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File: 176 KB, 1038x584, 8RKAP94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55744494 No.55744494 [Reply] [Original]

Earnings incoming

>Educational sites:

>Financial TV Streams:




>Pre-Market and Live data:


>Boomer Investing 101:


PREVIOUS: >>55742868

>> No.55744508

Told ya

>> No.55744513
File: 116 KB, 800x852, 1353779595928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn. Bears are so retarded. Lol.

>> No.55744514
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What did you sell today?
What did you buy today?

>> No.55744521

fuck, I should've bought some amazon before the close

>> No.55744525
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>> No.55744526

Isn’t it a little absurd for the market to rely so much on a single company’s success?

>> No.55744530
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My AAPL shorts will surely save me...

>> No.55744534

only 100K at 25, will I ever make it?

>> No.55744535
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>> No.55744537

You didn't actually buy today, right anon?

>> No.55744538
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>amazon soaring
bullrun almost confirmed saved. Just need to see apple.

>> No.55744540
File: 72 KB, 1080x406, Screenshot_20230803-155642_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well there goes these fuckers right into the trash

>> No.55744541

It's not that you mong. It's that the success of that company is indicative of the overall health of the economy which means that the bear case is shite.

>> No.55744542

NAQDAQ pump from Amazon is absolutely fucking anemic wtf, we’re barely at yesterday’s close. My calls I bought yesterday are fucked.

>> No.55744543
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*flick* ok, ok, no big deal...
A-alexa, cancel my kids college application.
Market cover my AMZN and move it all over to a leveraged AAPL short.
Google "what to do as a newly minted retiree"

>> No.55744545

Do you screen for stocks? or do you just browse twitter and news for ideas

>> No.55744548
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x720, stockmarketgen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smg gave me the impression that amzn was going to dump so rather than buying I choose #cashgang
never taking advice from smg again.

>> No.55744549

Has anyone noticed how for the past few years, literally every time the ponzi is about to start falling over one of the biggest slop peddler tech corps posts good earnings just in time and saves the market? It's almost like it's all scripted.


>> No.55744551

yes it's called a bubble
top-heavy index
if you take the bottom 490 companies of the s&p I can almost guarantee you'll outperform over the next 10 years

>> No.55744552

someone said earlier amazon calls im insider

>> No.55744557
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is there any reason for sticking around until mid september?

>> No.55744559

Did you actually think it was time to short big tech? Especially when one has AI meme to work? MSFT was the only big tech that sold off and it was barely enough to save your IV.

>> No.55744562
File: 51 KB, 896x853, animal i've become.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you dont inherit at LEAST a million dollars by 18yo it's over I'm sorry to say

>> No.55744563


>> No.55744565

>every time the ponzi is about to start falling over
what ponzi? the globe?

>> No.55744567

Hopefully the gloom of AAPL's low sales will weigh on everything even AMZN (I'm in the bargaining phase)

>> No.55744572

Cool so amazon and apple are gonna do well and we'll go into another retardpump necro rally
Sucks because I really wanted a bigger dip to enter some longs but I'm making money anyways so whatever

>> No.55744576
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>Picking zombie corps over the bread and butter of American hegemony during a time of rate increases
I seriously hope you guys dont do this.

>> No.55744582

How much longer till Apple?

>> No.55744585

I feel you. I have 10% cash from written options I havent been able to spend for months cause everything is at retard high levels

>> No.55744587
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Posting a classic to celebrate

>> No.55744588
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Why the hell would anyone short Amazon when META made it abundantly clear that ads are once again king? But seriously, how the fegg did they double the operating income? The fugg? Fire a bunch of people? Nah, can't be since more people than ever are apparently working... Seriously, how did they achieve this spectacular result?
I know mega caps have a bunch of ZIRPs but come on, do the rates not matter at fuckin all? High core inflation + low PPI ensuring high profits?

>> No.55744592
File: 60 KB, 896x378, shitandpiss500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have a chance next month, most likely

>> No.55744591

I wish the generations before me died already so I can finally be free
I don't like them, if they weren't family I probably would have never gotten to know them

>> No.55744596
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>> No.55744600
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>why would the market move when the biggest barometers of the market move

>> No.55744601

Oh no bobo

>> No.55744603
File: 389 KB, 793x531, 1662607340361353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AMZN, AAPL and MSFT all had good earnings
How will bears ever recover from this?

>> No.55744614

why does this seasonality exist?

>> No.55744623

AAPL hasn't reported yet

>> No.55744627
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15 minutes

>> No.55744628

it's not about what you buy, it's about how much you pay for it
microsoft was great and the future of america in '99 but the recovery of the price you paid for that greatness took 17 years, just to break even

>> No.55744633

Let Tim Cook cook

>> No.55744636
File: 84 KB, 1079x1079, 1689673623827787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see the future, and it's green.

>> No.55744638

Did apple drop yet? Thought its 430 typically.

>> No.55744646

I don't know if you're saying this because you are a Zoomer or you're doing it ironically. Either way, I chuckled.

>> No.55744647

They didn't report yet

>> No.55744648
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he can't lose

>> No.55744650


>> No.55744652

Its also a 1.3 trillion company.

>> No.55744657

>taking cock in your ass
>gift from god
maybe if god was a demonic retard

>> No.55744659

Any DKNG anons here? I told you to always bet on gambling. They've been pumping ads in my state since it was legalized recently.

>> No.55744662

Tim Apple's a top, dummy

>> No.55744663

This is your final warning.

>> No.55744670

So he has brainworms?

