microsoft dumped to 4 year lows after launching its long development paradigm shifting major project and announcing the pivotal partnership participation of its biggest possible end user?!? BUY THE DIP BRO!
Me neither, an is not a dip; it's a permanent descent. You own bags of a shit token that's been bleeding from ath for 3 years. Shit tokens don't get a second run against btc.

You're shilling a bad investment.

>> No.55751152

based integrity anon

>> No.55751166

All of it, apparently

>> No.55751194

This shows you the state of the fud. On a board that discovered Link and has a devoted hardcore following but can't accept that anyone joined before they did, probably about 2 years ago at ath kek. Salty? I think so lol

>> No.55751210

>Shill a bad investment because the price is low? Would you rather be shilled an investment at ATH? Oh I get it, that's what happened to you.
Kek you hit the nail on the head. Their arguments give away the painful topbuying and subsequent bagholding like the late brownoids they are.

Just point at them and laugh at their misery

>> No.55751220

A suicide stack is 1k. A make it stack is 10k. Its been this way forever
t. ICO og

>> No.55751231

Imagine buying at ath and then losing it on Celsius lololol no wonder they get angry. too funny kek

>> No.55751329

My dearest friend, 'tis with immense pleasure that I inform you that your letter has found safe travel to my destination and landed in my hands. However, this pleasure was fated to remain short lived and bittersweet, for I must also admit to you, regardless of what distress it may cause to you, knowing you went to great trouble to pen it and deliver it to me, that I in fact declined to open it and refused to read the message contained within. Surmising your intentions, there exists no doubt in my heart regarding your sincere worries for my financial well being, but alas your attempts to convince me to modify my investment strategies shall regretfully remain futile, as my stubbornness in this matter has indeed been sealed irrevocably and no other voice shall rock its imperturbable foundations. Allow me then to reiterate my will once more, and do your best to forever remember it for no change will follow: I shan't part ways with my beloved asset for it is my utmost belief that I have invested wisely and foresee infinite potential in its future, and therefore no other possession in this world shall change my decision, not even a mountain of gold! For my possessed asset is indeed fated to be worth more than any other riches in the world. We shan't speak of this no more. Sincerely yours, your beloved friend.

>> No.55751344

linkseethers in denial

>> No.55751385

>2 years ago at ath kek
Got new is showing.

Og marines measured exclusively in sats. That's why they unloaded at the sats ath in 2020, again, AS EVIDENCED BY THE CHART.

You've lost alot of money, and you're shilling a bad investment. You're also clearly a liar, which is a mark of desperation to break even or that you're being compensated.

>> No.55751416

Because btc pumps on the exact day of the halving
Wait what

>> No.55751465
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I never learned how to sell. I simply don't know how and I'm afraid to ask anyone for help because then they'll realize i don't know what I'm doing.

>> No.55751510

Well to be fair very few really joined the ico considering getting in was a clusterfuck due to mismanagement by cll
However after that so many got in during the 2018 bear at the open market near ico prices so from an pnl perspective similar but he is technically correct in saying few are ico ogs

However all the fudsisters are larping that people sold the eth top in 2020, there were like 2 people that did and they were called stupid when they announced it here
So kek fuddie

>> No.55751581

plenty of people announced they were selling between August 14-20 and everyone was met with mockery and insults, if you were around you would know this
I bet you refer to the anon diversifying to BTC and ETH at the top and that obnoxious permabear tripfag cause you saw their threads reposted here

>> No.55751701


>> No.55751791

Hey link bagholders, come here real quick, gather around brothers. Yes closer.
Let me ask you a quick question, how does this make you feel?
No gains in 3 years cuckold

>July 7, 2020
>LINK: $6.47
>BTC: $9,108
>ETH: $246
>BNB: $16.77
>ADA: $0.12
>SOL: $0.75
>DOGE: $0.003
>LTC: $43
>MATIC: $0.02
>TRX: $0.01
>XRP: $0.19

>July 7, 2023
>LINK: $6.16
>BTC: $30,342
>ETH: $1,868
>BNB: $236
>ADA: $0.28
>SOL: $21.90
>DOGE: $0.06
>LTC: $98
>MATIC: $0.68
>TRX: $0.079
>XRP: $0.47

>> No.55751980

Same reason why toad holders wont sell. Only bone will thrive motherfuckers

>> No.55752086

>Why is Chainlink held to a higher standard than everyone else?
you suck at keeping the scope of a conversation focused to the topic at hand, but so does my cousin bob, so it's ok

>> No.55753581
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If you don't see any profits, anon, then consider adding Krest to the list. It's listed on MEXC and serves as the canary chain on Peaq network. The trend is changing, so embrace change. This is not 2017 anymore.