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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 200x200, kuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5574092 No.5574092 [Reply] [Original]

KuCoin Shares basically give you a cut of fee revenue.

Seems to work out to ~8%. I mean...that sounds like a pretty decent deal. Thoughts?

>> No.5574171

Im thinking of converting all my ETH into KCS, trying to wait for a dip but also FOMOing a bit.

But for now, feel free to use my referral code for free gainz xd 18hJw

>> No.5574211

I'm just looking at the actual coin. Seems to just keep going up

>> No.5574217

Yes, as long as the crypto bull run continues in general can't see these being bad. KC has shown they're willing to list every new ICO, should make some good gains.

Probably no mooning but guaranteed to go up if all this shit continues. Biggest risk in these is that KC itself shits the bed.

>> No.5574262
File: 256 KB, 2044x1312, Screen Shot 2017-12-29 at 9.46.11 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got 2k of these comfy boiz

already getting mad dividends!
sign up here to be a part of it - before it hits $2 USD

>> No.5574271

And they will burn up the tokens making them more valuable in the future

Too bad they are expensive already

>> No.5574284

Watch cryptobeak's video on this shit and try not to cum

>> No.5574345


idk, currently it's 8% / year at current volumes and prices. it may or may not be expensive depending on what you expect is gonna happen to volume.

>> No.5574547 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 125x125, kucoinqr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I switched to KCS from ETH today. Use my ref link for luck, I'm 4x roi so far


>> No.5574591

How much dividends do you get m8?

>> No.5574696

I have about 1.9k sitting there, I got something like 42c in one day spread across every single coin they have lul

To be fair once the volume goes up and obviously the price of the coin should increase, it's not a bad idea to accumulate now

>> No.5574772

They're a lot more useful for whales/early adopters since they can make better use of the other benefits of KCS like lower fees (very helpful for arbitrage) and personal consulting services (this is more for native Chinese users)

>> No.5574800

about 50c per day right now - you get % volume of each coin traded on exchange mulitplied by how many KCS you hold.
this will only scale harder and harder as Kucoin grows.

it's CEO was a part of Alibaba, the largest P2P ecommerce business in China. enough said. vision is to grow to Binance type levels within 1-2 years. people have estimated having 10k KCS will give you like $36k / yr passive income, not to mention the actual value of the KCS token itself...

if you like free money and a nice ROI, sign up here with my referral please! spread the love

>> No.5575072

I don't understand. Why KuCoin and not COSS?
COSS seems superior in every way, KuCoin just seems like a shitty binance clone (although their rewards are good, COSS is in no way inferior)

genuinely curious, I don't hold either of them yet but considering buying COSS

>> No.5575283

Because COSS is even shittier. It's higher risk, higher reward. The current returns are basically 0, so you're taking a gamble on the fact that they will competently implement fiat trading and people actually start using their exchange in the future.

>> No.5575376

>fiat trading
you can deposit fiat on kucoin?

>> No.5575406

>buying literally Cuckoin

>> No.5575697

It is a great deal. Exchange volume is about to cross $50,000,000. Was $29,000,000 less than 2 days ago. The higher the volume, the more we make on fees. As long as they keep adding coins and improving the exchange, there's nothing stopping the volume to continue to rise as well as the value of KCS.


>> No.5575931

Do any of the upcomming decentralized exchanges also have this profit sharing? I fear that all current centralized exchanges will be made obsolete in a few years time.

>> No.5575953
File: 1.86 MB, 3024x3024, IMG_2095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kucoin Strategy:

>convert all ETH to KCS
>let it chill, gaining in value slowly
>wait for new listings i.e. moons
>ride pump
>sell at top or comfort level
>exit back into ETH
>buy back into KCS, parking coins


>> No.5575968

I was talking about COSS there.

>> No.5575988

Eth gives 12% once proof of stake is up.

>> No.5576225
File: 2 KB, 208x61, kucoin_volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just crossed $50m volume.

>> No.5576673


Nice mate.

>KC currently at 1/100 Binance volume

We can see volumes of exchanges as some kind of market cap here for exchanges - and hence KCS dividend.

>KC will list RaiBlocks

XRB is only on shit exchanges right now. 1400 BTC volume on BitGrail today.

>Everyone wants to hold this coin, not sell

Due to nature of dividends and prospects of volumes going up.

>KuCoin adds a lot of coins

More volume = more dividend

>Direct coupling to dividend

More dividend = higher prices

>Pays itself

You literally get more KCS by holding KCS

This coin is the fucking definition of positive feedback. I love it. I only hold KCS on the exchange.

>> No.5576702
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Already closing in on $51m only 15 minutes later

>> No.5576768
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>> No.5577397

should i buy kcs directly or is it worth more to buy directly the coin on kucoin?

Do i get portions of the coins mooning like bounty or deep brain if i own kcs?

>> No.5577967


>> No.5578042

nice going for it then. what time is payout calculated?

>> No.5578140

Midnight China time.

>> No.5578212

check em, use em


>> No.5578214



if anyone wants to use.

>> No.5578220


>> No.5578236

I think people should use my referral.


>> No.5578362
File: 84 KB, 400x400, r6T3NkV0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fantastic. Use mine and let's share and get in early!


>> No.5578398

how can anyone take this seriously? It has terrible name

>> No.5578578
File: 34 KB, 316x480, 1513703661022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just look at how many garbage exchanges are above KuCoin while it's gaining momentum like crazy. Buying KCS is a N O B R A I N E R

That said, the 50% fee share will only be in effect for the first 6 months, then it will be lowered to 10% and they will start share buyback. If you're on the fence I'd get in now to start gaining that nice passive income. I imagine that when the buyback happens there's almost no chance these shares are going to be lower than they currently are if KuCoin continues to grow.