>> No.55744672

aapl, amzn, coin, sq earnings. big day for my etf's

>> No.55744675

he eats da poo poo

>> No.55744676

I have $55k in bitfarms, do I convert to Mara?

>> No.55744681

Kek, Draft Kangz is one of those companies that places like Seeking Alpha have been fudding all fucking year. They're up nearly 77% over the past 6 months.

>> No.55744684
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>> No.55744693


>> No.55744696
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Bezos and tim apple will cause another rally and Im out fucking booze again

>> No.55744702
File: 521 KB, 1106x1012, 1641271666851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To buy or sell? And why is the warning final? Oh God ... is it habbening?

>> No.55744708

Typical journalists trying to spread propaganda.

>> No.55744714

>betting against a fantasy sports platform in a nation which solely runs on fandom and spectator sports
lmao even

>> No.55744724

there is literally no case for Apple
t. just sold my all-in amzn gains

>> No.55744728

I'm waiting til September for real nigga slurping hours. Assuming crypto takes a giant dump along with the rest of the market.

>> No.55744736

Sirs when to all in TMF stock coin?

>> No.55744739
File: 453 KB, 414x499, 1539894139442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell in love with my female broker

I sold a position today for a $2000 profit, I wonder if that made her blush, god I love her so bad, I wonder what she looks like - she sounds cute and she complimented my diversified portfolio

were all gonna make it bros

>> No.55744742

App store

>> No.55744752

Big dicks returning from vacation in September and reassessing their portfolios for the holidays and schoolyear.

>> No.55744754

what about it? it's an innovation for 2009

>> No.55744756

>I sold a position today
what position
god i hate verification

>> No.55744760

mating press

>> No.55744767
File: 58 KB, 1000x625, 93DC07F0-9DDD-4490-B194-321C738337DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's his portfolio?

>> No.55744768


>> No.55744778



>> No.55744781

IEP, crashed hard due to unconfirmed rumors by some wall street sharks who own all the (( news outlets )) - bought the dip and got a 70% gain

Holding all my other AAA company longs, I aint selling anything worth holding long term

>> No.55744785


>> No.55744791

Me and your broker were laughing at your portfolio behind your back. I called it di-virgin-fied and then we banged.
t. Chad

>> No.55744793
File: 366 KB, 1000x1000, 1690994442027410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*beep* *boop* *beep* *boop* *boop* *boop* *beep*
Hey mumu, bobo here, quick, pull up AAPL I want you to check something

>> No.55744803

his broker is named Chaim.

>> No.55744808
File: 103 KB, 358x333, 1663803681546653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beat on the top and bottom line

>> No.55744809
File: 124 KB, 640x640, 1408942354643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooo dont say that Anon, my positions are excellent, Broker-chan would never make fun of me like that stop lying she would have advised me otherwise shes warned me about risky option plays in the past and she looks out for me

>> No.55744811


>> No.55744813


>> No.55744815

>APPLE 3Q EPS $1.26, EST. $1.20
>APPLE 3Q REV. $81.80B, EST. $81.55B
I have beheemed myself

>> No.55744816
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Apple saved the bull market.

>> No.55744819
File: 27 KB, 474x315, 1661252848491764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.55744822


>> No.55744823


>> No.55744824
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>> No.55744826

why is AAPL down?

>> No.55744827

It beat and during the call Tim Cook will say AI 100 times.

>> No.55744830

these aren't good numbers

>> No.55744831

AMZN pumping sky high from earnings damn

>> No.55744833


>> No.55744837

lmao close one

>sky high
come on

>> No.55744839

Crab day tomorrow, huh?

>> No.55744840

>tank expectations to the floor
>beat expectations
>stock pumps
It's really that easy, huh?

>> No.55744841

How smart of an idea is it to sell some of my strongest performing stocks and use that money to buy into my under performing ones?

>> No.55744845
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>> No.55744847
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>> No.55744849

retarded, absolutely retarded

>> No.55744850

PRODUCTS REV. $60.58B, EST. $60.67B

IPHONE REVENUE $39.678, EST. $39.88

MAC REVENUE $6.84B, EST. $6.378

IPAD REVENUE $5.79B, EST. $6.33B


GREATER CHINA REV. $15.76B, EST. $14.59B




>> No.55744852

not very. do the opposite imo.

>> No.55744854

Faggots thought amd was going to pump too, just wait till tomorrow

>> No.55744857

I'm sorry it keeps happening, anon

>> No.55744858


>> No.55744859
File: 62 KB, 599x563, 1648753161971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo semi's are dying

>> No.55744860

I have some stocks you can buy.

>> No.55744863
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We are so fucking back AMZN bros!

>> No.55744864

Very bad idea

>> No.55744868

what a day, just to end flat

>> No.55744869


>> No.55744870
File: 39 KB, 611x404, 1682930408492579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just look outside bro, nobody ain't be buying Apple devices anymore
Are some of you guys retarded? Apple... and normies... people will take huge loans and give up their own children rather than give up consumerism.
Well, tomorrow is gonna be fun

>> No.55744873
File: 2.41 MB, 700x1244, 1689409043457396.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its time.

>> No.55744876

Is it time to buy more ENVX
Wen slurp?

>> No.55744877

Why is it such a bad idea? Does it matter where the money comes from when buying dips?

>> No.55744878
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Uh oh

>> No.55744882
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Welcome to the big leagues champ

>> No.55744883

Apple doesnt really have AI stuff to blab about like AMZN will.

>> No.55744888

Congratulations you figured out the joke. All buy and hold gains come from inflation, you're never going to retire.

