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557418 No.557418 [Reply] [Original]

You guys got any precious metals?

>my poverty stack

>tfw instead of buying alcohol and cigs buying silver instead

feels good man

>> No.557420

Yes (gold and silver), but it makes up less than 1% of my net worth. They're neat to have, but productive assets are better.

>> No.557421

about $7500 worth as a hedge, nothing more

>> No.557422


lol they goyim are out in force tonight

>> No.557423
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>> No.557427

OP here;

I can see why precious metals are a poor investment in terms of returns, but how do you feel about them as a way to hold onto savings or diversifying parts of your savings if you dont have much $.

For example, I have 10k in savings, but wouldnt know where to invest it, but I like silver, so am buying a bit to hold onto for the future.

>> No.557431


>I have the perfectly reasonable decision to not hold 100% of my wealth in a shitty asset that barely matches inflation


God dammit get back to your fucking containment board.

>> No.557433
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I don't really stack, but I have about 5k in Chinese Pandas, NZ takus A couple of A-Mark 10 oz bars, some canadian maples and a few American eagles. It always seems to me that precious metals are a store of value and not an interest generator. "Investing" in precious metals is pretty silly. I started buying back in 2006 when the price was about 9 bucks an ounce. I've been waiting for it to come down a bit, I had some paper-silver but I've since sold that stuff. The physical silver I'm just sorta holding onto just-in-case.

>> No.557435


Same. Its more a WHAT IF way of holding cash in case the happening happens and muh paper is worthless.

Interesting anecdote;

there was a famine in Greece during the second world war. many many people died of starvation. my uncle was a blacksmith with a small farm and had a few animals. One day a jewish man from the village came to him and offered him solid gold coins for a horse to feed his family.

tl;dr gold can save your life if you barter it when you need to

>> No.557459


Well, here's the thing, your uncle was self-sufficient. He accepted the gold coins because he could afford to trade the horse, he had the skills to live off of what he already had.

People (in general) are less self-sufficient now, and wouldn't put value in having gold coins. They'd most likely rather barter with useful commodities (water, canned good, even alcohol/cigarettes) in a similar situation than some rocks.

I see precious metals increasing in value as time goes on, at least here in the West, considering all of the gold being bought up by China, Russia, and India in recent years.

I only buy 1 oz eagles and generic bullions myself. Maybe a few grams of gold occasionally. I want to get into stacking more, but I can see myself blowing too much money on it.

>> No.557537

Precious metals are not a good way to store the majority of your savings. I sugest that you instead buy antiques. They rarely go down in value.

>> No.557540


Not sure if trole

>> No.557541

Too volatile atm. I might buy when prices have dipped a little more.

>> No.557546

I dunno about antiques, but PMs go down in value all the time. They have a high opportunity cost, so people tend to sell them when there's something else worth buying.

>> No.557548

I've got a few Krugerrands that I use as paperweights.

I had bought $20 of bitcoin when it was well below $1 to play with, and finally found the old wallet file when it was over $1k. I decided to cash out by buying gold coins.

>> No.557722
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A challenger appears...

(BONUS MODE - Estimate the value of this stack)

>> No.557731

PM is a good store of wealth for 3rd worlders.
For us shtf is a very real threat and if it really happens, there's still the world outside where PM is still valuable.

>> No.557732

>BONUS MODE - Estimate the value of this stack

>> No.557754

around $500

>> No.557765

Can I buy just pieces of silver?

I looked online at coins and bullion and it seems that the price is quite a lot higher than the PPW. I assume its the cost of manufacture.

Is there a way to bypass this cost and get chunks etc.

>> No.557766
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Well silver usually runs at least 2 bucks over spot, even at local dealers. To get chunks of raw silver you need to be a miner. No the overhead is to ensure that the dealers make money.

>> No.557769

that makes sense, dubs-anon. what is the use of buying silver or gold?

>> No.557792
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We're biologically wired to love silver and gold.

>> No.557797



>> No.557803
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Pretty much, you could argue it's the rarity of the elements or their industrial applications, but the truth is we're just sorta wired that way.

>> No.557838

yes it's true, retards and babies like shiny things

>> No.557839


Can't count that shit, no clue how many coins are in some of that stack. Counting or estimating is impossible.

>> No.557843
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>typical bitcoin investor.jpg
I see you're upset. Do you wanna talk about it?