>> No.5579337

what so 100k KCS will give me 360k/year passive income? wtf show me the math

>> No.5579515

Please use my referral.


Thanks anons!

>> No.5579836


Thanks famalam

>> No.5579923

ty senpai 1bfcv

>> No.5579967
File: 86 KB, 1000x1000, IMG-20171220-WA0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We moonin?

>> No.5579989

paranoid asf kucoin is going to get hacked and all my KCS will be worthless bags

>> No.5580047

have you no common sense?

>> No.5580107
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>> No.5580119

>ps1 shiny diamond coin,

that's my coin!

>> No.5580207
File: 33 KB, 1621x746, scamsite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people put their BTC on this shit? It's getting hacked any day now

>> No.5580303


>> No.5580361

No, they CAN lower if they want to. They were simply guaranteeing at least 6 months of 50%. Lowest they said was 15%.

>> No.5580542

shocking that chink scammers would use pyramid marketing to launch their exchange and then pull the rug out from their dumbass investors as soon as they make it. kuckcoiners are worse than street shitters

>> No.5580658


You're currently paying 30k for like 1.8k in annual dividends. Volume can 10x and you will only get 5k annual dividends due to KuCoin decreasing the dividend % to 15%. You're better off just buying any of the noob coinbase coins.

>> No.5580697
File: 4 KB, 205x246, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help a poor goy out

>> No.5580706

Oh thanks for letting me know.

It's not "pulling the rug" if they've told everyone in advance, retard.

>> No.5580727

This will be as high as BNB in January, especially with all this attention.

Just gripped 1K.

My code : E39yl1

>> No.5580801


lets hope this isnt a fullblown scam

>> No.5580802

so much FUD here. Buy KCS. It will follow the same trend as BNB.

>> No.5580838

What are you talking about? Sharing profits is not pyramid marketing, it's a great way to bring people over to an exchange. They are obviously competing against other exchanges and need to be doing something unique, you absolute fuck head. By the time they begin reducing fees, it should make no difference to your revenue because by then they should be growing faster than the rate at which they reduce profit sharing. What's wrong with that? They have to make money. Stop being a critical bitch for no reason, you child brained fuckwit.

>> No.5581049

I think your understanding of this is flawed. You're assuming that the price of KCS would not go up alongside the volume increase. The main attraction of the coin is the dividends, so its worth would increase alongside them.

I'm not saying it would be like 10x increase in volume = 10x increase in price, but it should be significant enough to outpace any of the coinbase trio for sure. I think KuCoin has a lot of room to grow. If they only did 10% of Binance's volume (2.8b), it would be a 5.5 times increase from current volume of 53m. With their aggressive marketing and listing of moon mission coins before anyone else, I don't see why it couldn't at least get to 10% of where Binance is.

>> No.5581098



>> No.5581440
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>> No.5581925
File: 501 KB, 1504x2124, 1514479699562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ref code 1bvbQ

>> No.5582006

How do I get the dividends? I go to the tab and it says my holdigs are 0, then on the market all the shit has the hold thing next to them but you cant click it.

>> No.5582029


bonus signup code for 16%:

>> No.5582071

Here's my ref code if anyone wants to use mine (please): 1du7Q
Bonus for both of us

>> No.5582142
File: 73 KB, 736x1031, haha-big-tiddies-haha-yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to sign up for Kucoin, use a referral link in the Discord


>> No.5582179

bonus signup code for 10% off twitter:


>> No.5582235
File: 581 KB, 720x876, hNSE5vl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bonus for everyone!

>> No.5582275
File: 3 KB, 192x192, kucoin_referral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5582281

use this bad boy

>> No.5582344


>> No.5582390

I'm thinking the same thing anon. Seems like a comfy coin to park in.

>> No.5582564
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>> No.5582664


>> No.5582777
File: 3 KB, 192x192, kucoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5582839

What do you gents think of Bibox token? binance clone with fiat integration and margin

>> No.5583123

yea its great use this sign up code for free shit 1Q554

>> No.5583169

has anyone tried to send KCS ? whenever i send to my friend it says can't send to another kcs acct...

>> No.5583274

when i go to sign up it doesnt ask for a ref code, whoever helps me out i will use their code

>> No.5583332

That's a nice article, but sadly
Holds zero credibility

>> No.5583381

I bought 500 KCS yesterday, /biz/. Will I make it?

>> No.5583422
File: 9 KB, 621x648, singup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This should come from https://www.kucoin.com/#/signup
it's the invitation code part there, if it doesn't work try a different browser like IE that's already on your pc. Maybe phone too.Also remember to check your spam folder for the link to verify email.


is my code, please use it browskie.

>> No.5583880

Passive income? Yes pls


>> No.5584297

Thanks if you’re using this code,anon

>> No.5584339

bruh, Ripple's coming to their plattform.

>> No.5584340

KC does look like a solid investment. If you're thinking about looking into other moon missions, though, check out this discords trend analysis. It's been on point all week and literally hasn't been wrong:


>> No.5584402

how/when do you get paid? I have had 1k KCS since this time yesterday but I still have not been paid anything, I thought it happens everyday?

>> No.5584429

There is no better moon mission than KCS. With only 5000KCS I'm earning 6$/day with the current volume. If Kucoin manages to match Binance's volume (not unlikely given the extreme hype), I'll be earning 258$/day, or 94170$/year.

That's fucking insane. All from a fucking 8 ETH deposit.

>> No.5584462


>> No.5584850

The growth potential due to giving people what they want should not be underestimated. This train is just getting started.