>> No.55744892
File: 134 KB, 876x527, 1589308975638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazon literally saved the market. we are so fucking back.

>> No.55744893
File: 1.96 MB, 480x600, 1687026131912440.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ogre.

>> No.55744895

they could just say they do and every retard will throw money at it, but they just started that high yield bank account shit so what happen?

>> No.55744897

I am retarded, but how does beating both earnings and rev estimates = bad numbers? what else should I be looking at? I frequently see this shit where companies beat on every conceivable metric but everyone hates it and the stock goes down. what am I missing?

>> No.55744901

Apple’s dumping it right now though.

>> No.55744902
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>AAPL back in the gutter
thank fuck at least one of my puts is gonna print tomorrow

>> No.55744903
File: 1.93 MB, 608x1080, 1677722055320405.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, bitches on dating sites arent even freaking out about the color of my texts anymore, tech is dead. Android is superior anyways.

>> No.55744905
File: 94 KB, 936x529, 1674288568791276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder most people here don't even own any stocks

>> No.55744908

I was still pretty down on amazon. Didnt buy the dip like i did for alphabet and msft so glad im finally breaking even again on it. Was depressing me out for a while since its a large part of my portfolio.

>> No.55744909

> Omg aapl is down almost half a percent
Literal nothing burger

>> No.55744910


>> No.55744914

Apple will bring it down like a nigger bringing down a lifeguard trying to save him

>> No.55744915

Apple will be $200 within a week. Bobos are evil and evil never wins.

>> No.55744916
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Sometimes it's guidance, sometimes it's some minor detail in the report, sometimes it's already priced in and some big investor sells out. Honestly, nobody here knows (if we knew, we wouldn't be here wasting away but instead live on Svalbard, comfy and away from all this bullshit)

>> No.55744920

Mentally ill sicko. Stop posting anime. You aren't that 2D girl.

>> No.55744924
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>> No.55744931
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>up .19% right after the bell
>now down .50%

>> No.55744934

I can't tell if the government should investigate hindenburg research or icahn enterprises

>> No.55744938
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>> No.55744942
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Because those were generously lowered estimates designed to allow apple to beat. Just barely squeaking above the charity estimate is bad.

>> No.55744944

Just say Jews anon

>> No.55744946

how do you know it will come up and not dip more?

you should sell losers and add to winners.

>> No.55744947

Well why would it be up before they even released earnings anon? It was clearly bait for degenerate bull gamblers who bought qqq contracts for 15 minutes after close because they thought they were smart. They weren’t.

>> No.55744952

>Long-time bear and asset-bubble expert, John Hussman, who called the 2000 and 2008 crashes has warned the extreme bubble in stocks 'will end in tears' with the S&P 500 plunging 64%

Should we be worried or nah?

>> No.55744953
File: 1.67 MB, 360x316, 1678032338454729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf but that's anti-semitic, bro???

>> No.55744954

Do people really view themselves as warren buffet for buying the same stock he bought a few years ago, except today at a 5x higher valuation largely driven by multiple expansion?

>> No.55744956

Quick! We need a necromancer! Someone rise tim cook from the grave!

>> No.55744957

I meant my portfolio which has quite a bit of AAPL in it

>> No.55744962

>S&P 500 plunging 64%
God, I wish.

>> No.55744963
File: 121 KB, 1300x2111, ken-curtis-people-in-tv-photo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started a new seed of UNG, 12 shares for the twelve tribes of Israel and perfection of governance in the Hebrew numerological system, at $6.88 with 8 meaning "new beginnings".

>> No.55744965

I know. That’s why it went up initially before earnings were released, to trick bull fags, then when earnings came out (and bulls could no longer get out of qqq) ait dumped. Pretty simple.

>> No.55744966

>Because those were generously lowered estimates
is there anywhere to track shit like this or is it just all rumor and hearsay? I really have no sense of where the estimates figures on sites like earningswhispers come from, they're just sort of there and I assume it's a blended average of figures that cold-blooded finance guys with money on the line put out. Or is it really just some dumbo in a room with a $30 portfolio throwing out random numbers?

>> No.55744971

>Do people really view themselves as warren buffet for buying the same stock he bought a few years ago
its buffett btw

>> No.55744982
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>> No.55744984

>>Long-time bear and asset-bubble expert, John Hussman

someone should tell john to hush man.

>> No.55744989
File: 2.98 MB, 520x293, 1676353058709397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem with bobos is that they are always wrong and right... the market always corrects itself but in the end only and always goes up. Since those bears are almost always bearish, they happen to be bearish during the instances when the market crashes, making it seem like they are some sort of prophets.
Who knows? But look at mega caps' earnings and then ask yourself, why should the market crash now when the earnings are that good?

>> No.55745005


>> No.55745010


>> No.55745015


>> No.55745017

At one point Rome had the best market in the world and then never recovered that spot again. Even Newton lost money being a degenerate bull gambler.
>Dude the east India stock will never collapse
Ok Newton

>> No.55745019

would you spend more time with people that make you feel bad or people that lift your spirits?

>> No.55745026
File: 133 KB, 817x656, 1682707404235569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earnings are this good
Because the earnings aren't that good in comparison to past earnings. They keep dropping expectations QoQ and they still barely meet/beat them. The valuations are out of sync with reality and are running on fumes at this point, I don't think we'll see a 64 percent decline, but a correction of 5-10 percent is probably warranted at this point.

>> No.55745029

This is my favorite Elton John song

>> No.55745035

>east India stock
southsea company. However you miss the part that the wealth doesnt disappear. Romes markets didnt collapse and dissipate. It shifted to different areas or was lost via trade export.