>> No.558897
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It's a great way to have fun saving money, and I think those who try to think of it as a means to flip and create a profit don't understand that it's a store of wealth and it's a long term investment, and emergency fund, separate from your savings. If the dollar or whatever currency you use happens to go bust, it still trades in whatever currency you choose to trade it in, unlike Microsoft stock because if it tanks, it's worthless. If silver tanks, it's always worth one ounce of silver, which is the 2nd most used natural resource in the world, next to petro. Silver, until we find something better, will have tons of applications in technology and medicine. You can't reasonably store drums of petro in your garage. They won't be mining silver out of asteriods of whatever for a while.( I get this as an argument for how bad of an idea it is to buy silver) And even then, silver will go up for a while because it's mad expensive to mine. I think it's a great way for people with little money to truly save, and by gaining a hobby through it, you learn more effectively the stock market, because you are invested in it. Naysayers look at it poorly because they expect it to work like a successful stock (eg.Tesla) and are against it because "tin foil hats".The bottom line is, every currency since the 60's is a debt-based currency, leveraged through debt, and if you can buy something of actual known value with debt-based currency, who's to say you are dumb for it. It's a good time to take advantage of the situation and cost-average the value of your silver with bullion and some Gov.issue.
It will go back up, the price of silver is based on the COMEX, which is paper silver and manipulated just like any other paper stock.
Also, any profits you make with physical are cash profits, and easily hidden from the GOV.
I love the stuff, it's great, and has only been villain-ized because banks have more power over you through debt.

>> No.558960

What are PM's?

>> No.558968

I don't quite understand how you are able to hide silver from the government, could someone please explain?

>> No.558973

PM = precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, palladium)

>> No.558976

>Not buying a crate full of AKs

>> No.558993


Well in Canada at least for most silver and gold bullion you don't pay taxes on buying, but you are still obligated to declare capital gains if you sell at a profit (you're not given any forms at the point of sale to fill out like you would with the IRS), and dealers will only accept cash. The only evidence of a transaction is just your receipt

>> No.559006

> he does not buy and hold prime ministers

They can be quite a profitable investment.

>> No.559228
File: 707 KB, 849x565, pre 1964 junk silver coins - GoldSilver_com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, larger transactions (10k and up) have to be reported, but if you're like most people on this Earth, selling a roll you bought @ 16/coin for 20/coin,you would be foolish to waste your time with the capital gains paperwork. Most coin shops respect and have no problem buying your PM's anonymously. (they stand to make more money on the coin they sold you in the first place).
Its physical and treated like a collectible, so you sell it at the price you are comfortable at.
Would you file capital gains on an xbox you sold more than what you pay for it?
U.S quarters, dimes, halves, and dollars were 90% silver until 1964. If you found and old quarter at the bank and sold it to your coin shop for it's weight in silver, would you file capital gains?
Do you think people who sell "Dey Gol" to a cash for gold place are going to get audited for selling it?
In the U.S, the original 13 colonies (now the states of the East Coast) all have written in their State Constitution that the government can't tax Silver or Gold, because at the time it was the money of the land.
Point i'm trying to make is, unless you're in silver and gold futures, and leveraging your whole store's worth of PM's into it, than FUCK 'DA POLICE! They aren't sweating that shit, it would cost more money for them to come after you than the capitial you would earn in the first place, if you're most people.

>> No.559229

>They won't be mining silver out of asteriods of whatever for a while.( I get this as an argument for how bad of an idea it is to buy silver)
>( I get this as an argument for how bad of an idea it is to buy silver)
Wow. From what kind of people? Background, job, political etc.?

>> No.559239
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I posted this in a /pol/ thread yesterday.

>> No.559249
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Just an average self-employed artisan in a predominately cash industry here that also has a silver habit lol.
From buddies and other acquaintances who dabble in the market, y'know, everyone's a critic.
Heres the first article I found on interstellar mining, talking about platinum, but the same idea.
Fun fact: Most silver is produced as a byproduct of copper, gold, lead, and zinc refining.( wiki)

>> No.559252
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Niice roll of perth Goats man! I got a couple 1/2oz because of the mintage is to demand only, hopefully can turn them into a nice profit in the next couple years. those 1 oz? How excited are you for the labors of Hercules set? you plan on collecting them all?

>> No.559254
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>PM fags when then finally realize the spread on selling precious metals is about the size of the grand canyon making their "investment" a guaranteed loss.

>> No.559270

Those are only 1/2 ounce goats. I will most likely use them for gifts this Christmas.
I do try to get every weight each year for the lunar series though.

