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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55740315 No.55740315 [Reply] [Original]

This is a big deal for icp. No I won’t tell you why. The future is brighter than you can possibly imagine.

>> No.55740354

Thanks for not even bothering to explain shit.
Digging I’ve uncovered;
>hashkey group is a huge icp proponent
>hashkey is also a node provider for the ic network
>hashkey is now (today) the only licensed exchange allowed in hongkong

So what am I supposed to draw here? Are they only doing icp trading pairs? Why would this be bullish for pisslets?

>> No.55741169
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Bongwolke ban: repealed

>> No.55741385

are there really no other exchanges allowed in hk?

>> No.55742182
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Bongwolke ban: reinstated

>> No.55742355


>> No.55742385

Icp bright future. How many fukin times have i seen that here still cant go above $5.

>> No.55743208
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apparently wanxiang is the parent company of hashkey and partners with unicom where some of the nodes are hosted. not sure what else im supposed to find here, but there is some interesting stuff between hashkey, dfinity, wanxiang, and deng chao.

>> No.55743220
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>> No.55743235
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>> No.55743252

not sure how accurate this is but here is a list of hashkey holdings by market cap


>> No.55743338
File: 573 KB, 2533x1246, Screenshot 2023-08-03 120204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

upcoming twitter space hosted by hashkey that seems to be exclusive to icp.

>> No.55743628
File: 95 KB, 1586x933, Screenshot 2023-08-03 123217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks like they only have btc and eth listed right now but my best guess is since they have deep ties with dfinity it will be one of the first cryptos available to HK.

>> No.55743720

fascinating thanks for dyor so i don't have to feeling pretty confident in my bags

>> No.55744169
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very interesting indeed. lots of big money flowing in and funding dfinity.

>> No.55744376
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Here's another little gem not many are aware of.
Gaming on the block chain is going to be huge next cycle. The internet computer is now able to harness the full power of Unreal Engine. No other blockchain/cryptocurrency is capable of this feat. ICP is leading the way in web3 innovation & leaving the competition in the dust.

Unreal engine, running at web speed, 100% on chain. There's a reason people keep saying ICP is the best tech in crypto. Because it is.

>> No.55745255

Phase two of ICP SCAM will kick off soon.
These same scammers, Hashkey, Alibaba, CCP, Wanxiang, were behind creating/pumping ETH and now they're going to do it with ICP too.
If you buy you're basically aligning with the CCP.

>> No.55745291
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>Bongwolke ban: reinstated

>> No.55745684


>> No.55746576
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fleeing from lawsuits to hong kong already?

>> No.55746596

Who here was a victim of the ICP scam?

>> No.55748390

Thanks for the deep dive my man.

>> No.55748402

I don't really follow ICP but when ever I see a SNS thing I throw 10icp into it and now hold a bunch of those shitcoins plus what ever ICP ive accumulated here and there. I have a sneaking suspicion this coin is going to make me rich though.

>> No.55748550

Good. Fuck the gay american empire. Your currency is crashing, your economy is fake, your values are dogshit, and your population is entirely niggers.

I hope your shithole gets nuked repeatedly.

>> No.55749149

SCAM indeed. I don't know why the board have to let them share it here. I had faith in it until it sank me. Who shilled it again? I rather stay with AVAX, LINK, MATIC, and maybe NXRA now instead of holding ICP for the coming pull.

>> No.55749178

I will happily get filthy rich from the work of the chinks.

>> No.55749210

but does the number go up?

>> No.55749220

heh wait till hong kongers see the urls

>> No.55749265

Vanity urls are deploying now…

>> No.55749344

>this is a big deal for my cebtralized shitcoin
so irrelevant, ok.

>> No.55750517

bloomberg news reported on hashkey

>> No.55751666

Are we talking about Ethereum or Bitcoin here?

>> No.55753454
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Not even asian money will be able to fix dfinity's collective manipulation. Just read the Arkham report on it, it's fucking mental how deceptive and dishonest these people are. Maybe in like a decade or so, if you are willing to stick to a shitcoin for that long to see how it goes, then go for it. Maybe they won't siphon all your money to insiders and themselves this time.

>> No.55753518

So all of this only applies to Hong Kong? Who cares, niggas there can barely pay for their 5k monthly rents.

>> No.55753523
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You are greatly underestimating the power and wealth of the Chinese, gwailo.

>> No.55753530

>said Timmy from his comfy room in his parent's house in Oklahoma

>> No.55753544
File: 302 KB, 1033x418, Screenshot 2023-08-04 143925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ICP baggies think they are saved
Lmao, even
Kek, if you will

>> No.55753551 [DELETED] 

Looks like ICP has had its time at the top anon, it might never get to its ATH again. I'd rather focus on low caps in the space like Tomo, Krest and Rndr which have potential for huge long term gains.

>> No.55753555

ICP was always a VC scam. The arkham report was the equivalent of saying that water is wet anyways

>> No.55753561

that pic is literally fucking me

>> No.55753576

>they created """cryptoleaks""" just to counter the arkham report
My fucking sides

>> No.55753585

>no wallet addresses in the whole ass report
they want to kick icp down because it dying is good for them miguel is a snake

>> No.55753616
File: 294 KB, 1600x1130, 62d16dbd8f7b531874f2e2e8_L9jgDSfQ3w7xTYLKzj67R_-W12TAO_JT6_ea96-HuIHHIg5Fg2e25OTLsXgHDhUKWdEbKMBgnZEJj93pY5q8WeVAvmfoctYnyERgE6QocZFF5DeuTyrKknwFLLkOAQbFTozCntjfNtyX8MDaqPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baggie. Please open your eyes a little bit wider. I know you want to larp as a chinaman because they'll throw you a bone but you aren't one.

Read >>55753518

>> No.55753786

shut up Miguel why don't you go suck Sam's weewee for some more funding

>> No.55754567
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>> No.55755810 [DELETED] 

VC controlled assets are a no for me. Decentralized alts are better and I have AI gems like Fet and Agix for future gains, alongside Peaq which would grant users ownership of machines through NFTs.

>> No.55755834

Nobody cares spamming faggot

>> No.55755937

That's pretty @fucked (tg) my man

>> No.55757007

>in this moment I am euphoric

>> No.55757148

I'm pretty sure there's atleast LBank but it's the licensed part that's important