>> No.55745037
File: 208 KB, 312x322, 1679090694075773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bobo right now
People are losing their fucking life savings and boomers are losing their lives and what... you're laughing? You're enjoying this? Good numbers, good earnings, all that despite high rates and stagnating inflation... and you guys are pleased? Disgusting

>> No.55745042


>> No.55745049
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>> No.55745054
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>> No.55745055

LT vs ST capital gains.

>> No.55745056

Stop being antisemitic.

>> No.55745065
File: 735 KB, 1141x1113, 1618690035054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TSLA GOOG AMZN all green
Jokes on you, bobo. I still made money today.

>> No.55745066

Dude, AMZN beat earnings, why are markets shitting right now?? Did Apple fuck up that badly?

>> No.55745067
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yes but its mostly behind paywalls
theres seekingalpha, tiprates, and AAII

>> No.55745073

damnit tim apple
my OTM QQQ calls are absolutely heemed
need the fed to come in and buy up the debt market or im fucked

>> No.55745074

>why are markets shitting right now??
QQQ is flat afterhours. What are you even wailing about?

>> No.55745076

AAPL weighs heavier than AMZN GOOG combined. It's going to be a flat day tomorrow.

>> No.55745077
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For some yes, for others no. Some companies like AMD have reported abysmal earnings while Amazon for example utterly beat its 2022 comparison. Broadcom, ASML, and so on also had terrific numbers.
But inflation is stagnating and wage costs are starting to chip away at profits. The high core inflation + low PPI can only last for so long before they no longer can keep jacking up prices.
Plus consoomerism has largely stagnated and loans are re-financing soon.
Still, I think we are due for a small correction next month before soaring to new highs as the US tech industry is poised for a new uplift (pic related)

>> No.55745079
File: 101 KB, 1234x566, Screenshot 2023-08-03 135715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if this whole time was a bear market rally?

>> No.55745080
File: 118 KB, 1280x1075, 1670903438985177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hike rates harder so the incels can start having sex
it's the only way to fix what is broken

>> No.55745081


>> No.55745082

yes, pumped last time on muh china hype then now their china numbers were out and it was shit not worth the last hype

>> No.55745088
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>he doesn't know

>> No.55745091

The whole album is actually pretty good, I think it's got benny and the jets too, I bought this album at a thrift store on record as a young kid and my mom told me it rocked then freaked out when I asked what a jamaican jerk off was.

>> No.55745092
File: 900 KB, 711x400, jannies_work_for_free.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But being an admin is employment right?

>> No.55745093
File: 44 KB, 494x900, IMG_8542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just buy JPM and CSCO

>> No.55745096

When did the market ever crash because of earnings? Crashes are a force on their own. You can't predict them and bobos just wish for one. What they do is to either gamble on a slow grind down or bet on single stocks being shitty for various reasons.

>> No.55745106
File: 86 KB, 720x720, bded4ed4b2225cfdd0d270f6ae94bf1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what AAPL gets for trying to sell dick tuck clothes to kids.

>> No.55745109

Bitcorn still up
GBTC still up
Wtf where’s my dip

Enovix needs to dip harder

>> No.55745114

I do believe we will see a significant correction, But i do not see the end all be all. Doubt it will even touch Oct/Nov 2022 low

>> No.55745117

flat after a week with the biggest red day ytd.
my 42/43/44/45 bull call spread on TQQQ expiring tomorrow is looking heemed rn

>> No.55745127

It's more the fact that after the downgrade, the market was leaning on apple blowing expectations out of the park to keep on its steroidal path to one million. Now with just meh, the downgrade, rate hikes, incoming recession, rising inflation etc is impossible to pretend isnt there anymore. Also many markets have crashed because of earnings retard

>> No.55745134

people do this because they think value investing is just hunting for cos with low multiples, and they usually end up holding value trap slop with low p/e and high dividend yield

you should read this


>> No.55745149

>Also many markets have crashed because of earnings retard
name one

>> No.55745158

Reminder that after apple announced the first iPhone, their stock still crashed. ecause even the iPhone couldn't save the economy kek, no matter what you hold, you're just in competition for losing the least amount of money.

>> No.55745164

>All buy and hold gains come from inflation
Gains have to outpace inflation. Otherwise no one would take the risk of investing.

>> No.55745168

That was target

>> No.55745176

The dotcom bubble and the great financial crisis.

>> No.55745183

first, apple is a company that has sticky products with a short lifespan, so they have decent pricing power for their offerings, hence why they are priced at a high premium
second, market crashes are tail events, black swans, that aren't predictable

>> No.55745191

The covid crash was also earnings related.

>> No.55745194

Japans lost decade was in part due to companies that made no money (aka no fucking earnings) defaulting on their debts, sound familiar?

>> No.55745208

Holy fuck AMAZON wtf!

>> No.55745212

>Otherwise no one would...
Almost everyone on the planet is retarded. Whenever you start a sentence with those words, remember that yes, they would.

>> No.55745215

I have been saying this for years that the effect that the lost decade has had on japanese markets will ripple and is only just now entering ours and soon we will inherit 30+ years of crabbing.

>> No.55745221
File: 123 KB, 845x850, 18843D49-A982-4F18-A85F-CFDB7F9C0F7C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Head & Shoulders sell off on $ES should end about 4490 for all you slurpers

>> No.55745223

>tfw own msft, aapl, amazon and googl
So 2 of the big did well so far for me. Not bad.