I think the Hercules set will be ok, its started out meh but the third coin in the series looks good.

My hopes are the later coins in the series are really good looking and get really popular. With the first coin of the series not even having a mintage of 7k would make those first and second coins have a very high demand.
This is what I hope happens, if it doesnt its still a ounce of silver. I just had to do it this time, last time with the zombucks I didnt buy and those first coins are now going for over 40$ on ebay.

>> No.559272

Bullion isnt a investment, its a preservation of wealth.
Numismatics are investments.

>> No.559273
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Ok, tell us a bit about your experience and what you consider a sound investment.
I can get where you are coming from, seeing as how the price of PM's have been in a fairly obvious decline since 2011, but why would you call it a guaranteed loss? I don't think a person who started buying silver in 2000 a guaranteed loss. 10oz of silver bought in 2000 cost around $70{equal to 96.50 in today's money}, if it was sold today,that same man could sell it for $164(rounded down bid spot price) Seeing as how the inflation rate from 2000 to 2014 is 38%,he made 67 dollars on that! Can you say the same about a person who bought one share of Microsoft? One share of Microsoft in 2000: $54 one share of Microsoft in 2014:$50,including cost inflation, that person has lost $18.94 I understand this is just one example, and not indicative of the market in general, but this is stock that most new investors would consider"a safe bet". The silver market will always exist, and is a lot more stable than you actually think. But please, educate me and guide me towards a better idea instead of trolling because you think you're the Wolf of Wall street. My argument still stands, silver is a great way for those looking to truly save their money and possibly make a small profit over the course their lives.
yahoo Finance

>> No.559276
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Me too, I'm really big on weird and unique bullion, it's so much more satisfying than paying for gov.issue, though I am crazee about my ladies (Brittanias, Libertads, and Walkers)
I'm hoping to grab a roll of Zombuck Feast dollars, and hopefully trade around for a full collection, those are the best looking ones ive seen yet.

>> No.559287

Debatable. I'd lean more towards saying buying collectibles (like numismatics) is more speculation than investment. There's no wealth actually being created.

>> No.559304


He's not arguing that silver's price will go down, just that buying "physical" silver in the form of 1 oz. rounds and weird commemorative coins is going to have such a huge spread (10% and up both ways) that you'll lose money even if the silver price goes up, even before you factor in storage costs (because if you have more than $10k in silver, you're gonna want to buy insurance of some sort.)

>> No.559316
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Two Words...... BANANA STAND.
Put all your silver in the BANANA STAND.
lol good point though. Honestly, 10k in silver would easily fit in a gun locker, with room to spare. But yeah the shit takes up space.

>> No.559343
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Why are you guys so upset? He put the word "goyim" in his sentence and you all go off on him. He must've really triggered you...

>> No.559376


>> No.559550

I sold all my silver when it was about $30/oz, now all i have is one silver eagle. Shit still looks cool though.

>> No.559607


Very nice but you couls also check the collector value of coins. I only buy special editions or coins with a pre arranged miinting volume.

Silver is best to buy now

>> No.559803
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Already posted too. I also have some palladium.

>> No.559817


mon nègre

>> No.560510


been to hebrew school

cant read any of that


>> No.560905

I want to buy some 10oz silver bars. What's the best way to go about that (online? local dealer?) and are there any brands (or mints, whatever) that I should stick to?

>> No.560942

>tfw none of my silver billions have a brand
Am I fucked /biz/? I didn't know the branding was so important

>> No.560944


>> No.560964

I had a good bit of silver eagles a few years ago and sold it all when I really needed the money.

I've been wanting to get back into silver and yesterday I actually got a silver quarter in change. I was super surprised, had never seen one in the wild like that.

I'll take that as a sign to get back into it.

>> No.561040

PMs are not a traditional investment, they're a store of value, hedge, speculation but would not really count as an investment since they're not throwing off cash like a piece of property, business, loan would. i wouldn't hold them forever, there is a time and place to sell everything if it becomes highly/overvalued. if you think the price of PMs are good now then buy some but don't expect to make millions when you want to retire, PMs get into amazing bubbles pretty rarely and it'd be wise to sell on the exponential move.

>> No.561050

I don't really see the point of buying silver that has massive premiums. The smaller you go, the less reflective the product will be of the spot price.

For 1oz silver coins here in Australia for instance, they have a $2 premium over spot. Buyback is spot.