>> No.55745224

Apple, Pear, people in 2100 won’t care. And your argument doesn’t refute my point. They lost top spot and declined for several generations before reclaiming even a fraction of their former financial power, even to this day it’s not even close. Bulls claiming something like that is impossible to happen to the US are either lying or have a tiny scope of history.

>> No.55745237

>The dotcom bubble
tulipmania that was build on growth perception.
> great financial crisis.
caused by a housing bubble burst and CDS shenigans
>covid crash
lockdown of the global economy

earnings have never cause one of these crashes.

>> No.55745240

i wish i knew history man

>> No.55745250

Okay, rational investors and financial experts would not take on the risk if that was the case.

>> No.55745254

So mad I didn’t get AMZN calls

>> No.55745271

People said the same about amd until the day after. Apple will tank a lot of amzn call holders if they hold after open tomorrow.

>> No.55745278

bet none of you just got head

>> No.55745280

i almost bought puts because most the product quality is so fucking garbage, but then i remember that consumers are fucking stupid and online shopping is king.

>> No.55745293

>reinforcing poor behavior
I hope you don't have dogs

>> No.55745297

>ICYMI - Russia to cut oil exports by 300,000 barrels per day in September
oh oh

>> No.55745299

>rational investors
Doesn't exist
>financial experts
Use insider information even though they aren't supposed to.

>> No.55745304
File: 37 KB, 320x293, 1657314448787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't skip leg day
I am watching you

>> No.55745305

How would you feel if you didn't just get head?

>> No.55745307

apple is 3 trillion
amazon is 1.25 trillion
thinking bobo wins today
gap down tomorrow
uptrend fully broken
mumu fully rectally heemed

also anyone listening to the apple call? everything they say is extreme cope lmao

>> No.55745319


>> No.55745322

I didn’t think of that, soz

>> No.55745323

>tfw this wouldn't even effect us if we hadn't stopped domestic production here in the US
>gas is currently $5.20/gal where I live
Thanks Biden.

>> No.55745325
File: 115 KB, 402x398, 1421816328609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do squats every time I'm in the gym but I'm paranoid that my thighs are going to get bigger faster than my glues and it's going to make my ass look flat by comparison.

>> No.55745327

This is just basic buy low and sell high though what the fuck are you talking about with this shit.

>> No.55745328


>> No.55745329

Can they afford to do that? I was under the impression that the russian state's revenue is dependent on oil and nat gas production.

>> No.55745337


>> No.55745341

Green text it
Or do you have a wife? Which would make it even more rare

>> No.55745344

>That was target

>> No.55745348

woman from credit suisse calls in, stock dumps

>> No.55745350
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Fellow men of culture.

>> No.55745353
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>> No.55745358

No I'm saying don't buy underperforming stocks right before a recession that's like as obvious as saying you probably shouldn't inject crack into your eyeballs, but your question was just so dumb I thought you should know. Ask simple questions and you get simple answers.

>> No.55745362

Ultra turbo green tomorrow and next week

>> No.55745363

janet yellen is buying as much apple computer as she can, pounding the keyboard of her mac furiously screaming NOOOOOOOOOO my MARRRRRKEEEEETTT

>> No.55745366

Whoops meant for you

>> No.55745368

or at least wait for the september sales. Imagine not hoarding cash rn

>> No.55745372

This, except red

>> No.55745377
File: 2.71 MB, 506x900, 1667002759907961.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have 400lb squat and 6 figure portfolio
>still no gf

>> No.55745380

Imagine not capitalizing on the downside. What, you only know how to be bullish or something? Hoarding US dollars right now is the financial equivalence of agnosticism, just saying you got no clue but you'll make no money either way
>inb4 'I'll have cash to buy the dip
It'll dip again, checkm8

>> No.55745384
File: 3.34 MB, 450x506, 1524211745406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple what the fuck

>> No.55745387

Average p/e ratio of the S&Poo has peaked. Bobos big crash is here!

>> No.55745393

operation get @finjourney banned from trading is in full effect

>> No.55745395

>global phone sales down everywhere
>R&D&M(arketing) costs for their VR goggles which has no product yet so no money to be made there
What were you expecting?

>> No.55745401
File: 19 KB, 500x380, 538879108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55745415

you do you smarty pants gl;hf

>> No.55745416

apple financial guy, whatever his name is, is just spewing his copes to every caller who asks why apple is fake and gay
now THIS is what a call a market top ending

>> No.55745426

Reminder that after the tech bubble it took Microsoft 15 years to break even, and that's one of the best companies on earth, hope you pick well.

>> No.55745440

You can't stop my slurp nigger

>> No.55745441

I don't short stocks

>> No.55745450
File: 1.72 MB, 400x225, 1666902410304408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said I will not harm the mumu, and I wont. But the market is the market and the dip takes the weak.

My market, my dip....my gains.

>> No.55745461

Puts aren't shorts, and if you can be bullish on a stock why can't you be bearish on a stock? Denial?
Boomers will, Warren buffet could murder you in his sleep should he choose to

>> No.55745465

kind of sucks amazon had such a good earnings but apple is enough to end the market
shorts are really jumping on it

>> No.55745467
File: 184 KB, 1170x1611, 1664517804880126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s as satisfying to me as cumming is, you know, as in having sex with a woman and cumming. So can you believe how much I am in heaven? I am like getting the feeling of cumming in the shower; I’m getting the feeling of cumming at home; I’m getting the feeling of cumming right now; so I am cumming day and night.

>> No.55745474

puts are a synthetic short, which the market maker still has to sell shares to hedge selling you that put

>> No.55745475
File: 1.86 MB, 360x213, billy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0.00% Daily Gain

Kinda cool. I wish I was zen like my portfolio.

>> No.55745488
File: 39 KB, 775x525, 1668458912913172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ser, I do legs every Friday

>> No.55745492

>400 pound squat
just because you’re a quarter repping fatty, doesn’t mean you’ve made it
prove me wrong, go ahead and post the video of you hitting that

>> No.55745494
File: 64 KB, 445x445, 1665464441194587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well when I buy a put I'm actually LONGING, so that's bullish. Checkmate, libtard.

>> No.55745496

Oh are you one of those gme cultists who think the stock market should be insultaed from downfall to protect retarded gamblers who think they're investing? Why do you care either way so long as you're making money? Inflation is still continuing anon, if anything holding cash like a normie is just losing you money anyways, like I said thinking you'll be able to time the bottom or whatever is just as much a gamble as anything else.

>> No.55745498

How tf does a stock at 5 cents have $60 million daily volume? $TIV

>> No.55745508

stopped reading at gme
miss me with 2021 meme stock shit

>> No.55745512
File: 57 KB, 808x636, threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BREAKING NEWS: Threads is dead on arrival, shocking absolutely nobody.

>> No.55745515

god damnit tim apple
it's fucking over

>> No.55745519
File: 191 KB, 483x578, 1668546939465886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol tell me you're a manlet without telling me you're a manlet

>> No.55745521

it's a lot harder to take over trade now rather than centuries ago

just like how nobody can build a car from scratch any more, nobody can replace a mega corporation entirely

>> No.55745524

lol social media companies trying to reinvent the wheel even though everyone has social media weariness.

>> No.55745527

Nice cope, next time just say you have no counterargument

>> No.55745533
File: 239 KB, 512x512, 00011-3776242527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAPL is gonna tank markets tomorrow, init?

>> No.55745535

Tell that to standard oil

>> No.55745536

dont even know what your argument is
i told you how puts work
if you dont agree then youre wrong because its a fact, not opinion
have a nice day and good luck in your future trades

>> No.55745541

Yeah it's fucking retarded. How many apps do we need that basically do the same damn thing? It's Twitter but without hashtags. Or Instagram without hashtags or stories. They're all the same fucking thing. Oh and it's got 1000% more influencers and advertisers shoved in your face. The ONLY reason it got any traction at all is because a different billionaire owns it and people have decided that the other billionaire social media guy is a transphobic Nazi.

>> No.55745548

kek baggies

>> No.55745556

>im not reading your posts
>still replies
Why are faggots like this. I’m merely asking you why you have a double standard, you buy when you’re bullish, but chose to lose money when stocks tank, I’m just curious why you’d chose to be that dumb but I guess you can’t articulate it.

>> No.55745559

So you’re a LARP
That’s what I thought
Carry on

>> No.55745564

The company that split up into 20 different smaller also extremely profitable companies which ended up making Rockefeller that much more wealthy? Ok

>> No.55745569

>110 years ago
>a basic bitch resource operation
not even remotely comparable to apple/google/etc

>> No.55745574

i just saw you say puts arent a short and i wanted to let you know that they are, synthetically
dunno what else youre on about tbqh famalam m8

>> No.55745587

You think Rockefeller was happy about that? His companies make up less of the market than apple does with phones. He’d have been a trillionare had they not broken them up. You somehow see it as bullish kek. It was a mega company, and it’s been replaced. It is NOT harder to take over trade these days in fact it’s easier, to look at the knockoff economy of China.

>> No.55745595
File: 209 KB, 1200x951, snoy-patent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads is everything wrong with social networks and the current crop of eggheads that they think "know the space". Advertisers legitimately think people like interacting with "brands" and that's it's enough to sell a concept.

>> No.55745599

>they are, synthetically
Is semantics for they’re literally not, so stop talking like a kike.
>Comparing Rockefeller to Tim Cook
Kek, thanks for the laugh

>> No.55745618

I suspect it's less "think people like" and more like "you *wll* interact with the brands".

>> No.55745636
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1617056798351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know long puts are negative delta which resembles shorting stock

>> No.55745650
File: 23 KB, 316x316, TheProdigy-MusicForTheJiltedGeneration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55745652

Did anyone get calls on Amazon

>> No.55745653

Its like zuckerbers only strategy, just copy trending stuff.

>> No.55745656

wife. sometimes it takes a bit of coaxing but once it’s in her mouth she can’t get enough.

>> No.55745663

>Missing the entire point
There is obviously a different risk level between an actual short and a put, you do understand that right? I don’t get why you’d pretend to be retarded like this

>> No.55745665

Right. You WILL interact with the brands and dipshit influencers whether you like it or not because they'll make it impossible to ignore them (unless you just leave the platform).

>> No.55745668

That heap of shit won't affect META's prices for a while

>> No.55745669

tim cook could have been dead and sockpuppeted for his entire tenure and apple would have done relatively the same, you dont understand shit and im gonna stop responding

>> No.55745670

Nah. We all rode puts

>> No.55745678

You literally just made my point so go ahead and die for all I care

>> No.55745685
File: 79 KB, 623x505, aapl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55745690

I don't even use twitter
If it wasn't for anons mining it for ragebait to post on 4chan I'd never see it.

>> No.55745695
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>> No.55745697

Today sucked major cock. I’m down almost $500

>> No.55745699
File: 179 KB, 1091x698, amzn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was up bout 10% AH right now

Tech gonna MOON

>> No.55745702

indeed, and leaving the platforms is exactly what I did, every last one of them (that I was ever on to begin with) permanently deleted.

>> No.55745703
File: 590 KB, 1100x485, 1691100151960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the marketing du jour is that they honestly think that people WANT to engage. They think people WANT to know if Taylor Swift is celebrating Grimace's birthday with a McDonald's shake. They seriously thought a more advertiser friendly Twitter in threads would drive higher engagement because they think people genuinely want this sort of happy-go-lucky corporate positivity space over being called a retard on Twitter or X or whatever.

>> No.55745712

I hate the media soft reporting of hard cold truths.

>> No.55745716
File: 96 KB, 777x486, aapl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To follow up on why its falling red AH post report

>> No.55745725

>Bad thing... BUT good thing

>> No.55745729

their best album

>> No.55745737
File: 21 KB, 587x334, Screenshot_20230803_170742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sinusoidal post-market price action pattern
Now that's one they don't teach you about at school
What does it mean?

>> No.55745739

half of my roth ira is in amzn
what the FUCK bros.

>> No.55745742
File: 278 KB, 782x1229, pork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55745745

Buffett will slurp the Apple dip, bobos will not be allowed to win.

>> No.55745748
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>> No.55745749

Theyre trying to pull the bottom out of the lean hog market!

>> No.55745754

I bought your mom a pair of panties last week and the shipping sales weren’t baked into earnings yet

>> No.55745766
File: 679 KB, 1500x844, STONKS-9800[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray to your God, go to sleep, wake up and face your price destiny

>> No.55745770

First word in your pic there is the key...*turn*. (((They))) are engineering that "want". If you've never seen it, Century of Self by Adam Curtis is an absolute must.

>> No.55745778

Tomorrow sqqq pumps to $20

>> No.55745780

>8% services growth
Thats barely inflation
Do they think we are dumb?

>> No.55745785

CNBC always seems to do this, that's why I love WSJ as my main source

>> No.55745793


>> No.55745797
File: 49 KB, 720x1006, cuteanimegirl_32687b33_1625024824295_sc_cmprsd_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ASMB stock ladies!

>> No.55745819

>They think are are dumb?
They know we are dumb

>> No.55745830

I’ll bet this is why the nasdaq restructured last week

>> No.55745836

i like how the fed glowjews are out there pushing amazon higher to offset apple
its only a matter of time
tomorrow morning will come and the market will sell

>> No.55745839

You think smart investors in a smart market would see shit like nvidia and palantir at current prices and say "haha green line go high" as they keep retardbuying and retardpumping?

>> No.55745845
File: 363 KB, 2260x1242, qqq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That literal last min dump on the cubes

At least its trying to recover AH

>> No.55745847

Cope, bobotard. We're pumping tomorrow and pumping harder on Monday.

>> No.55745857

Do you bears have anything better to do with your lives? All you do is torment us. Not cool.

>> No.55745858

This brings to question if might is right in regards to intellect. If retards bend the market to their will and make a profit through the sheer force of stupidity, are they not smart?

>> No.55745861
File: 190 KB, 2325x1100, Screenshot 2023-06-30 at 17-59-14 ES F Interactive Stock Chart E-Mini S&P 500 Sep 23 Stock - Yahoo Finance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You think smart investors in a smart market would see shit like nvidia and palantir at current prices and say "haha green line go high" as they keep retardbuying and retardpumping?
this has been the exact strategy of fund managers for at least three full decades.
has been a winning strategy, too.

>> No.55745862

cope with what? apple is going to sell pretty bad tomorrow lol
im fully in the drivers seat

>> No.55745866
File: 499 KB, 720x711, 1682181550561490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those media shill faggots trying to convince us that 100 fucking million users signed onto that platform in a single week
The entire app is just a bot fest.

>> No.55745872
File: 186 KB, 472x472, 1648750648979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, amazon is far below it's ath and is just clawing back to previous bear market rally highs.
appl on the other hand is on another planet as if everything is perfect

>> No.55745874

They are obviously smarter than I am. I see those stocks and think stay the fuck away from that overvalued fag shit, but they are making money off of it even though it is overvalued fag shit.

>> No.55745881

All the big sellers already sold off in after hours, it's literally going up tomorrow. You bobos are so retarded.

>> No.55745882

bullish for AI

>> No.55745895

Imagine being this new, to everything

>> No.55745903

lol, ahahahahhah
bro just no
you can still delete your post and we can pretend you arent this much of a novice its cool

>> No.55745905

All of them are heeming monies on streaming services now. Theyve basically given up and are relying on kdrams and shit.

>> No.55745913
File: 2.21 MB, 3456x5184, my-boooty-is-going-to-be-all-youre-going-to-see-bqpla86ysu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chart looks like poo, 1 min, 1 day, all of it

>> No.55745916

This much bearish euphoria over one red day is an obvious bottom signal.

>> No.55745917

Calls on pirating

>> No.55745923

For now
Wait until there’s no more need for actors and writers and these services own the rights to people’s favorite shows and can create infinite seasons

>> No.55745925

bro, your namefag name?

>> No.55745932

>This much insecurity after one red day, bull are ded
The acoustics in your head must be amazing

>> No.55745936

great now the shitty cuts are expensive

>> No.55745944

i should run to walmart and buy up the last of the cheap bacon

>> No.55745947

>pe ratio above 15
It’s overvalued still

>> No.55745948

Post your short positions on Apple if you are so confident that we will keep dumping.

>> No.55745949
File: 118 KB, 700x467, shadow-hedgehog-cosplay-03[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never a bear in the slightest but you gotta remember, there would be no bulls without bears, we need each other, that's how a market is made friend

(also I still hate this cap verf system years later god fucking dammit its pissing me off)

>> No.55745965

bro, youre done

>> No.55745976

So you don't actually believe we will dump, if you did you would have positions to justify it. Thank you for your concession.

>> No.55745987

Amazon earned 65 cents.
That's gotta be worth at least $150 a share. This shit should be breaking ATHs right now.

>> No.55745990


>> No.55745991

throw some in the freezer

>> No.55745995

>no more need for actors and writers and these services
They were useless anyways, we literally cant tell if scripts are ai generated because theyre absolute dog shit.
>people’s favorite shows
Theyre all dead anon, they killed them and puppeted the corpse around until they lost monies.

>> No.55746001

No conviction, pathetic bobocuck. Sad!

>> No.55746002

thats what i was thinking, freeze a bunch of it then in 6 months when bacon costs 300 dollars a strip i can pull some out to flex on insta

>> No.55746004

I explained it in another thread. Amazon is simply a ball with unlimited cash due a combination of high revenue and a smart payment scheme that allows them to have a bunch of cash in hand to invest in literally everything by doing nothing. It is going to be a beheamoth company that will keep ballooning for the foreseeable future. Doubters are just going to get BTFOed by big dick daddy Bezos

>> No.55746022
File: 321 KB, 1536x2048, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this >>55745858

Its not about perceptions of intelligence, ignorance, who's right who's wrong blah blah blah, its all about trend following, just swim with the stream as long as possible and get the fuck out when its starts to turn heavy and follow everyone else to the exit, rinse and repeat.

Obviously you wont get in during a safe period even if it looks like a hard long retard trend, but that's where stops get you out with bad timing with only a scratch, and the times you do get in and ride, you get a bulk of the meat trend profits. Remove all emotion, just follow the money.

>> No.55746029


>> No.55746058
File: 157 KB, 528x321, 1606820421637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amzn still ripping up
Kek whatd they say on the call?

>> No.55746068

They said to buy calls

>> No.55746072

>ignoring the crab from 2000 to 2013
bro it's worked for one decade
this is a QE and cheap debt fueled bullrun

>> No.55746084

Good. Bacon is fucking awful for you nutritionally and literal cancer. People don't need to eat the shit. Antiquated, inefficient, inferior source of protein, I hope the price keeps going up. Oh no muh greasy, burnt trash.

>> No.55746089

Whats better?

>> No.55746095

I dont know If I should sell AMZ now or wait tomorrow

>> No.55746103

PE ratio of 300

>> No.55746113

They gave a shoutout to /smg/ and ended the call with "death to bobos"

>> No.55746117

bezos spread his ass cheeks and blew old man farts into the phone to great applause by investors

>> No.55746127
File: 49 KB, 703x719, 1608130843924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to go to Mars to get more gold bars
Instead I went to Jupiter to get more stupider

>> No.55746137

FCF bro, FCF. Think about the long term potential. 1 trillion today, 10 trillion next decade.

>> No.55746150

Whats FCF?

>> No.55746173

free cash flow

>> No.55746186

apparently Baldurs Gate 3 is the best game ever made, so see you faggots in sept.

>> No.55746190

thank you

>> No.55746198

gambling on earnings is gambling since there is no edge there.

what does smg say to that?

paid shilling. wait a few days to get bigger picture

>> No.55746201

it was up AH and then ate shit at open day after earnings

>> No.55746205
File: 25 KB, 474x474, 1629776820314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I free cash flowed your mum

>> No.55746210

>120 GBs
yeah it won't be any time soon.

>> No.55746220

amd is wierd its like someone is bullying it.

>> No.55746237

>not waiting two years and getting all of the DLC and the bugs worked out for half the cost.
Zoomies man.

>> No.55746239

About time someone discovered her worth

>> No.55746242
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I didn't realize when you said see us in september that you would be spending a month downloading that over Venezuelan dialup

>> No.55746244
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>The acoustics in your head

>> No.55746247
File: 23 KB, 288x499, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>386 posts

>> No.55746249

I don't have enough HD space

>> No.55746253
File: 68 KB, 500x477, Make History!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't buy the generational bottom in october

>> No.55746268

you don't understand, we were supposed to get a third leg down
didn't you see the mott capital chart?

>> No.55746274

no what chart

>> No.55746291
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This is the last /smg/ ever.

As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, come whatever
We will still be friends forever


>> No.55746306
File: 67 KB, 1386x554, retardscantintoarchive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55746311
File: 550 KB, 526x613, 1634433932135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it. The last thread ever. I wish I could say its been a pleasure but frankly I deserve better. None of you can keep pace with my trading anyway. It's amateur hour in here.

>> No.55746318

beep beep

>> No.55746333

They promised you a third leg down right before the meltup. That's just mean.

>> No.55746342

New bread >>55746334

>> No.55746348
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>> No.55746614

>This is it. The last thread ever. I wish I could say its been a pleasure but frankly I deserve better. None of you can keep pace with my trading anyway. It's amateur hour in here.
This is it. The last thread ever. I wish I could say its been a pleasure but frankly I deserve better. None of you can keep pace with my trading anyway. It's amateur hour in here.

>> No.55746805

God I hope so. I have so many fucking puts it’s not even funny.

>> No.55746956

you are mistaken. rockefeller was rich, but his net worth exploded after the split. he owned all of the individual companies and they were all bid up by investors.

standard oil is basically all of the oil companies. ma bell is basically all of the telecoms